Tour of the Peaks



  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    The water stop was a good idea but should really have been at the top of Holme Moss. By the time I rode past the water van all I had in mind was the last 5 miles or so to the finish and getting through these as quickly as possible, not stopping for a quick drink.
  • Wardster00
    Wardster00 Posts: 143
    SV Gary - My brother and l stopped behind you on the A515 when the cows were crossing and both took a picture of your car because we couldn't believe that you had a bike rack! Nice job!!!

    About the ride, I had a great day and thoroughly enjoyed the day. I did the medium route and thought that it was just about right to be a challenge and enjoyable at the same time. I agree with all of the comments about putting Winnats earlier on and trying to avoid the traffic but I don't think that it should be taken out of the route. One of the reasons that I entered this event was to ride Winnats and cat and fiddle as I know that I would always find an excuse not to. Do them if I was in the peaks on my own.
  • Agree with pretty much everything already said, but wanted to add my 2p worth too... I got up Winnats but was fortunate, I think, as a lot of people in front of me stalled because of the traffic. I did the medium route - the long one must have been mighty hard work, and in addition to the two big climbs on our route, the one right at the end above Combs was a toughie, as I was bushed by then. I was very grateful for the impromptu water stop above Buxton on the way home - the kind of thing I thought / hoped would be put in by a top sportive organiser, so top marks for that.

    The very poor feedstop was a real surprise. More than the lack of choice, what really got me was the 15 minutes we spent there. We'd budgeted about 5 minutes, so missing a silver time by 2mins was a touch gutting. I'd never seen anything like it - apart from the Trafford Centre on Boxing Day!

    The other big down was the quality of the photos. We were riding in some of the finest scenery on our little island, on the sunniest day of the year so far (and maybe all year...) yet the photos on Winnats have no appreciation of the landscape, the ones on the moors have all manner of tatty road furniture in them and the general composition is very uninspiring. £9 or whatever it is for these at 1600x1200 pixels seems crazy. I was really looking forward to a great hero shot, but they've just not delivered.

    Finally - paying for food at the end didn't sit so well either, so I just waited 'til I got home.

    So - great route, well signed, generally very nice people running it, gels & sunscreen at the start, a good roll out and extra water en route were marred a little by the food stop, the photos and the food at the end. I'd emailed the organisers about this on Monday but they've not responded.
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  • alanp23
    alanp23 Posts: 696
    I live close to the north end of the route so are planning to use my Bonus Bank holiday to try out this ride.

    I am looking forward to it. There are some decent climbs and thats ignoring my favourite little struggle through the Strines.
    Top Ten finisher - PTP Tour of Britain 2016