Vienna or Prague ??

upperoilcan Posts: 1,180
edited February 2012 in The bottom bracket
Here goes,It's mrs Oilcans 40th birthday in a few months an im going to take her away.....

Which one guys out of the above two ?

Reasons please......
Cervelo S5 Ultegra Di2.


  • Depends what you want? Class - Vienna, Cheap beer and a stag party - Prague.
  • TommyEss
    TommyEss Posts: 1,855
    Yeah, Prague's got some lovely architecture, but Vienna's got that added, je n'sais pas - it's Vienna man, and it's her 40th!

    If it were me, I'd be leaning towards Vienna.
    Cannondale Synapse 105, Giant Defy 3, Giant Omnium, Giant Trance X2, EMC R1.0, Ridgeback Platinum, On One Il Pompino...
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Unless you are interested in the music aspect I would say Prague.
    I have been to both and it is the one I would go back to.

    One provision.
    Go Monday to Friday to avoid the stags, hens & yoofs.

    So, so picturesque.
    Cheap beer and food. It doesn't have to be "cheap" either there are some superb restaurants at reasonable prices.
    The weather is fine.
    It is small and compact making everything within easy walking distances.
    If you are there for an extended period local transport will take you places quickly, cheaply and efficiently.
    So on, so on......
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,060
    Prague - it got a reputation as a stag venue a few years back but I think that has died out a bit as prices have gone up and the stags have moved further east.

    I can highly recommend this place if your budget is up to it for a special treat, I went there for an anniversary a few years back (don't confuse it with the similarly named U Zlate Studny which still gets decent reviews but isn't as high a standard from the sound of things). It is right in the grounds of the castle.

    I took the Mrs to Swan Lake at the National Theatre, there's usually an opera or ballet on there if your other half is that way inclined, it isn't something I would usually bother with but the music and scenery was superb and the sacrifice was well appreciated!
  • Lets cut to the chase here, you're obviously gonna be getting the full works so would you rather be banging your missus with this is view


    or this


    I can tell you from experience its the latter, hehe, but treat her to something different.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • upperoilcan
    upperoilcan Posts: 1,180
    Lol !! And thanks for the replies,luckily for us we will be flying out on a Monday and returning on a Thursday so should I choose Prague then I will miss all the sillyness !! Tbh I am leaning towards Prague but I need to learn more about Vienna.

    Saying that I'm also open to other suggestions within Europe.
    Cervelo S5 Ultegra Di2.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228

  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    It means nothing to me Oh Vienna.

    Seriously if your going mid week then Prague, Vienna is possibly the most expensive place I ve ever been in Europe.
  • Never been to Prague but went to Vienna just before Christmas and it's is beautiful. Loved it.

    Agree it's expensive, went to a bar and managed to spend 150 euros on drinks for 2!!!! Yes we got drunk but weren't hammered!

    But still loved it. Don't know if it was the Christmas spirit but the people seemed very friendly as well.
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    Lets cut to the chase here, you're obviously gonna be getting the full works so would you rather be banging your missus with this is view


    or this


    I can tell you from experience its the latter, hehe, but treat her to something different.

    They won't be there again...
  • squeeler
    squeeler Posts: 144
    I went with the lads so knew which areas to avoid when I went the year after with the wife and she loved it. It's not difficult at all to avoid the seedier side of prague, just make sure you go with a guide book. As for Vienna, never been so can't comment, but I bet there are shit areas there too.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    As an addition to my earlier post - check out both online and choose what you prefer (within budget).
    You can't really go wrong with either :P
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Both are really beautiful cities, but tbh I'd put Budapest over either of these 2 - better food, cheaper, you can visit the thermal baths and there are some other very nice places to visit within easy striking distance (Esztergom, Visegrad).
  • upperoilcan
    upperoilcan Posts: 1,180
    Thanks for that John,i will take a look into Budapest,it's one that didnt even cross my mind.
    Cervelo S5 Ultegra Di2.
  • blim
    blim Posts: 333
    Tricky: we went to Prague for our honeymoon, but I'd probably rather go back to Vienna. Vienna is much grander, Prague a bit more fairy-tale, and cheaper. Both are lovely.
    kop van de wedstrijd
  • garrynolan
    garrynolan Posts: 560
    edited February 2012
    I did this... fly to Budapest - lovely city. Train to Bratislava (about 3 hours and cheap) - really beautiful city. Train to Vienna (30 - 40 minutes) - only there for half a day but mightily impressed. Train back to Budapest - but could fly home from Vienna. Winged it for the trains and hotels and had no problems. Worth a punt?
    Visit Ireland - all of it! Cycle in Dublin and know fear!!
  • Only contribution I can offer is that I was told Vienna is a bit dull. And this came from a friend who visits places for culture rather than potential of getting bladdered, he just said it was a little bit too staid.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Only contribution I can offer is that I was told Vienna is a bit dull. And this came from a friend who visits places for culture rather than potential of getting bladdered, he just said it was a little bit too staid.

    Depends when the OP is going. It gets quite lively in summer.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    garrynolan wrote:
    I did this... fly to Budapest - lovely city. Train to Britislava (about 3 hours and cheap) - really beautiful city. Train to Vienna (30 - 40 minutes) - only there for half a day but mightily impressed. Train back to Budapest - but could fly home from Vienna. Winged it for the trains and hotels and had no problems. Worth a punt?

    Bratislava is another nice place, but probably not much good for more than a weekend. I lived there for 6 months and luckily I had a bike, 'cos the city isn't exactly overloaded with tourist attractions (although the few they do have are attractive).
  • johnfinch wrote:
    garrynolan wrote:
    I did this... fly to Budapest - lovely city. Train to Britislava (about 3 hours and cheap) - really beautiful city. Train to Vienna (30 - 40 minutes) - only there for half a day but mightily impressed. Train back to Budapest - but could fly home from Vienna. Winged it for the trains and hotels and had no problems. Worth a punt?

    Bratislava is another nice place, but probably not much good for more than a weekend. I lived there for 6 months and luckily I had a bike, 'cos the city isn't exactly overloaded with tourist attractions (although the few they do have are attractive).

    Fair point - probably should have said I did this trip over 2 nights and it was easy. A few extra hours in Bratislava and Vienna would have been nice so I think the 4 days would be about right.
    Visit Ireland - all of it! Cycle in Dublin and know fear!!
  • Vienna all the way man, the town is not huge, but public transport is abundant. Many many world class buildings, museums and such to go to. You have the International Riding School there for the people who are into Horses, which is the most prestigous school available for that. Opera house is lovely, all of Vienna is lovely, you have an amusement park in the town if you wish to go to that when it is open, and nothing takes more than 15 minutes on the public transport from one end of town to the other to get to.

    Plus the food is amazing.

    If you are interested in traveling a bit while there, I recommend riding down to St. Pölten ( 10.80 euros I think per person each way with the train) then catching the Mariazeller Bahn down to Mariazell. Lovely 1930s or 40s train, through the mountains to a remote mountain town which is often stunning weather.

    Alot to do in the area!
  • I'd say Prague over Vienna every time.. But then I do have a soft spot for Prague... It was much better in the nineties at 10p a pint and the tourist areas in Stare/Nove Mesto were a lot quieter.

    If it was money no object then Vienna has more class, but I personally find it a bit staid.


  • jc4lab
    jc4lab Posts: 554
    If you are both cyclists you can get guided bike rides of Prague with bike hire after but you prob find the streets narrow cobbly and in parts very crowded in the centre..DIy cycling afterwards you can get some decent cycling and wonderful views of the city from a high vantage points on the path that follows the river ..I like this type of tour and have done lots in europe but they may not be your thing But you can simply hire bikes and DIy instead.I used this one.

    Also there's..

    Krakow is another similar city with plenty for the culture vulture..
  • andyb78
    andyb78 Posts: 156
    johnfinch wrote:
    Both are really beautiful cities, but tbh I'd put Budapest over either of these 2 - better food, cheaper, you can visit the thermal baths and there are some other very nice places to visit within easy striking distance (Esztergom, Visegrad).

    +1. Prague's lovely, and cheap. Vienna's lovely, and expensive! I preferred Budapest over both though.
    Road bike FCN 6

    Hardtail Commuter FCN 11 (Apparently, but that may be due to the new beard...)
  • upperoilcan
    upperoilcan Posts: 1,180
    Thanks guys for the replies,

    I now have a spanner in the works as some of my colleague's have put Rome in the mix and ive gotta say that it looks fantastic....(Mind you they all do)
    Cervelo S5 Ultegra Di2.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    edited February 2012
    Not sure if this is a surprise trip for mrs Oilcans 40th, if it isn't then why not put all the options to her, see which one she fancies. Tis her birthday after all. And if it is the wrong choice? Well she only has herself to blame! :wink: Hope you both have a great time wherever you go.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    I now have a spanner in the works as some of my colleague's have put Rome in the mix and ive gotta say that it looks fantastic....(Mind you they all do)

    Rome is nice, but extremely crowded (except for some of the ancient monuments) and the food is hideously overpriced. We went in May, and I've never been in such a tight crush as the Sistine Chapel. Florence is a better destination and it even has market stalls dedicated to nothing but cycling jerseys. 8)
    APIII Posts: 2,010
    I think Rome is a great choice. Of all the Italian cities, it's still my favourite. touristy, yes, but romantic, and the centre is pretty compact for sightseeing. it's easy to get good food if you know where to look. Prague is also lovely, my wife loves it, it still has a lot of charm despite the stag and hens. I haven't been to Vienna, Budapest or Bratislava for years, but of the 3 I liked Budapest the most. Buda, the old part of the city was fantastic. Bratislava was beautiful but very small, so you would run out of things to do quite quickly. It may well have changed though!
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,060
    Ha that's the two European cities I have most enjoyed on your list then. Really difficult to choose but if you haven't been to Rome then I'd say it just edges it because of the shear amount of things to see there.
  • yocto
    yocto Posts: 86
    If you go to Vienna make sure you go to the Schonbrunn palace. Both the palace and grounds are pretty amazing (though I imagine the grounds are better in the summer).