Any advice please kryptonite won't work my bike was stripped



  • Firstly would like to say thank you for the offers I really appreciate it :) thank you

    now that I think about it I should of taken off the sign as my mate was saying, it was only 2 nuts would of took 5/10mins max ,the only thing was it's right on the main road and the sign post was about 9/10 feet tall, bigger then your average size so I would of needed like wheeli bin or something to stand on,it could of been done

    It did cross my mind to do it, but I didn't want the police to come and arrest me and mate who jus came back from work to help me

    If anything the officers that I bumped in to 3 of them, 2 on foot and one on a mountain bike,when I put my problem to them I thought at least the one on the mountain bike would be abit sympathetic towards me but he was like if I see you doing it I'm gona nick ya,and then they turned on my mate,who's the car registered too ect,

    This whole incident took place around 6pm by the time me going home getting the keys mate turning up ect it came close to 7pm I left the bike about 8:30 wen all options wer runing out,and I did not think of calling a locksmith because it was getting late.and I thought as it is on a main busy road it should be alright but I had bad feeling

    When I got home I emailed kryptonite they got back to me the next day in the evening saying get the lock cut off and send it back to us with the copy of the bill,

    Next day...Phone the police report it got a crime reference number and even up to now I havnt got a call or anything.
    I spoke to the council early in the morning who told me your not suppose to lock your bike to lamppost but I had my reason

    as you can see were u lock your bike up was in use by the digger and it was the smae size as that sign post

    After that putting me trough to the right department,I spoke to a guy who was incharge of putting up road signs ect,he said to me they would probably charge £120 to come down and take the sign off but it would take a few days for that too happen lol..

    But at the same time he did say to me unofficially take the sign off your self and if the police come they might arrest you for criminal damage..

    Then in the mornin went to check on the bike.and what a surprise..Spoke to the babers he told me wen they came in the morning to open up shop,the bike had been stripped,so it was done over night

    I didn't see the point in calling an emergency locksmith as the bike had already been stripped and they were charging around £70+ so I left it siting ther for at least 2/3 days ,till I sorted it out from the LBS who cut it off for £20

    Who used a angle grinder


    But i still feel if the lock functioned as it should of none of this would of happens,ther wer no signs of tampering or anything of that nature

    Next time I know if something happens to me like this again I ain't gona hang aroundI'm taking my bike back with or without the sign post,this is how I feel im not encouraging anyone :) or get a locksmiths out if all else fails

    But again thanks guys for your comments and offers I honestly appreciate from my heart :)
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Snig and I aren't going to agree about the criminal damage act. But he has pointed out something that I missed. It is an offence to tamper with a road sign in such circumstances that it would be obvious to a reasonable person that to do so would be dangerous. (sec 22A Road Traffic Act 1988). I don't think it would apply, in this case, but there is no "honest belief" test requirement for traffic offences, so the defence is not so clear.

    Snig, some light reading ;) ... ful-excuse ... ecture.php

    The most amusing one to look at is the case of the green peace protesters cleared of criminal damage because they held the belief that the graffiti they wrote on the power station chimney was justified in order to protect the property of others - that being the climite.
  • Rushmore
    Rushmore Posts: 674
    I have a step up chainset, cranks and BB. Send me your address mate and you can have them :)
    Always remember.... Wherever you go, there you are.

    Ghost AMR 7500 2012
    De Rosa R838
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    Can we not turn this thread into an argument about who does or does not understand the criminal damage law?
    Just stop for a minute and consider that maybe if it's a bit confusing, the coppers maybe opted for the safe option.
  • I think there is too much talk about law and what not, end of the day it comes down to this.

    He tried to find help and advice, none was given
    The bike was stripped ilegally, yet little support is given afterwoods.

    Best advice i suggest is like i said before, Victims compensation, its set-up for people who are victims of crime(as you were) to compensate you for crimal damage to yourself or your possessions.(the bike)

    Try going down that road as the Police ref system is purely a fie system with 0 action being followed up through the system(friends in police, and been told dont let them "file and forget you")

    So best of luck with compensation system, other than that looking back, id cutt the lock off.
    London2Brighton Challange 100k!
  • snig
    snig Posts: 428
    diy wrote:
    Fair point - nowt more about it from me ;)

    I so wanted the last word :(
  • snig
    snig Posts: 428
    I was about to buy one of those locks too,oh just checked and it was the Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboudit Mini Lock I was looking at but I bet the locking system is the same,will like to hear what Kryptonite have to say was the cause of the lock not openning!
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    snig wrote:
    I was about to buy one of those locks too,oh just checked and it was the Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboudit Mini Lock I was looking at but I bet the locking system is the same,will like to hear what Kryptonite have to say was the cause of the lock not openning!
    Ultimately it doesn't matter what lock you use. If someone wants your bike, they are taking it.
    Get your bike insured, and get whatever lock that is approved by the insurance company. It's sadly the only course of action that works.
  • snig
    snig Posts: 428
    snig wrote:
    I was about to buy one of those locks too,oh just checked and it was the Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboudit Mini Lock I was looking at but I bet the locking system is the same,will like to hear what Kryptonite have to say was the cause of the lock not openning!
    Ultimately it doesn't matter what lock you use. If someone wants your bike, they are taking it.
    Get your bike insured, and get whatever lock that is approved by the insurance company. It's sadly the only course of action that works.

    for the value of my bike I need to look at locks in the silver/gold range so I need one of the top of the range Krptonite or the like,I only leave my bike for a shop stop,never more than 10 mins but 1 min is all it takes and my £9.99 combination lock is just asking for trouble.
  • al2098
    al2098 Posts: 174

    Sadly plod would have been wrong to arrest you for criminal damage. You would have had a text book defence under section 5 of the criminal damage act. Silly plod. Never ask a copper about the law, they are mostly clueless
    Have a look at this clever guy..
    he destroyed or damaged ... the property in question ... in order to protect property ... and at the time ... he believed— (i) that the property ... was in immediate need of protection
    Would have been easier to cut the lock.
    Don't give legal advice if you don't know what your talking about..plod.
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Problem with insurance, is that some policy documents are worded such that the components are not covered and would treat a bike left for more than 8? Hours as abandoned.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    diy wrote:
    Problem with insurance, is that some policy documents are worded such that the components are not covered and would treat a bike left for more than 8? Hours as abandoned.
    so what's your superior solution then?
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    I don't have one. Bikes are so easy to strip its like locking your bag to a lamp post and expecting the contents to be there.I guess a Pub bike or bso that nobody wants to nick might be less risk.
  • snig
    snig Posts: 428
    diy wrote:
    Problem with insurance, is that some policy documents are worded such that the components are not covered and would treat a bike left for more than 8? Hours as abandoned.
    so what's your superior solution then?

    mine would be for the police to do more stinger bike setups,this would really be an incentive for people to get out of cars and on bikes,I would also make it that all public buildings and work places had secure inside space for bikes,seems all the council has to do to be bike friendly is stick a bike rack in some dark corner out of the way or paint a white line down a road that comes to a dead end after 100m then starts again after the very place where it would have been most useful,there is also a crazy situation where a bike can be locked to a bike stand in a town centre all day with a big ad sign tired to it and the council can do nothing about it,I got so sick of seeing this bike there all day every day and the last straw was when I came to use it one day as it was outside my bank I couldn't because it was full because of this bike/ad,rang up,spoke to the planning guy and was told he was very sorry but as it was a bike he couldn't do anything,even tho he knew it was being miss used,so also for the government to take bikes more seriously.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    snig wrote:
    diy wrote:
    Problem with insurance, is that some policy documents are worded such that the components are not covered and would treat a bike left for more than 8? Hours as abandoned.
    so what's your superior solution then?

    mine would be for the police to do more stinger bike setups
    So instead of using a lock, or getting insured, you're going to increase policing?

    Most of us aren't in a position of sufficient power to do that, sadly.
  • snig
    snig Posts: 428
    snig wrote:
    diy wrote:
    Problem with insurance, is that some policy documents are worded such that the components are not covered and would treat a bike left for more than 8? Hours as abandoned.
    so what's your superior solution then?

    mine would be for the police to do more stinger bike setups
    So instead of using a lock, or getting insured, you're going to increase policing?

    Most of us aren't in a position of sufficient power to do that, sadly.
    you asked for suggestions,don't throw your dummy out when you get one :D ,pretty certain no one else read my post as suggesting we don't use locks or insurance, point I was making was if the thieves knew there was a bigger chance of getting caught then they would think twice before picking on a bike, more people would feel like taking to the bike instead of the roads in cars,if they knew their bike was still going to be there after work etc,add together the price of bike insurance with the price of a good lock,you could near enough by car insurance for a run about car! When I go to the gym I use my car as I would not leave my bike for that amount of time,the millions the government spend on trying to reduce Co2 etc I think a little more on putting off bike thieft would be money well spent.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    snig wrote:
    you asked for suggestions,don't throw your dummy out when you get one :D
    It's called a discussion.
    Most (almost all) non-cyclists I know don't consider bicycle theft, and think I'm being paranoid if I want to sit in the beer garden somewhere I can see my bike, or don't understand why I won't leave my bike outside a supermarket whilst I go shopping, for example. It's not something they've ever had to think about, and it certainly isn't the reason they don't ride bikes.
    I mentioned getting insurance to cover the bike, and using a lock that adheres to the insurance policy, because there really is nothing a cyclist can ultimately do to prevent theft. A lock may deter the casual thief, but if someone wants your bike, they will be stealing it. And it makes no difference how it's locked up or secured.
    Wishing for greater police presence or a shift in public conscience isn't going to get you back on a bike ASAP.
  • snig
    snig Posts: 428
    snig wrote:
    you asked for suggestions,don't throw your dummy out when you get one :D
    It's called a discussion.

    oh right,your posts were to further the discussion,sorry when you seemingly deliberately mistook my post to be saying locks and insurance were not needed,I thought you were just trolling :?

    your argument is based on the premise that present bike riders would not change their behaviour if bike theft was reduced,I for one would feel I could use my bike more and the one or two non cyclists that you mention that are concerned about bike theft could get on a bike too,who knows with all us making all those extra trips on our bike and all those bike stands at work places etc it might just might entice a few more on bikes,there again we could just look at it as you do and just keep buying bigger locks and paying higher insurance premiums.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    snig wrote:
    snig wrote:
    you asked for suggestions,don't throw your dummy out when you get one :D
    It's called a discussion.

    oh right,your posts were to further the discussion,sorry when you seemingly deliberately mistook my post to be saying locks and insurance were not needed,I thought you were just trolling :?

    your argument is based on the premise that present bike riders would not change their behaviour if bike theft was reduced,I for one would feel I could use my bike more and the one or two non cyclists that you mention that are concerned about bike theft could get on a bike too,who knows with all us making all those extra trips on our bike and all those bike stands at work places etc it might just might entice a few more on bikes,there again we could just look at it as you do and just keep buying bigger locks and paying higher insurance premiums.
    What? Stop putting words in my mouth you cretin. You, accusing me of trolling, that's rich :roll:

    I know I would use my bike round town more if there was no such thing as bike theft, I won't argue that point. And yes, I agree that it would be nice to live in a crime-free world.
    But I'm a realist. I know these things aren't going to happen overnight, if ever, so I'm suggesting that insuring yourself is the only course of action that will provide you with any results, right now.
    But, I don't think that reducing bike theft will lead to any marked increase in bicycle usage, amongst the general population. People are by and large, lazy. Lazy is easy, and people like taking the easy route.
    I'm pretty sure that bike theft registers so low on people's radar that it is not a major factor to people taking up cycling.
  • snig
    snig Posts: 428
    What? Stop putting words in my mouth you cretin.

    there you go again trying to promote discussion,your methods are having results tho,just wondering if name calling is the only way to do it though :?

    if you take 2 mins and read your replies you will see your "style" of writing could be seen to be doing the opposite of what you intend.

    I made a suggestion after you asked for such,not wishing for world peace or anything like that but just saying reduced bike theft and better lock up places for bikes would have a marked effect on bike usage,you then reply that I was suggesting we don't need locks or insurance! seems I was right all along,you didn't want any suggestions at all,anyway when someone starts with name calling I no longer wish to carry on discussing with them so no more replies to your posts here.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    snig wrote:
    What? Stop putting words in my mouth you cretin.

    there you go again trying to promote discussion,your methods are having results tho,just wondering if name calling is the only way to do it though :?

    if you take 2 mins and read your replies you will see your "style" of writing could be seen to be doing the opposite of what you intend.

    ... when someone starts with name calling I no longer wish to carry on discussing with them so no more replies to your posts here.
    Name calling? really?
    snig wrote:
    you asked for suggestions,don't throw your dummy out when you get one
    snig wrote:
    I thought you were just trolling :?
    Yeah, whatever. Come back when you've grown up a little. If you want to behave like a little kid, then find someone else to play your silly little game.