That London - don't go there!

rolf_f Posts: 16,015
edited December 2011 in Commuting chat
Last week I was in London. On the Friday I met Sketchley, ITB and Wrath Rob at the Morpeth for a few drinks which was great. That was the only great.

I then had Monday and Tuesday to experience the fun of cycle commuting in that London. And it was shite! I had with me a Dahon small wheel folder Alvio 8 speed from work and I was riding from East Croydon to Piccadilly. And here are my observations.

The cyclists are mostly crap, really crap - in so many ways! Yes, about 40% do seem to be happy to RLJ (though that does mean a small majority don't). They cut through traffic in completely pointless ways and cut each other up mercilessly. They are slow. I mean really slow. I saw slugs overtaking the so-called Embankment Peloton. It was a refreshing relief on the relatively rare occasions when I got overtaken as I should have endlessly on a heavy folding bike with a narrow gear ratio and with zero momentum (take the pressure of the pedals and the small wheels just roll straight to a stop - it isn't a fast bike) - instead, I kept passing people on lightweight road bikes (and my average speed for the commute was only about 13mph). Then there is the fixie crowd - at the lights they coast around you and park infront of you and then you have to find a way around them as they crawl off the line (they hit a sweet spot between about 6 and 10mph before they start to spin out). And how could someone on a Rapha Condor Sharp replica road bike let themselves be overtaken by someone on a folding bike?

Too much rudeness too. I offended a couple of cyclists - my GPS was slow waking up so I coasted from the 5mph I was dawdling along to nothing (on a quietish bit of road). All of a sudden I hear a voice behind me "He stopped dead right in front of me!" And behind him a girl "I know!". And yes - I would have apologised if you hadn't been such a tragically indignant rude little twerp but if you had any competency at all you wouldn't have been on my back wheel anyway I was that slow. Except that my slow seemingly isn't that slow in London!

And of course, it is just so ugly. Mile after mile of tatty shops with only the odd manky tree to brighten things up. Obviously nice once you get to the centre but then you just have to concentrate on not getting flattened.

But then the shit riding I can understand to a degree. Cycle lanes that randomly stop exactly where you need them not to stop and start just when you don't need them. Prius drivers who think that you'll be happy with the two foot gap they make for you between themselves and the bus when you passing it at 15-20mph. The sheer desperation of the drivers to get the next hundred yards covered to the next big queue is hard to believe.

Honestly, much credit to the folk that put up with this crap every day; I admire them for putting up with it because it is a different world there and one I want no part of; I can just see myself developing terrible habits to match the surroundings and many of the other cyclists. It makes me realise how terrific my commute through some of the uglier parts of Leeds actually is. Those who don't commute in London - try it sometime. It will really make you appreciate what you have. My heart really goes out to those who do no cycling but London commuting - fellas, you aren't really cycling at all. That isn't cycling. Get out to the Downs at the weekend and have a go at cycling - you'll probably love it!
Faster than a tent.......


  • I'm staying put - I don't want some epiphanic riding experience in another part of the country to make me realise how rubbish it is in Lahndon. As it is I'm reasonably happy with my lot.

    As for the ugliness - I'm used to that, I grew up in Catford for Pete's sake!
  • clarkey cat
    clarkey cat Posts: 3,641
    I'll have whatever you're drinking.
  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    :D MTFU

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    Wow, high standards. I must be a real cretin to be cycling under these conditions ;)
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,773
    I suspect riding in from Croydon isn't going to be particularly pretty. Riding in through Richmond Park makes the whole world a better place.
    You're probably right on a lot of the other points. Although I don't commute into town I skirt around the periphery.
    I find riding on country lanes with cars passing at high speeds a lot scarier than being in the cut and thrust of the traffic. But I've lived around London since I was 2 years old so don't know much better as you say. If you put up with this long enough you might start to enjoy the different challenge it brings.
    Lots of good pubs as well.
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    I've only been a London a few times mostly to visit our sales office in Camberwell. I've never has a the misfortune to cycle around there but I've had the "pleasure" of using the can people be so emotionless? i remember a women tripped over something coming up to an escalator, I stopped an helped her get up but was shocked to see how many people just passed her by

    possibly people have got places to be or deadlines to meet?

    come oop north, we arn't all barbarians an we even acknowledge people too
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    I love it.
  • Gallywomack
    Gallywomack Posts: 823
    edited December 2011
    The tube thing is something you often hear. You have to remember that getting the tube day in, day out is soul-crushingly dreary, so I suppose most people using it are throughly miserable and not in the mood for pleasantries.

    Being slightly defensive though, I dislike the way London is singled out here - I've used equivalent public transport services in various cities around the world and I don't remember any of them involving much in the way of jollity.
  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    On a serious note, I was getting very disillusioned with London and commuting in general until I started cycling. I think I would be in the country working from home by now if I hadn't started commuting by bike. It kind of makes the place tolerable. I'd take a cyclist cutting in front at the light and moving off slowly over a overheating sweaty tube every day. It's also good to know you are getting places quicker than everyone else.

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Its like people saying they don't like sex - you must be doing it wrong!
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    BigMat wrote:
    Its like people saying they don't like sex - you must be doing it wrong!

    Yeah, I posted pretty much the same thread on SexRadar.......
    Faster than a tent.......
  • clarkey cat
    clarkey cat Posts: 3,641
    I don't think you can really generalise about London.

    It's basically a load of towns, cities, villages etc. all just joined up. Some areas are really pretty, like Harrogate. Some places are grim, like Leeds.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    cycling in london >>> cycling in provincial 'towns'

    and thats coming from someone who used to cycle in leeds. i used to ride into town to just lap the ring road so that i could feel some excitement!
  • jamesco
    jamesco Posts: 687
    This is all a bit one-sided! Just to balance the London ledger: yesterday, on the morning ride in, a Mercedes pulled out at an intersection and swiped me, causing a tumble. Two cyclists were waiting behind him and both checked I was okay and patiently waited to give names & numbers as witnesses. Even London has nice people :)

    Commuting through the downs sounds lovely, not sure the boss will want to move the company out there.
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Rolf F wrote:
    BigMat wrote:
    Its like people saying they don't like sex - you must be doing it wrong!

    Yeah, I posted pretty much the same thread on SexRadar.......

    I saw that, did you miss my response?

    Its like people saying they don't like cycle commuting in London - you must be doing it wrong!

    I do get what you're saying, I guess what it comes down to is that most of us in London aren't comparing our commute to a ride through country lanes, we're comparing it to the tube / train / bus and all the associated expense, delays, crush, heat and general unpleasantness. Anyway, urban cycling can be a lot of fun, you probably just need to accept that its a different form of cycling to the (for me) weekend rides.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    Prius drivers who think that you'll be happy with the two foot gap they make for you between themselves and the bus when you passing it at 15-20mph.

    Prius' are driven by sanctimonius twunts who mistakenly believe that because they own a hybrid they can drive like idiots.
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Gussio wrote:
    Prius drivers who think that you'll be happy with the two foot gap they make for you between themselves and the bus when you passing it at 15-20mph.

    Prius' are driven by sanctimonius twunts who mistakenly believe that because they own a hybrid they can drive like idiots.

    Or corporate minicab firms who want to avoid paying road tax* / congestion charge.

    * I know, I know!
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    Being slightly defensive though, I dislike the way London is singled out here - I've used equivalent public transport services in various cities around the world and I don't remember any of them involving much in the way of jollity.

    aye thats true, granted an to be honest i can see why people get pee'd off with PT in London

    its possibly to with the places i have visited in London to be honest. our sales office is in Camberwell Green which im told is rougher than a bears bum in the depth of winter

    i remember when the bombings happened I was in euston underground, an because the police had shut all the roads i had to walk from Euston to camberwell green, god knows how far it is but when you literally don't know where your going, your mobile wont work an people keep snarling at you, you get a bit worried...
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    Gussio wrote:
    Prius drivers who think that you'll be happy with the two foot gap they make for you between themselves and the bus when you passing it at 15-20mph.

    Prius' are driven by sanctimonius twunts who mistakenly believe that because they own a hybrid they can drive like idiots.

    Well I wouldn't go that far....but the cars can be pretty quiet so like other electric/hybrids they have a nasty habit of sneaking up on you.
  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    I've been to Leeds once. It was horrible.
  • i had to walk from Euston to camberwell green, god knows how far it is

    Blimmin eck, that is a long walk. I always find walking long distances in town is much more tiring than walking the equivalent distance in the country, so if you did that and were capable of work afterwards, chapeau to you sir! I think I'd have been ready for a footbath.

    Re Leeds - I was a student there for a brief and unsuccessful stint and I seem to remember the roads round my way (the student ghetto of Headingly/Hyde Park) being very potholed. Mind you, London's not much better in that regard.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    notsoblue wrote:
    Gussio wrote:
    Prius drivers who think that you'll be happy with the two foot gap they make for you between themselves and the bus when you passing it at 15-20mph.

    Prius' are driven by sanctimonius twunts who mistakenly believe that because they own a hybrid they can drive like idiots.

    Well I wouldn't go that far....but the cars can be pretty quiet so like other electric/hybrids they have a nasty habit of sneaking up on you.

    More than once I've almost wet myself when a G-Whizz sails past in full-on stealth mode :lol:
  • jamesco
    jamesco Posts: 687
    Gussio wrote:
    Prius' are driven by sanctimonius twunts who mistakenly believe that because they own a hybrid they can drive like idiots.
    Well, if the drivers have any smugness, it's at least a little bit deserved - given the choice, it's much nicer to be behind a Prius taking off at the lights than a Diesel. No one who chooses to drive a (private) hybrid is an aggro driver, so that's nice, too.
  • jamesco
    jamesco Posts: 687
    Gussio wrote:
    More than once I've almost wet myself when a G-Whizz sails past in full-on stealth mode :lol:
    You're admitting that you got passed by a G-Whizz? Hang your head in shame ;)
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Gussio wrote:
    More than once I've almost wet myself when a G-Whizz sails past in full-on stealth mode :lol:

    You see - this is my point (well, one of them!) :lol:
    Faster than a tent.......
  • phy2sll2
    phy2sll2 Posts: 680
    So, if I might summarise:

    1) If you live in London, you're better off cycle commuting than taking PT.
    2) London cycle commuting is not cycling. To do that, head to somewhere green - Downs are a good suggestion.
    3) Croydon is not as nice as some places, but not as bad as some people think.
  • You had me till point 3) :wink:
  • davmaggs
    davmaggs Posts: 1,008
    The big city isn't for everyone.

    Think of it has a giant machine made up of many cogs all turning and connected that move in time with each other and keep things flowing along because they know what they are doing in relation to each other. Now chuck in a lump of grit (e.g visitor with a wheely suitcase blocking the entrance to a tube station) and the machine stutters and becomes unhappy. It isn't the machine at fault, the parts know what they are doing, it is the grit causing the issue.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    jamesco wrote:
    Gussio wrote:
    More than once I've almost wet myself when a G-Whizz sails past in full-on stealth mode :lol:
    You're admitting that you got passed by a G-Whizz? Hang your head in shame ;)

    It's happened more than once.... :oops:
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    jamesco wrote:
    Gussio wrote:
    More than once I've almost wet myself when a G-Whizz sails past in full-on stealth mode :lol:
    You're admitting that you got passed by a G-Whizz? Hang your head in shame ;)
    The dangerous thing about G-Whizz's is that they try and move through the same spaces that can only really accommodate a cyclist or a small motorbike. And they do that silently.