Be honest,would you pass.



  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Zingzang wrote:
    fossyant wrote:
    I'd fail big time. Just had four steroid injections in my left shoulder/back. Some more in 3 months.

    Did you know that repeated corticosteroid injections in the same area can soften tendons and make them far more susceptible to further injury in the long term? My advice would be to think twice before agreeing to have more, regardless of the reason.

    Yes I am aware, but it's direct into muscles ! Only ever had one into my shoulder and that didn't work (three are the maximum), so had it decompressed instead. This is for myofacial pain, all linked in though with the original injury.
  • cyco2
    cyco2 Posts: 593
    Not sure but I thought that inhalers for asthma which I use are not banned but pills are.

    Heard on telly some time ago Hoy saying that he had better get his Red Bull down.

    During a cold I needed to train so took a medicine with sodoefidrin(s) in it. I went like a rocket for 30mins then had an amazing blow up.

    If you want to be a strong rider you have to do strong things.
    However if you train like a cart horse you'll race like one.
  • A couple of years ago, before I started cycling, I bought some horrible tasting pills from holland and barrett that were supposed to liven you up in the morning. I think they were called guerana or something similar.

    I only took 2 on two consecutive mornings before throwing them out for fear of a heart attack!
    Walking to the train it felt like my heart was beating out of my chest and was affecting my breathing.
    The first day, once on the train, I wondered why people were staring at me, until I caught my reflection in the window (It was dark outside) and my eyes were wired wide open in some crazy man stare, which i could not stop.
    It wore off after about an hour but im sure they must be banned to have such an effect.
  • to be honest, they would take one look at me and give me something to help me along!
  • nwallace
    nwallace Posts: 1,465
    If I don't take nasal corticosteroids my nose blocks up to a point I cna't breath through it, too lazy to bother going to the doctor to discuss alterantives and they aren't on the banned list when nasal inhaled, but they are caught from blood and piss tests so how on earth a lab can tell the difference between nasal inhaled (no-TUE required), oral inhaled (TUE required) and injected (outright ban) corticosteroids I don't know!

    Some medical conditions are more common in athletes, bizzarley one of these is Asthma and is triggered by the amount excercise undertaken by athlettes. ... cle_em.htm

    Dunnoh about excercise induced diabetes though.
    Do Nellyphants count?

    Commuter: FCN 9
    Cheapo Roadie: FCN 5
    Off Road: FCN 11

    +1 when I don't get round to shaving for x days