Ice Stops Play



  • essjaydee
    essjaydee Posts: 917
    Went out and did just over 30 miles, and it was bloody fantastic 8)

    Fresh to start off with but once I got going and warmed up a bit t'was fine :D

    Feel ashamed if you had the opportunity to get out but chose not too because it was cold :roll:
  • BoydD
    BoydD Posts: 68
    Out Saturday for a brisk 30 miler, thought twice about it as it was white over with frost but decided to go. Really glad I did as it great in the cold, was intending to do around 50 miles but tailored my route as I lost the feeling in my toes after 15 miles. Really should have put my shoe covers on.
    Giant Defy Advanced
    Cannondale Super Six 105
    Spesh Rockhopper