Am I the only one who.........



    DIESELDOG Posts: 2,087
    Just my usual post post of "Popcorn Please!" And personally I would like the Police and the Armed Forces to be able to strike. Why not? Everyone else does when they get a sh1t deal.

    Yeah this may be a rambling but I'm not one for having the goal posts moved when you're well into a "Career" just kind of sucks to me, then again, I just don't like "Goal posts" being moved full stop.

    Love n Bitter Hugs,

    Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Replying Laurentian and The Stone - I don't know where the money will come from, but how much is it actually going to cost? How much will the government save by making the changes and could that money not be found elsewhere? For example, do we really need a nuclear arsenal? Why not cut that and fund pensions?

    I'm not an economist, but I have very little faith in the government and the media to report these things accurately.
  • nweststeyn
    nweststeyn Posts: 1,574
    Am I the only one who.........

    Thinks that those in the private sector shouldn't be so quick to lump in all public sector workers together, and that those in the public sector shouldn't be so quick to assume that everyone in the private sector hates them. There are thousands upon thousands of different jobs, not everyone is the same, but during my time in the public sector I have to say it really wound me up when people referred to me as a 'lazy public sector worker with a gold plated pension' after I finished working 36 hours in 2 days.

    I chucked it in anyway, now I work part time in a private company and have almost no rights whatsoever. But somehow it's better.