Infected sebaceous cyst and training.

spinndrift Posts: 185
I'm after a bit of advice really as can't find anything on the internet and to be honest the doc wasn't much help.

Basically I found a lump on my neck in line with spine just below the hairline last November and the doc (another one) took a look at it and said it was a small sebaceous cyst measuring 6mm across but nothing to worry about and to keep an eye on it.

Just over 2 weeks ago it became very sore and grew very quickly. A trip to the docs resulted in being informed that it was 7.5cm across and infected and I was put on antibiotics for a week. After a week it had shrunk to 3.5cm across and I was put on another week of antibiotics but it then stopped shrinking and has grown and become really painful again so I'm back to the docs again.

One thing I have noticed is that my heart rate is 20-30 bpm higher than usual. On flat routes my heart rate is the same doing 15 mph as normally is going up places like Kirkstone pass and on the hills it is going sky high even with the effort wound right back.

My sleeping is utterly trashed as I find a comfortable position, fall asleep and my body relaxes and then I knock the cyst and wake up so I suspect this isn't helping my performance.

I mentioned the heart rate issue to the doc but he took my pulse and oxygen saturation and told me I was fine (57 bpm 99%).

My question is should I still be training?
Should I still be doing hard efforts and endurance work or just gentle endurance rides of long durations?

I'd normally be chilled out over this kind of thing but in under 8 weeks I'm doing Paris to Blackpool.

Thanks in advance for the replies.

Cyclist, Massage Therapist & Ice Cream Genius
Andrew Creer Massage


  • Andy

    Sorry to read of your woes. I'm a surgeon and have some advice. Infection of a sebaceous cyst isn't uncommon and can usually be sorted out with antibiotics. When all of the infection and inflammation has settled, removal of the cyst (usually under local anaesthetic) is advisable to prevent a recurrence of the original problem. However, two circumstances prevent antibiotics clearing up the infection: the first is the use of an antibiotic to which the infection is resistant and the second is when an abscess has formed, which needs to be drained. You need to go back to your GP and explain that the problem is not getting better. It would be tactful to wait to hear the GP's suggestion but if it deviates from the above you might need to suggest an antibiotic change and/or referral for a surgical opinion if you have an abscess.

    The question of whether you should train depends on how you feel. An infected cyst can certainly cause you to be systemically unwell and if you feel ill (as your raised HR suggests) then you should back off on the training. You need to get this sorted out this week and may need to be pushy to get this done, depending on the response that you get from your GP.
  • spinndrift
    spinndrift Posts: 185
    Thanks for that advice.

    I'm at the docs this afternoon and that was pretty much the approach I was going to take - there has been three weeks of trying to sort it out and we're back to square one now so there has to be change of direction.

    Cyclist, Massage Therapist & Ice Cream Genius
    Andrew Creer Massage
  • spinndrift
    spinndrift Posts: 185
    Well I was put on a different type of antibiotics and went back back to the docs on Thursday for progress check and the lump had grown 1cm.

    To cut a long story short I had the abscess drained Thursday and it hurt like hell but they got 15ml of crap out of it. I got the dressing changed Saturday morning and they got another 30ml of crap out of it. I'm now having the dressing changed everyday until it's healed.

    Doc has told me stay off the bike until the infection has cleared up completely :cry:

    I guess it's time to start looking for new challenge later in the year as after two weeks off the bike already I doubt I'll be ready for Paris to Blackpool in 7 weeks.

    Cyclist, Massage Therapist & Ice Cream Genius
    Andrew Creer Massage
  • Andy

    At least you'll get better now!
  • Unfortunately, I have not found a single doctor who will do anything helpful when it comes to a cyst. They will pump you full of antibiotics but they are terrified of touching the cyst. I think that is why Dr. Popper is so famous. I believe that there is a need for doctors who know how to treat and are not afraid of cysts.
  • svetty
    svetty Posts: 1,904
    ...... I believe that there is a need for doctors who know how to treat and are not afraid of cysts.
    And I believe that you are a troll....
    FFS! Harden up and grow a pair :D
  • I am an approved member Svetty! What do you do for a living Svetty?
  • svetty
    svetty Posts: 1,904
    I am a member .....
    FIFY ;)
    FFS! Harden up and grow a pair :D
  • I don't know what you think you fixed Svetty. Are you a troll?
  • Andy

    Sorry to read of your woes. I'm a surgeon and have some advice. Infection of a sebaceous cyst isn't uncommon and can usually be sorted out with antibiotics. When all of the infection and inflammation has settled, removal of the cyst (usually under local anaesthetic) is advisable to prevent a recurrence of the original problem. However, two circumstances prevent antibiotics clearing up the infection: the first is the use of an antibiotic to which the infection is resistant and the second is when an abscess has formed, which needs to be drained. You need to go back to your GP and explain that the problem is not getting better. It would be tactful to wait to hear the GP's suggestion but if it deviates from the above you might need to suggest an antibiotic change and/or referral for a surgical opinion if you have an abscess.

    The question of whether you should train depends on how you feel. An infected cyst can certainly cause you to be systemically unwell and if you feel ill (as your raised HR suggests) then you should back off on the training. You need to get this sorted out this week and may need to be pushy to get this done, depending on the response that you get from your GP.

    This is spot on.

    Been through this years ago, and his suggestion is exactly what was done for me and worked out well.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,463
    This is spot on.

    Been through this years ago, and his suggestion is exactly what was done for me and worked out well.

    note that the op posted this in 2012

    but the thread has been dredged up by someone spamming dr popper

    btw, was the pun intentional? :)
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • You will have to beg any doctor to have your cyst removed. I bought a kit on Amazon to remove blackheads and cyst. I've been doing it successfully for years. There are many helpful videos that show the best way. No more feeling sick from being bombarded with antibiotics and just living with the growing cyst. I remove them when they are small and I am super sterile about it.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,463
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny