Can you Justify wearing a Helmet



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    As suggested elsewhere, buy them a full face. They seem to think they are cool and like wearing them. That or a p-pot.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Or just leave them - less hoodies sooner or later.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    It's funny* how riding a bike to school is seen as so dangerous that doing so without a helmet would have a significant impact on survival rates.


    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Er it was a joke?
    I'ts really about getting into the habit though.
    My son - 16, tough age, wears one on his commute out of choice. Mainly because he rides MTB like a maniac, and there it's saved him a good few times.
    Being hit by a car and cracking it's screen with his (helmeted) head just reinforced it.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Neal_
    Neal_ Posts: 477
    Quoted from another thread to save typing and not really adding anything new to the argument but I still feel a bit fuzzy headed 10 days after knocking myself out so god knows how bad I would be if I'd not been wearing a lid, a lot less pretty that's for sure! I never wore a lid when I was a kid which was the norm, they weren't cool and my parents didn't try hard enough to make me. Since starting riding again in the last few years the kids and I don't get on the bikes without lids, hopefully as they get older they'll never consider not wearing them. I find it completely baffling when I see other families out riding and none of them are wearing lids.
    Neal_ wrote:
    We did make it out to Lee Quarry on Saturday but as we would be strapped for time I didn't check back in here as knew I wouldn't be able to do much messing about on the fun stuff...unfortunately I still made a bit of time for it!
    1mancity2 wrote:
    ...while your there Neal go over to the four drop ins in near the big pump track they are great fun.

    I did find these drop ins and had a bit of a go on them, apparently I did the first one fine but on the second one I didn't make it round the berm so went over it and the next one rodeo style eventually hitting the back of another big berm resulting in this to my front inner tube...


    ...and this to my brand new lid...



    ...which was definitely money well spent.

    I don't remember it at all and only have vague memories of the rest of the day, not surprising as I was unconscious for 15 seconds after the crash! My mates got me home and then I spent 6 hours in A&E with the missus getting an x-ray and CT scan which proved nothing broken and "just" concussion. Still feel pretty sore and not too sharp but will back on the back ASAP although will reassess my skill versus ambition in future ;)