No Motivation



  • To be fair you could have done that if you weren't out tired but I don't know the details so won't argue! I still stand by the fact you can go out safely and enjoy yourself though. Depends on the sort of riding the OP does I suppose because there is a slightly raised risk and the reward has to be worth it. Also, I was always with someone at a trail centre. It's a bit different if you are on your own in the middle of nowhere... I'm lucky enough not to have to do night shifts at the moment but if I was I'd have no hesitation in doing the same. The most dangerous bit was the drive before and after tbh - sitting on a boring stretch of motorway is not a stimulating experience!
  • delcol
    delcol Posts: 2,848
    your quite right and i did go out most saturdays after the night shift and was fine.. i always felt i was not 100% with it but was fine riding.
    the day i had my accident was more stupidity on my part by dropping in and hitting the jump when it's windy..
    but male pride and all.. it was the fact i was tired and thats why i had the accident. nothing to do with the wind :wink:
  • tsenior
    tsenior Posts: 664
    i'm having issues as well, although i work long days rather than nights, we have 2 yr old and a 3 month old boys the former needs to spend some time with his dad in the evernings and the latter is still in our room so wakes me at least once before i do the 4 am feed and back to work.

    in theory i could go out for a bit after 8.30 pm but i'm dead to the world by then.

    tried cycling to work but something always seems to come up where i need the car

    reluctantly decided that i am not going to get regular riding in untill the baby is sleeping a bit more and the wife is less fraught, so i'll get soft and flabby and just have to start again :(

    on the plus side, not had a smoke since the baby was born; like the others i used to enjoy a "recovery" fag at the end of a ride!