Joined Cycle Club........make right impression tips ?



  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,718
    TKF wrote:
    Nobody is asking to be pandered to. Just being civil and not patronising might be nice. Everyone has to start somewhere and I'm sorry we don't know your rules yet.
    It sounds like you have a gripe with a particular club. It might be most constructive to drop them an email and explain the experience from your point of view.
  • It sounds like you have a gripe with a particular club...
    That can now be determined by copying & pasting that text into google... :shock:
    Twitter: @FunkyMrMagic
  • TKF
    TKF Posts: 279
    TKF wrote:
    Nobody is asking to be pandered to. Just being civil and not patronising might be nice. Everyone has to start somewhere and I'm sorry we don't know your rules yet.
    It sounds like you have a gripe with a particular club. It might be most constructive to drop them an email and explain the experience from your point of view.

    Or just vote with my feet and not go back.

    fwiw I have since heard similar experiences with this particular club.
  • I will be mighty surprised when I show up for ride #1 with the club on saturday morning if there ISNT a group there all decked out in the latest Assos , riding high end carbon racers and discussing in a loud enough volume to be heard by everybody about how good they are and running down somebody`s gear or ability . Im big enough to just shut my eyes and ears to it, but has anybody ever witnessed a pack like that on a club run ?
    Unashamed to admit Ive zero time for Tory , Toff, In-bred , ex Public Schoolboys who are flushing our country down the crapper.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,718
    I will be mighty surprised when I show up for ride #1 with the club on saturday morning if there ISNT a group there all decked out in the latest Assos , riding high end carbon racers and discussing in a loud enough volume to be heard by everybody about how good they are and running down somebody`s gear or ability . Im big enough to just shut my eyes and ears to it, but has anybody ever witnessed a pack like that on a club run ?
    No idea really what people wear or ride in my club. We just turn up, chat, and ride. And chat, and ride. And ride. Little interest about what people are wearing or riding, unless they turn up with a wicker basket, wearing flip-flops.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    I will be mighty surprised when I show up for ride #1 with the club on saturday morning if there ISNT a group there all decked out in the latest Assos , riding high end carbon racers and discussing in a loud enough volume to be heard by everybody about how good they are and running down somebody`s gear or ability . Im big enough to just shut my eyes and ears to it, but has anybody ever witnessed a pack like that on a club run ?

  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    I will be mighty surprised when I show up for ride #1 with the club on saturday morning if there ISNT a group there all decked out in the latest Assos , riding high end carbon racers and discussing in a loud enough volume to be heard by everybody about how good they are and running down somebody`s gear or ability . Im big enough to just shut my eyes and ears to it, but has anybody ever witnessed a pack like that on a club run ?

    Nope.....well, I have turned out and seen a lot of hugely expensive bikes, but no one cares what's you're riding in a negative sense.

    TKF - sounds like youve has a bad experience. The OP sensibly asked for advice before joining a club and I just gave him some basic do's and donts.

    I'll reiterate again, most of the conventions are there for everyone's safety and you'll see them being implemented by you local club right up to pro team rides.
  • StorckSpeed
    StorckSpeed Posts: 291
    I'm a member of a club and have been for the last 10years at least. I can't make it out with the club every Sunday but try to go as often as I can. Most people are in the same boat, making it as often as they can and as a result there's a constant turn over of faces, including newbies.
    I really don't mind as long as the conversation is good and there's no whingeing.
    Occasionally, (especially at this time of year) someone bonks and we have to nurse them home, and I don't really care even if it's a newbie, I just want the hours on my bike......
    2 things annoy me - people on a clock. "Oh I hoped we'd be home by twelve" they'll say.
    And another saying that has only come about recently, "My coach suggested I come out with this club for a nice gentle run, I normally average 22mph". Yeah Right - Take your inflated ego somewhere else you t*sser, I don't see you beating me up this hill....
    If your not one of those you'll be most welcome regardless of what you wear, what you ride and and how fast you are.
    There's warp speed - then there's Storck Speed
  • TKF
    TKF Posts: 279
    sagalout wrote:
    TKF - sounds like youve has a bad experience.
    Oh definitely. I don't expect all clubs to be like that, far from it.

    Some of these members give cyclists a bad name let alone cycling clubs.

    There is another in the area I'm going to try so the experience hasn't put me off entirely.
  • mattshrops
    mattshrops Posts: 1,134
    FWIW there are 20 times as many knobs on this forum than at my local club.
    Not meaning anyone here but some people are just dicks and go out of their way to offend, and some people take offence at nothing, in this way your cycling life will mirror your everyday life.EXTRAORDINARY :lol:
    Death or Glory- Just another Story
  • Kingy911
    Kingy911 Posts: 134
    Re: Joined Cycle Club........make right impression tips ?
    by mattshrops » Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:02 pm

    FWIW there are 20 times as many knobs on this forum than at my local club.
    Not meaning anyone here but some people are just dicks and go out of their way to offend, and some people take offence at nothing, in this way your cycling life will mirror your everyday life.EXTRAORDINARY
    Death or Glory- Just another Story


    Posts: 598
    Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:18 pm
    Not been on here long but that is the best, most helpful response i have seen or could possibly hope for, someone who is HONEST not CONDESCENDING, HELPFUL not DISPARAGING and SUPPORTIVE not PISHTAKING.
    I have to say I thought there would be a 'brotherhood' regarding cycling, but, there seems to be a massive amount of bitching and sniping on here.
    I would of thought that we are all the same at heart, eager to get fitter and faster ?
  • joshr96
    joshr96 Posts: 153
    Just try very hard until you're running on empty. This way they will know that you're not a quitter and you are trying to make a good impression and best of all, not one who will degrade the club.

    Another thing is the handshake.
    As small and insignificant as it may seem, it, subconsciously gives away the person you are. Go ahead and offer handshakes to the members upon greeting them. Make sure you grasp tightly, not too much to hurt them but to promote strength. Also shake quickly, short shakes, about 3 or 4. If they grasp tightly back, it's a small unspoken message that doesn't really say much but means a lot. It just means that the other person knows you are strong I suppose.

    Keep this in mind, they key is in the hand shake.

    Best of luck 8)
    Carrera TDF 2011 Limited Edition.
    Crossbow Hybrid
    Boardman AiR 9.8 one day..
  • sugar-testosterone.jpg

    You think clubs dont want a rider like this then ?
    Unashamed to admit Ive zero time for Tory , Toff, In-bred , ex Public Schoolboys who are flushing our country down the crapper.
  • rpd_steve
    rpd_steve Posts: 361
    Stop posting my workout pics! :oops: