Torn Cartilage (minicus tear) & lateral release.

what brakes
what brakes Posts: 328

I had an op to repair my torn cartilage on the 9th Sept. My knee is still really painfull and im waiting for a date for an MRi on the other knee to confirm the same op will be needed for that!

Im also in need of a lateral release!!!

So a few questions regarding both if you will.
1) How soon after op did you manage to get back cycling?
2) Do you still have trouble/pain?
3) Has it reduced the distance/frequency of your cycling?

If you had a lateral release how did you get your doctor to agree to it? As my Surgeon said in the past 5 years he hasnt refered any and wouldnt refer anyone for it!!!!


  • ratsbeyfus
    ratsbeyfus Posts: 2,841
    Hi there

    I had a miniscus repair on my left knee about 5 years ago. I cycled a lot less in those days, using a hybrid to commute once a week to work, but as I recall it I was back on the bike within a month of the operation. I've never had problems since, although I did opt for Speedplay pedals when I got into road biking so that I'd have plenty of float adjustment to keep my knee comfy.

    I'm not sure what 'lateral release' is so I can't comment on that, but I do hope your knee heals soon and you get full use of your knee back. Good luck.

    I had one of them red bikes but I don't any more. Sad face.

  • dandrew
    dandrew Posts: 175
    Miniscus damage is very frustrating, knees take so long to heal due to the low blood flow to the knee. I was able to cycle but not run after a few weeks. Running was possible about two to three months later but I didn't feel confident and wouldn't have been able to play football or anything that required lots of turning etc.
    Feels fine now it will get better but when I suppose it all depends on how badly damaged it is,
  • siamon
    siamon Posts: 274
    My meniscus tear was repaired on the 27th May, I also had some worn bits removed and the joint surface had to be filed back to repair roughness on the joint surface. At no point after the op did I have any pain (unless I did something stupid) so it's strange that you've still got pain 2 months after the op.

    I think getting a second and/or third/fourth opinion is the way forward. Shop around for a physio who is familiar with whatever caused your injury (whether it was road running, football etc) and get their opinion. If you don't agree with what they say go and see another one. I had to see 3 G.P's, 3 physio's and 2 surgeon's before I got a diagnosis that I was happy with (i.e reflected what I was feeling in my knee). Also, you could ask at your GP Surgery whether any of the doctors are keen on sports, if there is one, book an appointment with them. It was only when I got a GP who did a lot of running that I was taken seriously.

    Don't feel bad about shopping around, it's your knee. You might get a different opinion on whether the lateral release for the patella is required, another surgeon may feel an injection or simply some gentle physio will suffice. Hope I have been of help and good luck!