Calf Tear - Help!

Posts: 246
Hi All,
About 3 years ago I tore my right calf muscle playing football (alongside tweaking knee ligaments) - the last time I competitively played. i was told at the time it was a serious tear and I went through 2-3 months of physiotherapy/rehabilitation including electric treatment to stimulate the nerve endings, and specific weight training to help the muscle re-develop. Ever since my right calf is visibly weaker/less developed (or toned) than my strong left leg (despite leg specific training).
Since taking up cycling (seriously in the past 8 months) I am doing longer rides of 100km+. Each time however, I am finding my right calf seriously cramping up at the back end of my rides. I have alway used deep heat and worn compression socks/tights during rides to help keep the muscle warm for bloodflow, but in my sportives the cramping in the latter stages of the events are hurting my performance. For example, this weekend's Puncheur Sportive, I did the first half in 2 hours 1 min (which looking at the results easily puts me in the top quarter of the field) but after cramping from 85km onwards I finished in 5 hours (Ditchling Beacon didn't help!!), still an admirable performance I think in the awful conditions, but it leaves my asking what might have been!
Can anyone suggest any ways in which I can help my calf strengthen or to prevent this cramping, or is it just a symptom of my injury thatI will have to keep trying the deal with?
About 3 years ago I tore my right calf muscle playing football (alongside tweaking knee ligaments) - the last time I competitively played. i was told at the time it was a serious tear and I went through 2-3 months of physiotherapy/rehabilitation including electric treatment to stimulate the nerve endings, and specific weight training to help the muscle re-develop. Ever since my right calf is visibly weaker/less developed (or toned) than my strong left leg (despite leg specific training).
Since taking up cycling (seriously in the past 8 months) I am doing longer rides of 100km+. Each time however, I am finding my right calf seriously cramping up at the back end of my rides. I have alway used deep heat and worn compression socks/tights during rides to help keep the muscle warm for bloodflow, but in my sportives the cramping in the latter stages of the events are hurting my performance. For example, this weekend's Puncheur Sportive, I did the first half in 2 hours 1 min (which looking at the results easily puts me in the top quarter of the field) but after cramping from 85km onwards I finished in 5 hours (Ditchling Beacon didn't help!!), still an admirable performance I think in the awful conditions, but it leaves my asking what might have been!
Can anyone suggest any ways in which I can help my calf strengthen or to prevent this cramping, or is it just a symptom of my injury thatI will have to keep trying the deal with?
2011 Trek Madone 3.1c
2012 Ribble 7005 Winter Trainer
Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est.
2012 Ribble 7005 Winter Trainer
Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est.
Go see a sports therapist or a physio that can massage(most don't seem to). The scar tissue built up around that injury may have led to a muscle with less flexibility, tightness, poor blood flow, adhesions etc. Getting some soft tissue work done should help improve matters.Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals! Except the weasel0