road raged



  • rake
    rake Posts: 3,204
    :?: care to expand. i see youve cleverly deleted certain bits to put my statement out of context. Is that what you call brains. there could be some with more brawn and brains than you so dont get your knickers twisted.
    Now hold your chin out, little higher....
  • mouth
    mouth Posts: 1,195
    Two issues here - A car/van driver getting that upset is obviously either having a very bad day, or he is just a complete tw4t.

    But, riding two abreast can be pretty annoying to a car driver, and annoys me at times, especially when no attempt is made to make it easy for a vehicle to pass. Perhaps a bit of unnecessary arrogance on both parts.

    ^^^ This. I drive a bus for a living and I make no secret of the fact. When I get stuck behind cyclists I don't mind so much if they seem to make an effort to let me past.

    You say something similar has happened 3 times in 3 weeks? Our drivers at the bus company are asked to take a look at their own actions before those of others when they are involved in several incidents in a short space of time.
    The only disability in life is a poor attitude.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Anyone remember Dave Rayner ? One punch and he died.

    With experience - you'll learn to avoid aggravating the incident. Some drivers are plain stupid and wrong. And some of those are stupid and violent. Its not worth trying to find out which type you've encountered.
  • OwenB
    OwenB Posts: 606
    Mouth wrote:
    Two issues here - A car/van driver getting that upset is obviously either having a very bad day, or he is just a complete tw4t.

    But, riding two abreast can be pretty annoying to a car driver, and annoys me at times, especially when no attempt is made to make it easy for a vehicle to pass. Perhaps a bit of unnecessary arrogance on both parts.

    ^^^ This. I drive a bus for a living and I make no secret of the fact. When I get stuck behind cyclists I don't mind so much if they seem to make an effort to let me past.

    You say something similar has happened 3 times in 3 weeks? Our drivers at the bus company are asked to take a look at their own actions before those of others when they are involved in several incidents in a short space of time.

    Perhaps this guys employers should have done the same
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Throw a bit of soreen at them
  • OwenB
    OwenB Posts: 606
    ShutUpLegs wrote:
    Throw a bit of soreen at them

    :shock: That's almost sacrilige, I'd never waste my soreen
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Mouth wrote:
    Two issues here - A car/van driver getting that upset is obviously either having a very bad day, or he is just a complete tw4t.

    But, riding two abreast can be pretty annoying to a car driver, and annoys me at times, especially when no attempt is made to make it easy for a vehicle to pass. Perhaps a bit of unnecessary arrogance on both parts.

    ^^^ This. I drive a bus for a living and I make no secret of the fact. When I get stuck behind cyclists I don't mind so much if they seem to make an effort to let me past.

    You say something similar has happened 3 times in 3 weeks? Our drivers at the bus company are asked to take a look at their own actions before those of others when they are involved in several incidents in a short space of time.
    yup, had a look at my own actions, not me at fault, as I said in original post when we hear cars behind we always get into single file, not always possible when wind blowing in your face and car arrives from behind so quickly you don't hear it till horn blasts you. Bit like buses really you don't have any aggro for ages then 3 turn up at once
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • MartinB2444
    MartinB2444 Posts: 266
    I don't always succeed but I really do try to avoid getting irritated, it's the best way to stay safe. It's the same as wearing something bright and not riding over pot holes.

    It's amazing how easily some people get wound up. I was recently riding through a small village in the peak district when an oncoming van pulled over onto my side of the road to turn left. He then stopped to talk to his mate. I had to slow right down to get past, muttered bloody hell under my breath out of frustration. Given that his window was open he heard me and asked my what my problem was. I said, "thought youwere turning left" and he invited me over to sort it out man to man. He had no way of knowing that I'm soft as shite. I just road off and was soon enjoying the ride again. There are some nutters out there and it is best not to get into a macho driven confrontation.

    You can't stop bad behaviour but it is nice to encourage thoughtful driver behaviour with a wave, a nod or just by occassionally helping a car to get past.
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    Mouth wrote:
    Two issues here - A car/van driver getting that upset is obviously either having a very bad day, or he is just a complete tw4t.

    But, riding two abreast can be pretty annoying to a car driver, and annoys me at times, especially when no attempt is made to make it easy for a vehicle to pass. Perhaps a bit of unnecessary arrogance on both parts.

    ^^^ This. I drive a bus for a living and I make no secret of the fact. When I get stuck behind cyclists I don't mind so much if they seem to make an effort to let me past.

    Not trying to be funny here (well, maybe a bit of Devil's Advocate!) but I don't really see the problem if cyclists are two abreast and basically taking the lane. If the other lane is clear, you can overtake at your leisure. If it isn't, there likely isn't enough room for you to overtake a single cyclist safely anyway, so why does it matter if there's two abreast?

    Anyway, back on topic: Cleat's attitude is the right one I reckon. Life's too short to get dragged down to the level of these bell ends.
  • nick300zx
    nick300zx Posts: 219
    MrChuck wrote:
    Cleat's attitude is the right one I reckon. Life's too short to get dragged down to the level of these bell ends.

    Definitely agree with this.
    I had my 1st proper road rage incident on Monday. (on a bike)
    I was on my own near Box Hill on a single carriageway road, riding along minding my own business. Coming up to a right hand bend so was keeping well left. A vehicle from behind tried to overtake me on the apex into the path of an oncoming driver. After a massive screeching of tyres, horn blasting and me wobbling all over the shop thinking my time was up the vehicles managed to avoid each other and me.
    Next thing I knew a van (with a mattress on its roof) overtook me, pulled across the road blocking me off and the driver jumped out of it. He then screamed 'Did you f**king shake your head at me c***, I have to live here with c***s like you on our roads, people have died near here and you f***king shook your head at me'. With a lot more f's &!*** than that.
    After a few moments of disbelief i thought, what's the point. I could have pointed out that he nearly killed me and the other driver & It was driving like his that probably got people killed. We more than likely would have got into a fight. Now I can look after myself fairly well but again thought what's the point. My bike and my shiny new Sidi's probably would've been damaged, so I said 'sorry mate I wasn't shaking my head at you, just trying to stay on my bike', let him have a few more **** at me and rode off.
    So my question is 'what's the point?' :?:
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    seems not to dissimilar to what happened to me in original post, I know there is lots of talk about turn the other cheek, but i think it could perpetuate the problem in the long term, if these drivers (who are probably the nicest people you could meet out of a car) turn into abusive, violent monsters when they have to slow down for a cyclist.
    I put it down to
    a) lycra, and that we look different, so like racism - just another form of prejudice
    b) cyclist should be no different to pedestrians, and that we should always defer to cars
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • essjaydee
    essjaydee Posts: 917

    Had a few of these situations happen, and tends to be what mood I'm in to how I react to them :|

    The best (and safest) option, is to ignore the ignaramous, call them a few choice names (your favourite expletives work best under your breath) and get on and enjoy your ride :)

    It's usually just a few seconds of frustration, at some dumb drivers ineptness, but potentially could be a life changing event :!:
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    that could have been nasty, if it had happened a few seconds earlier when you were avoiding the pothole. I'm sure that guy wont do it again after your action :)
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • essjaydee
    essjaydee Posts: 917
    that could have been nasty, if it had happened a few seconds earlier when you were avoiding the pothole. I'm sure that guy wont do it again after your action :)

    Well I hope not :wink:
  • mabarbie
    mabarbie Posts: 64
    I think sometimes, and I'm not defending anybody, drivers and cyclists just annoy each other for various reasons and perhaps its not even you that the driver might be annoyed at but some other cyclist or more commonly group of cyclists.

    Just last week I was driving through a small village and there was a group of cyclist (at least 12) riding at least 3 abreast, with no intention of moving down to 2 at all. I was driving the other way and there was another car parked leaving less space then would be for a single carriage way. So I went through and one of them starts giving me grief. I just carried on but knowing what the roads are like for a cyclist (I ride them every week) I couldn't believe that I was getting a row, when all the group had to do was merge together a little. I'm sure someone will say to me that I should have slowed down, waited for them to pass etc, but the road was wide enough for us all, but made much more difficult by this group.

    Probably one reason I will never join a cycling club.
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    nick300zx wrote:
    Next thing I knew a van (with a mattress on its roof)* overtook me, pulled across the road blocking me off and the driver jumped out of it. He then screamed 'Did you f**king shake your head at me c***, I have to live here with c***s like you on our roads, people have died near here and you f***king shook your head at me'. With a lot more f's &!*** than that...

    * Pikey.

    You didn't expect a reasoned conversation, did you?

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Ben6899 wrote:
    nick300zx wrote:
    Next thing I knew a van (with a mattress on its roof)* overtook me, pulled across the road blocking me off and the driver jumped out of it. He then screamed 'Did you f**king shake your head at me c***, I have to live here with c***s like you on our roads, people have died near here and you f***king shook your head at me'. With a lot more f's &!*** than that...

    * Pikey.

    You didn't expect a reasoned conversation, did you?

    I don't even bother to argue - they get a 'f' off back as I vanish through the traffic.