Neck Pain

chris217 Posts: 218
Not certain where Health issues fit into this forum ?

however here goes.

i have been riding the same set up for some time geometry wise however recently been suffering with some discomfort / pain at the base of my neck when i ride my road bike.

however when i ride my cross bike i dont suffer, the road bike has a lower front end although i have been experimenting with increasing the spacers and raising my position slightly and it has helped.

my road bike is a 58cm compact geo and had no previous problems and the cross bike ( which i ride on the road fitted road tyres etc ) is a 59 which actually has a longer top tube therefore i have reduced the stem length accordingly. it id more upright as cross bike generally are.

you are probably going to reccomend a bike fit which i am thinking about however beforehand i was thing of experimenting reducing stem length, increasing / reducing spacers just see if any benefit

anyone suffered similar issues / any comment would be useful



  • ut_och_cykla
    ut_och_cykla Posts: 1,594
    try a riser stem to see if it helps. If it does cure the problem you can probably get lower over a few months - but for me comfort is more important than strict aero on a longer ride.
  • bigpikle
    bigpikle Posts: 1,690
    I've suffered with aches at the base of my neck and across the back of my shoulders. The solution was really simply - MY posture on the bike, rather than the bike itself.

    I had a bike fit and nothing was changed on the bike but it was immediately spotted that I arched my back rather than bending at the hips, and this put extra stretch on my neck and shoulders. The solution was to get into the habit of bending at the hips and while its taken lots of practice and conscious effort, its totally solved the issue.

    Before spending your hard earned, look at your own posture ont he bike and how you maintain it, or change it over time as you ride.
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  • chris217
    chris217 Posts: 218
    cheers guys , useful stuff
  • damo2576
    damo2576 Posts: 236
    What's consensus on seeing a professional, chiro, physio etc?
  • I would try and see one who is a cyclist - they will understand better what you are trying to achieve
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