Tour of the Peaks



  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    I stupidly underestimated this event and decided to cycle up from my parents house in Sheffield for the start. So I'd done 24 miles before I even began.

    Then my stomach seemed to develop a phobia of gels/energy drink etc and I felt like I was going to throw up from about 45 miles onwards. Couldn't get any fuel into me and so I ended up finishing in the last 50 riders with a cracking time of 9.30.

    Top day and despite the pain I enjoyed the ride - my longest single day ride to date!
  • xscreamsuk
    xscreamsuk Posts: 318
    Rode with a mate so was at his pace, my rolling time was 7.48 but we had a lot of stops and waiting and were among the last in I would guess. But we got round, and I enjoyed the climbs, made it up all of them seated. Winnats v busy with traffic though. Could have done with a bit more options at feed station 1, big queue and a limit of 2 gels, glad I took plenty of my own. Great training for The Etape for me though, especially coping with the heat.
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    Just looking at results online now. Quite pleased with 3rd quickest time for the 98 miles at 6:06:04 :D

    The results are a little confusing, I'm guessing that the "position" is at what position you crossed the line? But then to get your finishing position you need to base that on time?
  • CumbrianMan
    CumbrianMan Posts: 240
    Willy, do you have a link for the results? Couldn't see anything on KTG website yet.
    "There are no hills, there is no wind, I feel no pain !"

    "A bad day on the bike is always better than a good day in the office !"
  • McNulty
    McNulty Posts: 63

    The links came in an email last night, its got the links to the photos and videos too (when they get posted)
  • SV Gary
    SV Gary Posts: 21
    Finished in 5hr48 - Great day, really thought that once I had completed Winnats ( I also had to dodge the Ambulabce!) it would be relatively easy from then on in but some vicious little climbs and the heat took its toll - well knackered by the end!
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    Was that the Long route Gary?
  • WorcsPhil
    WorcsPhil Posts: 19
    Great times...6:03 is tops on a course like that. I see that even though you were the 3rd fastest finsher, the very-tough Gold standard of sub 6 hours proved elusive to all but one person. Even the Silver (sub 7) was tough with only 80 getting that. Suffice to say, I didn't...but still pleased with 7:15 as the course and heat made it a very tough day. Have to say, I thought the route was terrific, climbing all day, with some fast descents (and some slow ones on twisty lanes), and mostly in light traffic, although have to agree that Winnats, which should be the highlight due to the scenery is also the low light due to the constant stream of traffic. There is an equally tough hill at Langsett, that hit hard,...thanks for tip from an earlier post on this one, I was geared up for it in good time. Only been up Holme Moss once before (all other climbs were new to me), and last time it was freezing at the top, with rain...what a difference yesterday. So overall, we could moan at some things such as the standards being a bit unrealistic, and a later start than was necessary, but it is definately a top sportive in terms of the route, scenery and toughness and really glad I did it. I guess the weather is like that all the time in the Peaks, don't know what you moan about!

    oh, and to get the times a bit more sensible, you can chose sort by Finish time on the left hand didn't improve my time however.
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    Cheers Phil. That drag from Ladybower over to Lagsett was hard! Such great scenery and really miss riding around there, as it used to be my local area!

    Got to agree about the Gold & silver standard, a hard ask!

    Think i'll certainly be doing it next year!!
  • rdt
    rdt Posts: 869
    Re Winnats: no one sensible would normally be trying to ride up it on a Sunday lunchtime in the middle of tourist season on a sunny day (e.g. I'd always choose to climb Mam Nick and descend Winnats - the opposite of the event route). But the organisers' hands are tied I guess by them having a route that's all about linking up the Peak District's "flagship" climbs, being what most entrants are coming for.
  • xscreamsuk
    xscreamsuk Posts: 318
    where are you guys finding the results?
  • SV Gary
    SV Gary Posts: 21
    Willy B - it was the medium route

    Times can be found here [url][][/url]

    As a matter of interest what do people think is the hardest climb out of Mow Cop and Winnats?
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    Results, Photos (when up) were all send by email yesterday with a link.
  • xscreamsuk
    xscreamsuk Posts: 318
    no email received,
  • xscreamsuk
    xscreamsuk Posts: 318
    Found the email in spam trap now, will look for piccies next,
  • McNulty
    McNulty Posts: 63
    does anyone know officially how many feet/metres of climbing the 97mile loop is?
  • blackpoolkev
    blackpoolkev Posts: 474
    McNulty wrote:
    does anyone know officially how many feet/metres of climbing the 97mile loop is?

    My Garmin 200 reckons it was 10,430ft.
  • kayo74
    kayo74 Posts: 299
    Does anyone know the total climbing on the medium route as my Garmin battery went off at 50 miles?.

    Many thanks.
  • McNulty
    McNulty Posts: 63
    bloody hell :D impressed with myself! thanks!
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    Just completed the rider survey - marked down for poor quality foodstops.

    I did the KTG Cheshire Cat last year and the variety of food on offer at the stops was much much better and the quantity was sufficient to give you as much as you could eat! Plus free pasta dish at the end.

    This year - one half of a banana, a jaffa cake bar and a couple of gels at the 1st stop and a high energy bar or Galaxy cake at stop 2 then £3-4.00 for food at the finish. Not great. Even the cheapo audax I did in February managed a free plate of beans on toast and a cuppa at the end.

    I think KTG may have too much of an eye on their margins. That said, it was a great ride and well organised, so no regrets.
  • CliveWG
    CliveWG Posts: 7
    Agreed, my feedback mentioned the stupid idea of rations at food station 1, the daft start time of 9-10, the crazy minimum average of 14 mph initial cutoff, until common sense prevailed. I always take my own food, but it's nice to have a backup sometimes.
    I also mentioned the good signage and I liked the temp water provision just after Glossop.
    Overall I thoroughly enjoyed my day but not sure whether I'd do it again, poor quality event perhaps? It seems weird that this and the Cheshire Cat are organised by the same crew, seem miles apart in terms of quality, hmmmmm.
    Also maybe gold should be <6.30 and silver <7.30 as the standards seem quite impossible at <6 and <7 for many.....or have I got this wrong?
    Unlike Etape Du Dales I didn't have any noggins cutting me up in desperation to stay on others wheels, in fact I thought that the quality of riding was good - nice one fellow cyclists ;-)
  • Guys if you want to share your rating and ride - feel free to add you comments to our site - good to give the organisers feedback, but we want to have a shared resource that everyone can use to decide where to spend their cash next year.
    Independent website - Rate and share your sportive experience
  • xscreamsuk
    xscreamsuk Posts: 318
    Any idea where photos are other than at sportivephoto? Seen those but I know there were a load more taken.
  • copper585
    copper585 Posts: 141
    SVGARY - As a matter of interest what do people think is the hardest climb out of Mow Cop and Winnats?

    Personally think Winnants is, its lot longer and the steepness is more sustained, as Mow Cop is steady till the final steep ramp at the top for a few metres.

    Rode the event as a last minute decision due to illnes previous week. I had entered the 100 miler but doubted i would manage this with little training.Must say this went down as my hardest day out on the bike, the heat at times was very oppresive, my garmin recorded 85 degrees, and the constant strong head and cross winds really took its toll,after 13 miles i had emptied a 1lt bottle :shock:

    I agree with others I thought the 0900 start was far too late, and the cuts off time unrealistic, even extended to 1300hrs was still tough, the long route should have had an 0800 start, although to be fair they did get everyone off very quickly, I was quite far back in the queue and was suprised to be off at 0910.

    Although a tough route I did enjoy it, fantastic scenery, great to see so many riders out, especially those who must have struggled on mountain bikes, I even saw one girl riding on a shopper type bike!!

    Agree the food stop was very poor, ltd to half a banana,a jaffa cake and a gel,I usually stay away from these large sportives and ride the smaller club run ones such as the Polka dot and the Big G, their food stops are far superior, no big queues as ltd to 600 riders, and you get a free meal at the end, which I would have prefered to a bag of "goodies", which I just gave away.

    I think Winnants was always going to be a reciepe for disaster on such a nice day, and led to many frayed tempers between car drivers and cyclists, the combination of the ambulance and someone who stalled and couldnt start their car, led to many unclipping, the steepness meant starting was almost impossible and I had to walk the remaining bit, as many did.Think in future Winnants should be avoided if the ride is going to continue at this time of year.

    Anyway after struggling round I took the decision to wuss out and do the short route, was utterly exhausted, the descent back towards the finish was great,with finally a back wind,however i just couldnt quite get the 50mph! Even the little climb up thru Chapel to the turn off to the finish was excrutiating, oh and that little climb to the first food stop was just cruel!

    Well done to everyone who completed whatever ride you did, was a hard day.Roll on my next ride on June 17th the White Rose!
  • Slacey
    Slacey Posts: 78
    I had a mixed ride. Started off great, got there early and had time for coffee in the sunshine. Left in the first few batches (suncream and an extra gel was a nice touch for those that needed it). Had a cracking ride to the first feed at Tideswell, queued for half a banana and a gel which was poor for KTG, then turning out of the road back onto the road, bang! Front wheel went straight out from under me and I went down heavily on my left side. I wandered bloody and bruised back to the feed to be offered... savlon. The first aid kit they had was similar to one I keep in my car, basic to say the least and out of most basic things like antiseptic wipes. I have heard that another poor soul went down on the same corner leaving the feed but broke his hip, so I count myself lucky!
    Not in the best of moods I decided I'd cut to the medium route as it was hurting to pedal. Started up Winnat's OK, but then the chaos of traffic, cyclists and tourists took their toll and I had to stop half way up as a car stopped right up against the verge. No chance of getting going again on that slope (thanks to the ladies who offered to push though) so my mood was darkened further. Got around the rest of the route with no trouble, and the weather and scenery was good enough to divert my attention from the pain in my hip and shoulder, once at the finish I didn't hang about though and the none too cheap food wasn't overly appealing.
    I certainly can't blame KTG for my off and the traffic on Winnat's - but an earlier start may have mitigated that - but the event just wasn't up to their usual standards. Reckon I'll give it one more go next year, if only to complete the full distance!
    Freelance Journalist
    ex-Team Cycling Plus 2011
    Three Boardmans and a Spesh,
    numerous test rigs
  • SV Gary
    SV Gary Posts: 21
    Well this was my third sportive - the Rut last year then The Cheshire Cat and then Tour of the Peaks. When I first tried Mow Cop on a reccy trip (weighing in at 100kgs on a Specialized Secture) I am afraid I could not get up the last steep section. So diet got me down to 95kgs and some hill training and I managed 5hr 30m for the Cheshire Cat with a Mow Cop medal to boot! The first half of The Peaks I really enjoyed - steady climbs with great views, not too hot and a gentle cooling breeze. I always take my own food/water so never feel the need to stop at the feed stations but did get feedback from those who did about how poor it was. I decided at the outset, given the heat, that I would put the effort in where I needed to i.e. up the hills and then take a breather going down rather than pushing on for a good time. I found the second half a bit of a struggle - managed to get up Winnats dodging the ambulance, but it was a real grind. To be honest I struggle to decide which was the hardest Mow Cop or Winnats hence the earlier post. What really got to me however were the repetitive and relatively small viscious climbs on the back half of the ride and to be honest by the end I was tired. I managed a time of 5hr 48m which was ok given that I know I wasn't pushing for a good time. All in all though a thoroughly enjoyable day especially since I had a good ride to and from the event in my Caterham R400 with its new bike racks on the back!
  • McNulty
    McNulty Posts: 63
    its interesting to see the comparison with the Cheshire Cat - I did that too and I agree that the TotP didnt feel as good in comparison. I wonder if the first food stop problem was down to the woman manning it....who was a proper miso and I wonder if it was her that decided to ration the stuff? But in saying that there were far fewer toilets than I expected and not enough water butts......and the second feed stop on the long route was weird as it was a camp site thing or something so wasnt much better in terms of facilities.

    I also seem to remeber that that the Cheshire Cat stops had a little retail outlet thing that I couldnt see this time- I got TWO punctures (the second of which ws on the stones in the first feed stop) which meant that was me done for inners and I wanted to buy another but no joy (thankfully no more P****** occured)....

    Although in saying that the suncream and gel at the start was a lovely touch as was the water stop at glossop!

    The biggest issue for me was the start time, especially as Winnats pass was halfway round so everyone would have arrived there between 11 and 1 to coincide with the peak time for tourists & cars. If the start time cant change (maybe its a council/police thing) maybe move the start to put Winnats pass in the first 10 miles - at least then if you dont get up in one its down to legs and not clutch control/volume of traffic!
  • CliveWG
    CliveWG Posts: 7
    Hey Slacey, I also came off on that corner out of t1, when I came off the previous chap who was still recovering went to tell them (many thanks), not sure whether anything was done about it. Seemed like some invisible grease maybe!
    Agree with McNulty, Winnats should maybe be early into the ride. Perhaps the longer sloggier rides where traffic can easily pass (and riders don't have to stop) should be towards the end?
    I was lucky this year as had a free ride up Winnats, despite the ambulance screaming the other way, but I remember 2 years ago being mayhem, chaos.
    I think that the Mow Cop climb is easy compared with Winnats, Mow Cop is steady then 1 quick short blast.......and not anywhere near as much traffic to stress out us riders! Winnats of course is far more scenic and exciting!