How long would it take you to ride this route???



  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,714
    sfichele wrote:
    Anyone claiming to do 20+ mph over 50 miles in an environment like the Peaks is either a pro or in the very top few percent any riders. or lying!
    So can I get away with 48.7 miles at 20.2 mph in Devon with my honesty unquestioned?

    But then, to put it into proportion, I rode the 112 miles of the Devon Tour of Britain route solo last year at 17.5mph; the professionals did it at over 27mph. It's at times like that that I remember that no-one really cares about average speeds. Really. But I must try harder, all the same. And be honest.
  • Team4Luke
    Team4Luke Posts: 597
    sfichele wrote:
    Anyone claiming to do 20+ mph over 50 miles in an environment like the Peaks is either a pro or in the very top few percent any riders. or lying!
    So can I get away with 48.7 miles at 20.2 mph in Devon with my honesty unquestioned?

    But then, to put it into proportion, I rode the 112 miles of the Devon Tour of Britain route solo last year at 17.5mph; the professionals did it at over 27mph. It's at times like that that I remember that no-one really cares about average speeds. Really. But I must try harder, all the same. And be honest.

    does depend on who you are and how hard you are going. 48.7m at 20.2mph is a high level of fitness I would say, I could do that on my road bike but I would be pretty much into racing effort to come home with that average over that distance.
    Team4Luke supports Cardiac Risk in the Young
  • I am Bang on Average Joe & i have a training loop of 19.8miles with just over 1000ft ascent that takes me about 1 hr 15 mins

    An hour over that route is respectable for an average rider - ignore the willy wavers with all the talk of 20+ averages

    FWIW i do not race but more than hold my own on club runs
    I Dont Ride Hills, I Climb Mountains!

    2010 Scott S40
    2011 Wilier Izoard XP
  • Team4Luke
    Team4Luke Posts: 597
    waynobfc wrote:
    I am Bang on Average Joe & i have a training loop of 19.8miles with just over 1000ft ascent that takes me about 1 hr 15 mins

    An hour over that route is respectable for an average rider - ignore the willy wavers with all the talk of 20+ averages

    FWIW i do not race but more than hold my own on club runs

    nowt wrong with that, good workout with some climbing too.
    There is a massive difference between a club run and a race, there will be some super strong riders on a club run and probably some ex racers, but a decent roadie or a fast tester would drop a club run and I mean people capable of well over 20mph training averages, plenty of us.
    Team4Luke supports Cardiac Risk in the Young
  • waynobfc wrote:
    I am Bang on Average Joe & i have a training loop of 19.8miles with just over 1000ft ascent that takes me about 1 hr 15 mins

    An hour over that route is respectable for an average rider - ignore the willy wavers with all the talk of 20+ averages

    FWIW i do not race but more than hold my own on club runs

    Heres my 18 mile route
    Its the flattest road in my area living in Wales lol (cant wait for the TT season to start! :P)
    10 mile TT pb - 20:56 R10/17
    25 - 53:07 R25/7
    Now using strava
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,714
    waynobfc wrote:
    ignore the willy wavers with all the talk of 20+ averages
    In defence of willy waving, from the OP:
    iestynt1 wrote:
    It'd be interesting to see the differing levels of speed/fitness.
  • ianbar
    ianbar Posts: 1,354
    i personally would manage it probably about 75 mins. id say i was a lot heavier than you about 100kg.
    enigma esprit
    cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012
  • waynobfc wrote:
    ignore the willy wavers with all the talk of 20+ averages
    In defence of willy waving, from the OP:
    iestynt1 wrote:
    It'd be interesting to see the differing levels of speed/fitness.

    Haha, by all means! :D .... No-one has piped up with a sub 50 minute time as yet! Anyone brave enough to step into the line of fire?
    GT I-drive
    Giant tcr composite
  • okgo
    okgo Posts: 4,368
    Of course there are people on here that would do it in 50 mins.

    My record on my commute (which is just under 18 miles from one end of London to the other) is 59 mins or something, so its fairly reasonable to expect any decent roadie going for it to be able to get pretty close to 50 mins given the route isn't anything like as stop start and as busy as a city commute.

    I'd expect there are a couple that I know that are on here that would be well down into the 40's.

    Its not willy waving really is it? I'd argue that the people that give their slow times then claim willy waving are actually the ones seeking more attention.

    And compared to a pro who would be able to avg 30 mph I'd imagine 20-25 mph for a good ametuer is entirely feasible.
    Blog on my first and now second season of proper riding/racing -
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,714
    okgo wrote:
    I'd argue that the people that give their slow times then claim willy waving are actually the ones seeking more attention.
    One of the nice things about cycling is that there's such a range of cyclists, from those who just enjoy pootling a couple of miles on a MTB, to those who can ride long distances at a decent speed, and to those who can do time trials at 30mph. For those outside club riding, there is often disbelief that serious cyclists can cycle the speeds/distances they do (or, if they do believe the figures, that you should keep quiet about them), hence the double accusation of willy-waving/lying. But most willy-wavers will know several riders who are stronger/faster then themselves, and what outside of club riding might sound like willy-waving, is merely average. Credit to the OP - he is genuinely interested in the range of abilities here on BR.
  • okgo
    okgo Posts: 4,368
    I totally agree, I can ride at a decent pace, and to people at work it seems mental that I'd ride 100 miles in a morning on a sunday. But it isn't. And there is a chap I ride with who's on here who would easily do that route in low 40's solo, other people wouldn't believe that either.
    Blog on my first and now second season of proper riding/racing -
  • Pigtail
    Pigtail Posts: 424
    I see a 20 mph average as a real target for me - which is tantalisingly close sometimes, but I'm not quite there. I've gradually gone through hitting 20 on the flat, averaging 20 for a mile, averaging 20 for big chunks but 20 for a complete ride has been very rare.

    One of the problems is that I stay in town, with traffic lights, roundabouts, give ways etc that hammers my average before I get out on the open road. I have a 30 mile route that I haven't tried since summertime. Over 8 months last year I knocked half-an-hour off my time for it and was tantalisingly close to the 20 mph door-to-door, but never quite made it.
  • Team4Luke
    Team4Luke Posts: 597
    Pigtail wrote:
    I see a 20 mph average as a real target for me - which is tantalisingly close sometimes, but I'm not quite there. I've gradually gone through hitting 20 on the flat, averaging 20 for a mile, averaging 20 for big chunks but 20 for a complete ride has been very rare.

    One of the problems is that I stay in town, with traffic lights, roundabouts, give ways etc that hammers my average before I get out on the open road. I have a 30 mile route that I haven't tried since summertime. Over 8 months last year I knocked half-an-hour off my time for it and was tantalisingly close to the 20 mph door-to-door, but never quite made it.

    well said, town will wreck your average although Garmins and the like set to stop/start will help but you still have to slow and re-accelerate, you said it well, easy to ride at 20mph but keeping it up and above is a different matter entirely and that's where serious volume training comes in usually but not all the time from those that race road or TT.
    My training ave speeds range from 17.5mph to 24mph from several hours down to 20min sessions.
    It is a very interesting number 20mph
    Team4Luke supports Cardiac Risk in the Young
  • iestynt1 wrote:
    waynobfc wrote:
    ignore the willy wavers with all the talk of 20+ averages
    In defence of willy waving, from the OP:
    iestynt1 wrote:
    It'd be interesting to see the differing levels of speed/fitness.

    Haha, by all means! :D .... No-one has piped up with a sub 50 minute time as yet! Anyone brave enough to step into the line of fire?
    I'll stick my neck out and I reckon I could do it sub 50 :P
    10 mile TT pb - 20:56 R10/17
    25 - 53:07 R25/7
    Now using strava
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,714
    I'll stick my neck out and I reckon I could do it sub 50 :P
    Willy waver. (Or neck waver, anyway.)
    Team4Luke wrote:
    It is a very interesting number 20mph
    Indeed. It has worked nicely as a target for me. Sometimes I hit it, sometimes not, but it's a good motivator to push myself.
  • iestynt1 wrote:
    waynobfc wrote:
    ignore the willy wavers with all the talk of 20+ averages
    In defence of willy waving, from the OP:
    iestynt1 wrote:
    It'd be interesting to see the differing levels of speed/fitness.

    Haha, by all means! :D .... No-one has piped up with a sub 50 minute time as yet! Anyone brave enough to step into the line of fire?
    I'll stick my neck out and I reckon I could do it sub 50 :P

    Top man!!! Someone willing to be shot down In flames! Personally I couldn't care if you could do it in 30 minutes or 90 minutes. The great thing about this forum is that there is a large range of ability and desire with the main aim being just 'get out on the bike'.

    Anyone beat 45minutes? :D
    GT I-drive
    Giant tcr composite
  • iestynt1 wrote:
    iestynt1 wrote:
    waynobfc wrote:
    ignore the willy wavers with all the talk of 20+ averages
    In defence of willy waving, from the OP:
    iestynt1 wrote:
    It'd be interesting to see the differing levels of speed/fitness.

    Haha, by all means! :D .... No-one has piped up with a sub 50 minute time as yet! Anyone brave enough to step into the line of fire?
    I'll stick my neck out and I reckon I could do it sub 50 :P

    Top man!!! Someone willing to be shot down In flames! Personally I couldn't care if you could do it in 30 minutes or 90 minutes. The great thing about this forum is that there is a large range of ability and desire with the main aim being just 'get out on the bike'.

    Anyone beat 45minutes? :D

    To go under 45 i'd be looking at the TT bike, then it is easily doable
    10 mile TT pb - 20:56 R10/17
    25 - 53:07 R25/7
    Now using strava
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,714
    To go under 45 i'd be looking at the TT bike, then it is easily doable
    Hmm - that's a claim I'd hesitate to make looking at the route, whatever I was going to ride - rather too many junctions and urban riding for my liking for pure speed.
  • okgo
    okgo Posts: 4,368
    I'd have a tenner on TarmacExpert (look up the 3 lap Challenge thread) going under 45 on a road bike.
    Blog on my first and now second season of proper riding/racing -
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,714
    okgo wrote:
    I'd have a tenner on TarmacExpert (look up the 3 lap Challenge thread) going under 45 on a road bike.
    Now you're waving someone else's willy.
  • okgo
    okgo Posts: 4,368
    Haha. That's something altogether different. And not for this type of forum!
    Blog on my first and now second season of proper riding/racing -
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,714
    okgo wrote:
    Haha. That's something altogether different. And not for this type of forum!
    Ooh, I dunno. I think Big Hairy Wallapers over in Cake Stop needs some entertainment now his thread there is tapering off.
  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    okgo wrote:
    I'd argue that the people that give their slow times then claim willy waving are actually the ones seeking more attention.
    One of the nice things about cycling is that there's such a range of cyclists, from those who just enjoy pootling a couple of miles on a MTB, to those who can ride long distances at a decent speed, and to those who can do time trials at 30mph. For those outside club riding, there is often disbelief that serious cyclists can cycle the speeds/distances they do
    And for those inside club riding, there seems to be often disbelief, or even sniggering, that there are other cyclists that can still take cycling seriously and enjoy it, even with average speeds of 12 to 14 mph, or less, on 50/60 mile rides.
  • Did it! Came in with my first sub 60 minute time with a 59.43. Thanks for all the comments, advice etc... I appreciate there are some here who could break 50 so whilst it's not great, it's great for me! Conditions, fitness, nutrition, technique, bike set up etc etc all played a part. Need another goal now! Thanks all :)
    GT I-drive
    Giant tcr composite
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,714
    Did it! Came in with my first sub 60 minute time with a 59.43.
    Well done! Bet you were chuffed when you stopped the clock and saw the time.

    The only trouble now is you'll be setting yourself the next target, now you've achieved this one!
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    Just seen this thread for the first time

    Well done Huey. If you can break that barrier in winter you could probably knock a few more minutes off on a nice warm day. Goof luck with your next challenge :)