road raged

bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
edited May 2012 in Road beginners
last night whist on quiet country lane in North Yorkshire we were riding abreast 20+ mph when white van man drives past within a foot horn blaring, i did the obligitory 'what's your problem wave' nothing obscene, it happens occasionally as i'm sure you've experienced.
Except tis time white van man screetches to a halt, in front, causing us to emergency brake. Not sure what happened to my 2 'mates' but i rode up alongside his window thinking i'm not gonna be intimidated by this tw@t, The fat redfaced specimen winds window down and starts swearing, "you're not supposed fkin to ride two abreast dont't you know the fkin law".
So, as you do i swear back saying "There's no such fkin law', at which point he accelerates off for 5 metres and then stops again opens door starts to get out "oh bu99er what next methinks" better get my feet out of the clips just in case. as he sees me dismount, he changed his mind, made a ridiculous 'w@nkr gesture' and drove off. Not sure what my 2 mates were doing all this time, think one of them had chipped a finger nail, cos they were both stood looking at their nails. Ruined a perfectly good ride. It's the 3rd time something similar has happened in 3 weeks, How do others cope with aggressive drivers?
All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....


  • hodge68
    hodge68 Posts: 162
    The same way you did :x , but i dont think its how it should be done. One day i think im going to get a kicking :shock: . when i have let it slide, ive enjoyed the rest of my ride more.Im only human . Love and peace brother. :wink:
    Ridley Boreas
    Spesh RockHopper pro
    Boardman cx comp
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    Sounds like a lovely scene. Remind me to stay off the lanes in North Yorkshire. I'm not sure I wouldn't be more annoyed at my two mates than that jackass driver; he's clearly an ass, but your mates aren't supposed to be.
  • Technik
    Technik Posts: 35
    You get the sc@mbags everywhere, think they own the road to themselves. I always look at the reg first and repeat it in my head several times so if anything happens you know who to look for.
    As for your mates... :?:
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Technik wrote:
    As for your mates... :?:

    Maybe they have more sense than to get involved in confrontations with van drivers :?:
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    i'm sure we've all experineced that type of rage and confrotation - but at the end of the day - you can ride away, either with mates or on your own, and enjoy life and nature - all he's got is head full of petty anger. I find it better just to let it go - infact just the other week an old woman nearly knocked me off my bike, i was fuming, i did exchange words with her and rode off...then who did i come across but bradley wiggins coming the other way - it made my day, in a second all that rage i had disappeared - just let it flow, we are the lucky ones to be able to enjoy parts of the country people can only dream of.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • migrantwing
    migrantwing Posts: 385
    i'm sure we've all experineced that type of rage and confrotation - but at the end of the day - you can ride away, either with mates or on your own, and enjoy life and nature - all he's got is head full of petty anger. I find it better just to let it go - infact just the other week an old woman nearly knocked me off my bike, i was fuming, i did exchange words with her and rode off...then who did i come across but bradley wiggins coming the other way - it made my day, in a second all that rage i had disappeared - just let it flow, we are the lucky ones to be able to enjoy parts of the country people can only dream of.

    Bravo, Cleat :)
    Ghost Race 5000 (2011) Shimano 105 Black
    Carrera TDF (2007)
  • Redsteveb
    Redsteveb Posts: 201
    I don't normally ride in a big group. It's usually me and a couple of mates. When we're out we always ride single file, never two or three abreast. We've never experienced any issues.
  • Wacky Racer
    Wacky Racer Posts: 638
    Two issues here - A car/van driver getting that upset is obviously either having a very bad day, or he is just a complete tw4t.

    But, riding two abreast can be pretty annoying to a car driver, and annoys me at times, especially when no attempt is made to make it easy for a vehicle to pass. Perhaps a bit of unnecessary arrogance on both parts.
    Ridley Orion
  • DrKJM
    DrKJM Posts: 271
    But would you rather a group of say eight rode single file, giving you a bus length to pass, or half that length? If i'm out with one friend we'll *try* to help a car pass by moving into single file. But to ride single file all the time? Where's the fun in that? Shouted conversations. Solitary riding. Might as well ride on your own. You have a RIGHT to use the highways. By all means be sensitive to the needs of others but you don't need to put their needs above yours all the time.
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    You think that's bad.

    The other week I was driving down a narrow lane in a small village with a caravan in tow (I know, I know) and as there were parked cars to my left I was going down the centre (which left about 2 foot either side).

    Nearing a T-junction a Mountain Biker came carrerring round the corner so quick that he crossed the centre line and swooped across my front making me brake to avoid him. He then shot passed the side of the caravan with inches to spare.

    I sounded my horn and to my amazement he stopped and turned around and started peddaling frantically back to me.

    I stopped and got out of the car as he screached to a stop, all full of sweat and deep breathing and started shouting "who had right of way" over and over as I tried to explain that he was going to get himself killed and that I am a cyclist etc etc.

    Some people are born to die ;-)
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Interesting, wide range of comments
    Shutuplegs - Maybe they have more sense than to get involved in confrontations with van drivers
    It's a thought, but wasn't my idea to get involved either, had no choice but to stop behind him after he brake tested us, and wound down his window. If i'd have just stayed quietly behind his van my guess is in his mind we would have felt guilty and therefore his actions were justified?
    TECHNIK - wish i'd have done this, i'd certainly have reported him, for what it's worth
    HODGE68 - agreed mate
    HOOPDRIVER - like to think i'd back up fellow riders in the same situation
    CLEAT - sensible words
    REDSTEVEB - can't see the point of spending a whole ride in single file unless we're gunning it, we're a social group, we ALWAYS get into single file when we hear a car behind and even in front, this particular time the guy was driving fairly fast on country lanes, wind in our ears didnt hear the van till it was horn blaring alongside
    WACKYRACER - As above
    DRKJM - totall agree
    SMIDSEY - aye can work both ways, of course the shock of the moment can cause normally placid people to react

    cheers all
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Always best to avoid confrontation, even when confronted...!

    Last time (about 3 years ago) I gave a driver the wanker sign after he knocked me with his wing mirror. He tried to run me over. Having failed to do that, he got out, pushed me off my bike and kicked me while I lay on the ground.

    Most times you'll be fine, sometimes you won't. When a driver sees red, you can't really predict what they'll do.
  • ilm_zero7
    ilm_zero7 Posts: 2,213
    Hoopdriver wrote:
    Sounds like a lovely scene. Remind me to stay off the lanes in North Yorkshire. I'm not sure I wouldn't be more annoyed at my two mates than that jackass driver; he's clearly an ass, but your mates aren't supposed to be.
    North Yorkshire should be fine - its the 'incomers' and inbreds from Durham that can cause this behaviour......
    Wiliers: Cento Uno/Superleggera R and Zero 7. Bianchi Infinito CV and Oltre XR2
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Always best to avoid confrontation, even when confronted...!

    Last time (about 3 years ago) I gave a driver the wanker sign after he knocked me with his wing mirror. He tried to run me over. Having failed to do that, he got out, pushed me off my bike and kicked me while I lay on the ground.

    Most times you'll be fine, sometimes you won't. When a driver sees red, you can't really predict what they'll do.

    If you are confronted - get your phone out and be prepared to dial 999 - all calls are recorded - the threat of that is normally enough of a deterrent
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    smidsy wrote:
    You think that's bad.

    The other week I was driving down a narrow lane in a small village with a caravan in tow (I know, I know) and as there were parked cars to my left I was going down the centre (which left about 2 foot either side).

    Nearing a T-junction a Mountain Biker came carrerring round the corner so quick that he crossed the centre line and swooped across my front making me brake to avoid him. He then shot passed the side of the caravan with inches to spare.

    I sounded my horn and to my amazement he stopped and turned around and started peddaling frantically back to me.

    I stopped and got out of the car as he screached to a stop, all full of sweat and deep breathing and started shouting "who had right of way" over and over as I tried to explain that he was going to get himself killed and that I am a cyclist etc etc.

    Some people are born to die ;-)
    Yeah but but. The reverse view from the MTBer's perspective is that he came round a corner, judged a gap beautifully and slipped through with no issue, and then the twunt with the caravan (hey I've got one too) hooted at him for no good reason. Which is true - he's done what he's done with no effects so why give him a blast on the hooter after the event? Horns are to warn other road users, not admonish them.

    Not saying you were wrong (I am really :wink: ) but why use the horn in the first place, in a situation like the one you've described?
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    ILM Zero7 wrote:
    Hoopdriver wrote:
    Sounds like a lovely scene. Remind me to stay off the lanes in North Yorkshire. I'm not sure I wouldn't be more annoyed at my two mates than that jackass driver; he's clearly an ass, but your mates aren't supposed to be.
    North Yorkshire should be fine - its the 'incomers' and inbreds from Durham that can cause this behaviour......
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Always best to avoid confrontation, even when confronted...!

    Last time (about 3 years ago) I gave a driver the wanker sign after he knocked me with his wing mirror. He tried to run me over. Having failed to do that, he got out, pushed me off my bike and kicked me while I lay on the ground.

    Most times you'll be fine, sometimes you won't. When a driver sees red, you can't really predict what they'll do.
    I know it's the sensible thing to do, just didn't want to be bullied into submission as I feel he'll have felt justified and do the same or something worse to another cyclist another time
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Always best to avoid confrontation, even when confronted...!

    Last time (about 3 years ago) I gave a driver the wanker sign after he knocked me with his wing mirror. He tried to run me over. Having failed to do that, he got out, pushed me off my bike and kicked me while I lay on the ground.

    Most times you'll be fine, sometimes you won't. When a driver sees red, you can't really predict what they'll do.
    I know it's the sensible thing to do, just didn't want to be bullied into submission as I feel he'll have felt justified and do the same or something worse to another cyclist another time

    I was the same, like I said, till I got the sh!t kicked out of me.

    S'not worth it. Honest.

    It won't stop them doing the same another time.
  • Kingy911
    Kingy911 Posts: 134
    Nope, no -one has given the correct advice yet !! You should have twatted him :evil: :D
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,047
    Always best to avoid confrontation, even when confronted...!

    Last time (about 3 years ago) I gave a driver the wanker sign after he knocked me with his wing mirror. He tried to run me over. Having failed to do that, he got out, pushed me off my bike and kicked me while I lay on the ground.

    Most times you'll be fine, sometimes you won't. When a driver sees red, you can't really predict what they'll do.

    You have that affect on people though Rick but importantly, you were right ;)
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Pross wrote:
    Always best to avoid confrontation, even when confronted...!

    Last time (about 3 years ago) I gave a driver the wanker sign after he knocked me with his wing mirror. He tried to run me over. Having failed to do that, he got out, pushed me off my bike and kicked me while I lay on the ground.

    Most times you'll be fine, sometimes you won't. When a driver sees red, you can't really predict what they'll do.

    You have that affect on people though Rick but importantly, you were right ;)

    Probably. Even I stop short at being right for a pair of broken ribs, mind.

    And I probably wasn't right about the w@nker thing anyway. Probably hasn't got it up for the past 5 years.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Kingy911 wrote:
    Nope, no -one has given the correct advice yet !! You should have twatted him :evil: :D
    ahh i'd have felt so good for a second or three, then oh so guilty for however long afterwards :(
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • seanorawe
    seanorawe Posts: 950
    When the horn gets blasted by any vehicle i pretend I never heard it and carry on as normal. Usually resulting in no one ever stopping to shout or issue threats. I always tell myself though that if someone got out to hit me I would push kick him with my left leg, and as hes getting up a nice round kick above the knee should be enough to break his leg. (only if hes coming to hit me) If he gets too close ill choke him out. Cycling and Ju Jitsu should be a combined sport.
    Cube Attain SL Disc
    Giant CRS 2.0
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    judged a gap beautifully and slipped through with no issue, and then the twunt with the caravan (hey I've got one too) hooted at him for no good reason. Which is true - he's done what he's done with no effects so why give him a blast on the hooter after the event? Horns are to warn other road users, not admonish them.

    but why use the horn in the first place, in a situation like the one you've described?[/quote]

    I take it you missed the bit were I said he cut across the front of me causing me to brake.

    Had I not braked he would have been across my bonnett.

    Thinking on Why oh Why did I brake?
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • migrantwing
    migrantwing Posts: 385
    Kingy911 wrote:
    Nope, no -one has given the correct advice yet !! You should have twatted him :evil: :D

    Ghost Race 5000 (2011) Shimano 105 Black
    Carrera TDF (2007)
  • leshere
    leshere Posts: 38
    Kingy911 wrote:
    Nope, no -one has given the correct advice yet !! You should have twatted him :evil: :D

    In London increasing numbers of commuters carry live webcams...see Personally since the dirver used his van as a weapon I would have thought this was Dangerous Driving. :x
  • Laard
    Laard Posts: 17
    Kingy911 wrote:
    Nope, no -one has given the correct advice yet !! You should have twatted him :evil: :D

    Spot on, wisest words of the day. Also a well aimed cleat can leave a nasty reminder to the driver that will remind him or her not to use bully tactics, although always have an escape route planned! Only been close to using this tactic once after a bunch of "yo yo scrotum ASBO's" flung their car door open on me on a busy A road, their only saving grace was the lights changing and the pure power of their 1 litre Saxo.
  • rake
    rake Posts: 3,204
    Always best to avoid confrontation, even when confronted...!

    Last time (about 3 years ago) I gave a driver the wanker sign after he knocked me with his wing mirror. He tried to run me over. Having failed to do that, he got out, pushed me off my bike and kicked me while I lay on the ground.

    Most times you'll be fine, sometimes you won't. When a driver sees red, you can't really predict what they'll do.
    i agree, avoid violence if you can. But after having taken up weight training and boxing training quite regularly im quite surprised how much its changed my perception of what a threat is. if someone like that came at me now id react instinctively without predicting what i'd do. in fact id have to remember to use a lot of restraint without a boxing glove on it'd be too easy to seriously hurt not trying to brag here, before i started i would have done the same.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    that would be my worry, you could be reasonably defending yourself and a freak accident happens to the person you've just pushed/punched/kicked and your life ends up being turned on its head :(
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    rake wrote:
    in fact id have to remember to use a lot of restraint without a boxing glove on it'd be too easy to seriously hurt not trying to brag here,

    All brawn no brains :?: