75 miler this weekend? Advice please!



  • FoldingJoe
    FoldingJoe Posts: 1,327
    SecretSam wrote:
    apreading wrote:
    Am glad about the responses you are getting as I can happily cycle 40-50 miles in a day but have signed up to do the Asthma Beach to Beach which is 70 miles a day for 2 days running.

    Where's Asthma Beach???

    Just down the coast from Bronchitis Bay!! :)
    Little boy to Obama: "My Dad says that you read all our emails"
    Obama to little boy: "He's not your real Dad"

    Kona Honky Tonk for sale: http://www.bikeradar.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40090&t=13000807
  • Brakeless
    Brakeless Posts: 865
    FoldingJoe wrote:
    SecretSam wrote:
    apreading wrote:
    Am glad about the responses you are getting as I can happily cycle 40-50 miles in a day but have signed up to do the Asthma Beach to Beach which is 70 miles a day for 2 days running.

    Where's Asthma Beach???

    Just down the coast from Bronchitis Bay!! :)

    Which is just over Hepatitas Hill :twisted:
  • clarkey cat
    clarkey cat Posts: 3,641
    just by Cysti... no.. stop. just stop.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,770
    EKE_38BPM wrote:
    Ten vital tips for the OP

    1: Don't take any food or water to keep the weight down.
    2: Ride as hard and fast as you can for as long as you can from the start. So that if you bonk, you are closer to the end.
    3: Don't go for a wee before you start. The urge to relieve yourself will make you ride that much faster.
    4: Degrease your chain before the start. The squeaking noise will spur you on to get home and give it a good lube job.
    5: To avoid being called a MAMIL, don't wear lycra. Jeans and a hoodie will be fine.
    6: Wear your best new bits of kit, ideally stuff you've never worn before. The threat of being stuck in ill-fitting clothing and getting blisters is highly over-rated.
    7: Run your tyres well below the recommend pressure. This will result in a much more comfortable ride.
    8: Try SPDs for the first time. In at the deep end and all that.
    9: Try a new position on the bike. Maybe put your saddle up an inch and your handlebars down about the same. You'll be so aero!
    10: Always ride at the front of any group. It proves you are a man!

    Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes.

    Isn't this what you're making Mrs EKE do on a BSO with the round London thingy? Except for the being a man bit, I hope.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    JonGinge wrote:
    Eat and drink early, little and often. On longer rides I start eating after about 30mins. Tend to take a bit of drink every 10 minutes or so

    +1. And what the other guys said about being able to ride it if you can ride 40.

    And enjoy it.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    That was good. I did it, didn't see anyone looking remotely like Secret Sam's aviationator but may well have spoken to him, passed him or been passed by him.

    It was harder than expected, with a couple of monster climbs that saw a few walking up them. I'll do a ride report in that place later. Just off for a few miles to ease the muscles a bit.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    Well, you'll be pleased/amazed to hear that I did it and finished, albeit not particularly quickly!

    Just a few quick notes on EKE's advice:
    EKE_38BPM wrote:
    Ten vital tips for the OP
    6: Wear your best new bits of kit, ideally stuff you've never worn before. The threat of being stuck in ill-fitting clothing and getting blisters is highly over-rated.

    I did use new bib shorts, which were ace (Endura's). Also fitted new tyres (Pro 3 race thingies) which were also fine and actually improved the ride quality compared to the Schwalbe Lugano's that they replaced (not sure how, given that they were more race-focused!)

    Thanks for all the advice and support, now for the 100!

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    CiB wrote:
    That was good. I did it, didn't see anyone looking remotely like Secret Sam's aviationator but may well have spoken to him, passed him or been passed by him.

    It was harder than expected, with a couple of monster climbs that saw a few walking up them. I'll do a ride report in that place later. Just off for a few miles to ease the muscles a bit.

    Were you on the ride?

    If you were the chap with the long grey frizzy mullet, then remember: when passing someone who's clearly on the same ride it's polite to say "hiya" or something, not just steam past like a total nob

    If you're not - what were you wearing/riding? I was a bit late leaving so probably didn't see to many others of the 75 lot

    And I walked that one hill, which was frankly insane - even walking up it was hard work...!

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Yeah I did it. That description doesn't fit me - I was on a red & white bike wearing black shorts & plain long sleeve yellow + black top, & a red helmet that may or may not have been hanging from the bars on some parts of the route. :wink: That said I passed a few and a lot passed me and it does get a bit repetitive acknowledging everyone on a bike. I left at about 8:20, allowing for a couple of stops I got back at about quarter to one thinking that's not bad, except that my speedo was still on GMT so it was just ok. 14.9 mph over the whole lot, 76.5 miles as I missed a slot left somewhere and had to back-track.

    The drop down from the M40 at Stokenchurch to the T junction at Fingest; I didn't realise at the time but I hit 47 before it was time to slow down for the junction.
    The second big climb, at Dunsmore, that was a bit of a challenge.
    The medal + tee-shirt.

    Low points. None, unless you count the tin full of chocolates at the finish that were in direct sunlight and had all melted into a sloppy mass. Oh and the emergency re-signing that had to be done on Saturday as some brainless unemployable oxygen thieving scum had spent a good chunk of their Friday evening removing 20 miles worth of route arrows. Why? Just why would you?

    Good event, a good route and some challenging hills. I'm glad I opted for the 11-28 cassette.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    Aha - didn't see you, fair point about that guy but hey, that's his lookout

    Didn't think much of the bit round Amersham and that industrial estate (the disintegrated road!!!) but rest fine, had a close encounter with a Range Rover on a single track road which will keep me awake at night.

    Highlights? Might have been the same hill - chasing down a couple of lads on mountain bikes, 30m behind them at the crest then they went for it on the downhill...and I caught them like they were standing still, didn't beat your 47 but not far off!!!! :D

    They'd still not sorted out the chocs when I finished, somewhat later than you!!!!

    It's just a hill. Get over it.