Road Rage

BobbyTrigger Posts: 377
edited November 2011 in Road beginners
3 tossers on this mornings ride - bloody 3. all because we we're paired up. we only ever pair on quiet roads.

1st guy passes and beeps, then slows down as if he's gonna stop, but doesnt.

2nd guy in a box van beeps and calls us w@nkers, then slams the brakes on in front forcing us to stop. then he just sits there watching us in his mirrors for a minute before driving off.

3rd bloke is a meat head who flys past us beeping his horn swearing at us with his window down.

not once did we shout back. bloody lunatics.

honestly, where's the love? what's the matter with people? really spoilt the ride and has left me pretty chewed off. makes me wonder if i should stick a cheap camera in my jersey pocket.

i guess the answer is to ride single file all the time unless i'm in a big group.

or of course to grow thicker skin and just ignore them.

really spoilt my morning out.


  • ALaPlage
    ALaPlage Posts: 732
    You got to learn to ignore it. Lots of quiet roads round me where I ride alone or with a group - when out with friends we ride in pairs but if we hear a vehicle approaching drop to single file. Even then you still get the idiots who fly past you with 6 inches to spare and the odd insult and horn blast.

    Its a cultural thing in this country and will take some effort to change it. Just do your bit to educate friends, family and workmates.
    Trek Madone 5.9
    Kinesis Crosslight T4
  • iirc its only ok to ride 2 abreast where safe to do so. Highway code?

    Did they have to cross the white line and put themsleves in danger to pass you? Were they sat behind you for ages being held up?

    As a cyclist and a car driver I see both points of view. imo cycling 2 a breast is not a right to hog the road at all times in all places it is something that should be done intelligently i.e on wide roads with places to pass or when cyclists are prepared to pull in to allow cars to pass. Really pisses me off when I am heading out somewhere and my route is blocked a TDF style peloton.

    However nothing excuses dangerous behaviour from drivers but there are things that obviously wind them up ( not saying this is the case with your ride.)
    Focus Cayo Pro
    Cotic Soul custom
    Merida Cross 4
    Planet X Dirty Disco custom cyclocross
    Tern D8 clown bike
  • colsoop
    colsoop Posts: 217
    Doesn't the highway code also state that you should allow the same space when overtaking a bike as you would a car :wink: (where pratical of course)

    When out riding we tend to be 2 a breast but as cars approach move in to single file.

    I know some ride 2 a breast as a safety thing as riding single file, some cars tend to take a chance of squeezing by.

    Try not to let them idiots bother you on your ride.
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    You should drop down to single file when you hear vehicles approaching, it p***es me off when you come across cyclists that refuse go drop to single file, so it's hardly surprising that some cyclists get abuse when they create a rolling roadblock.
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    There are some idiot drivers around. I've had drivers go nuts when riding two abreast on a straight bit of road with no other vehicles in sight - it must be a real inconvenience for them to have to turn the steering wheel by half an inch to manoeuvre around us!

    Unfortunately, some people suffer from a complete personality disorder as soon as they get in a motor vehicle.

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    I can't understand the comments telling the OP he should be dropping to single file. Presumably this is so that a car can squeeze past while there is oncoming traffic . . . . Shouldn't we be supporting the guy who's just had a cr4p morning ride.

    I'm on the OP's side, there is no excuse for abusive and aggressive behaviour. You should be able to ride 2 abreast without fear of abuse or worse. I ride 2 abreast and I pull over to single file if I feel it's safe for a car to pass as do all the other cyclists I know.

    it's hard to let the water run off the ducks back sometimes but it's the best thing to do.

    Stay safe
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    Bozman wrote:
    You should drop down to single file when you hear vehicles approaching, it p***es me off when you come across cyclists that refuse go drop to single file, so it's hardly surprising that some cyclists get abuse when they create a rolling roadblock.

    yeah hardly surprising :roll:
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    Bozman wrote:
    You should drop down to single file when you hear vehicles approaching, it p***es me off when you come across cyclists that refuse go drop to single file, so it's hardly surprising that some cyclists get abuse when they create a rolling roadblock.

    +1 you should be riding single file when there's other traffic about. And you say they're the tossers.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • kamil1891
    kamil1891 Posts: 658
    I would like to see what you guys would do if you were at the OP place?;) probably waved back, smiled and excused to these idiots in the car because it was "your fault" to ride 2 abreast, don't you? ;)
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    oodboo wrote:
    Bozman wrote:
    You should drop down to single file when you hear vehicles approaching, it p***es me off when you come across cyclists that refuse go drop to single file, so it's hardly surprising that some cyclists get abuse when they create a rolling roadblock.

    +1 you should be riding single file when there's other traffic about. And you say they're the tossers.

    Surely this depends on the road in question and the traffic conditions. The OP has stated that he only rides two abreast on quiet roads - seems perfectly reasonable to me.

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • markyone
    markyone Posts: 1,126
    Its happening on most of our rides,it seems the abuse is getting more and more, and we are a very organised group.
    I drive a 44 tonne truck for a living, and the speed limit on a single road is 40mph for trucks, even if the limit says 50 or 60,so i will stick to 40 and i get abuse driving that to.
    It really pi**es me off.
    Sorry to say that a lot of drivers dont give a s**t for other road users,always in a hurry and would put them and others lives at risk.
    I see it everyday without fail.
    Colnago c60 Eps super record 11
    Pinarello F8 with sram etap
  • nhoj
    nhoj Posts: 129
    oodboo wrote:
    +1 you should be riding single file when there's other traffic about. And you say they're the tossers.
    Utter nonsense.
  • Chip \'oyler
    Chip \'oyler Posts: 2,323
    oodboo wrote:
    Bozman wrote:
    You should drop down to single file when you hear vehicles approaching, it p***es me off when you come across cyclists that refuse go drop to single file, so it's hardly surprising that some cyclists get abuse when they create a rolling roadblock.

    +1 you should be riding single file when there's other traffic about. And you say they're the tossers.

    Can you tell me where it says that in the Highway Code.

    Why don't you both sell your bike and go and fuck off and play with your car.
    Expertly coached by - the blog for Viner owners and lovers!
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    oodboo wrote:
    Bozman wrote:
    You should drop down to single file when you hear vehicles approaching, it p***es me off when you come across cyclists that refuse go drop to single file, so it's hardly surprising that some cyclists get abuse when they create a rolling roadblock.

    +1 you should be riding single file when there's other traffic about. And you say they're the tossers.

    Can you tell me where it says that in the Highway Code.

    Why don't you both sell your bike and go and fark off and play with your car.

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • ben16v
    ben16v Posts: 296
    coming down llanberis pass this morning in terrible conditiions - i rode 2 abrest to control the traffic behind if it was unsafe for them to overtake then moved in behind the other rider to allow them to pass when it was safe - when i moved in i gave a wave to the driver to thank them
    seems to work for me
    i need more bikes
  • Chip \'oyler
    Chip \'oyler Posts: 2,323
    You can bet the three nobheads that the OP came across slowed right down and passed very slowly on the other side of the road when it was safe to do so when they came across someone riding a horse.

    After many years of riding I've come to the conclusion that a horse's life is worth a lot more that a human's.
    Expertly coached by - the blog for Viner owners and lovers!
  • nhoj
    nhoj Posts: 129
    After many years of riding I've come to the conclusion that a horse's life is worth a lot more that a human's.
    Some folk turn into yahoos behind the wheel.
  • rjh299
    rjh299 Posts: 721
    ben16v wrote:
    coming down llanberis pass this morning in terrible conditiions - i rode 2 abrest to control the traffic behind if it was unsafe for them to overtake then moved in behind the other rider to allow them to pass when it was safe - when i moved in i gave a wave to the driver to thank themseems to work for me

    I tend to give a wave of thanks (not a shaking fist) when a driver makes a effort to wait or pass carefully, might just make them do it again for the next cyclist they pass.
    Not really appropriate for the OP who is getting abuse straightaway though! Riding two abrest is fine in sensible situations and if an effort is made to single out when safe to do so (that's safe in the cyclist's opinion, not the car driver's).
  • PeteMadoc wrote:
    I can't understand the comments telling the OP he should be dropping to single file. Presumably this is so that a car can squeeze past while there is oncoming traffic . . . . Shouldn't we be supporting the guy who's just had a cr4p morning ride.

    I'm on the OP's side, there is no excuse for abusive and aggressive behaviour. You should be able to ride 2 abreast without fear of abuse or worse. I ride 2 abreast and I pull over to single file if I feel it's safe for a car to pass as do all the other cyclists I know.

    it's hard to let the water run off the ducks back sometimes but it's the best thing to do.

    Stay safe

  • oodboo wrote:
    Bozman wrote:
    You should drop down to single file when you hear vehicles approaching, it p***es me off when you come across cyclists that refuse go drop to single file, so it's hardly surprising that some cyclists get abuse when they create a rolling roadblock.

    +1 you should be riding single file when there's other traffic about. And you say they're the tossers.

    Terrible attitude. I don't know where to start.
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    oodboo wrote:
    Bozman wrote:
    You should drop down to single file when you hear vehicles approaching, it p***es me off when you come across cyclists that refuse go drop to single file, so it's hardly surprising that some cyclists get abuse when they create a rolling roadblock.

    +1 you should be riding single file when there's other traffic about. And you say they're the tossers.

    Terrible attitude. I don't know where to start.

    Maybe start by looking at the attitude of roadies. OP and friend create a rolling roadblock slowing down other road users and making passing them difficult, doesn't matter how quiet the road is, in my opinion this is not on. Then get upset when drivers vent their frustration. Maybe they should take responsibility for their actions and have some understanding of other people's point of view.

    And to those who think creating a road block and letting drivers pass when they think it's safe, etc. Come on, who do you think you are to make other people's decisions for them?
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • oodboo wrote:
    Come on, who do you think you are to make other people's decisions for them?

    When it's my life they're playing with :roll:

    Are you seriously saying you've never had a dodgy overtake by a motorist who couldn't work out that there wasn't enough room to pass safely?

    Anyway, the OP never said he was creating a rolling roadblock, and it doesn't sound like the drivers had any trouble passing, either!
  • oodboo wrote:
    oodboo wrote:
    Bozman wrote:
    You should drop down to single file when you hear vehicles approaching, it p***es me off when you come across cyclists that refuse go drop to single file, so it's hardly surprising that some cyclists get abuse when they create a rolling roadblock.

    +1 you should be riding single file when there's other traffic about. And you say they're the tossers.

    Terrible attitude. I don't know where to start.

    Maybe start by looking at the attitude of roadies. OP and friend create a rolling roadblock slowing down other road users and making passing them difficult, doesn't matter how quiet the road is, in my opinion this is not on. Then get upset when drivers vent their frustration. Maybe they should take responsibility for their actions and have some understanding of other people's point of view.

    And to those who think creating a road block and letting drivers pass when they think it's safe, etc. Come on, who do you think you are to make other people's decisions for them?

    The problem is the set of underlying assumptions that leads to this viewpoint.
    Rolling roadblock
    - the assumption behind this phrase is that motorized traffic has the right to get from A to B unimpeded and that everything else should get out of the way.

    On my morning commute, it isn't other cyclists who delay my journey; it's the miles of bumper-to-bumper cars, vans and lorries. So would it be OK for me to shout "w@nker" at them all as I pass, then slam on the anchors at the front of the queue to teach them all a lesson?
    then get upset when drivers vent their frustration.
    - you mean "when drivers behave in the most disgusting and uncivilized way" or "when drivers use their vehicle as a weapon". What would you think of a pedestrian who shouted obscenities at others whom he'd decided were getting in his way? Would you say "it's OK - he's just venting his frustration. It's your fault for getting under his feet."? And as for slamming on the anchors to try and cause a crash, if you think that is justified because they are "venting their frustration" then forgive me but you're way off the mark.
  • rjh299
    rjh299 Posts: 721
    oodboo wrote:
    oodboo wrote:
    Bozman wrote:
    You should drop down to single file when you hear vehicles approaching, it p***es me off when you come across cyclists that refuse go drop to single file, so it's hardly surprising that some cyclists get abuse when they create a rolling roadblock.

    +1 you should be riding single file when there's other traffic about. And you say they're the tossers.

    Terrible attitude. I don't know where to start.

    Maybe start by looking at the attitude of roadies. OP and friend create a rolling roadblock slowing down other road users and making passing them difficult, doesn't matter how quiet the road is, in my opinion this is not on. Then get upset when drivers vent their frustration. Maybe they should take responsibility for their actions and have some understanding of other people's point of view.

    And to those who think creating a road block and letting drivers pass when they think it's safe, etc. Come on, who do you think you are to make other people's decisions for them?

    Making other peoples decisions? Single out when you decide it is safe to. The car can do want it wants, pass or wait. Also, cars forcing cyclists to single out is making decisions for them.
    Why the roadie attitude comment aswell? Are you not a fellow 'roadie'?
  • Duffer65
    Duffer65 Posts: 341
    oodboo wrote:
    oodboo wrote:
    Bozman wrote:
    You should drop down to single file when you hear vehicles approaching, it p***es me off when you come across cyclists that refuse go drop to single file, so it's hardly surprising that some cyclists get abuse when they create a rolling roadblock.

    +1 you should be riding single file when there's other traffic about. And you say they're the tossers.

    Terrible attitude. I don't know where to start.

    Maybe start by looking at the attitude of roadies. OP and friend create a rolling roadblock slowing down other road users and making passing them difficult, doesn't matter how quiet the road is, in my opinion this is not on. Then get upset when drivers vent their frustration. Maybe they should take responsibility for their actions and have some understanding of other people's point of view.

    And to those who think creating a road block and letting drivers pass when they think it's safe, etc. Come on, who do you think you are to make other people's decisions for them?

    The problem is the set of underlying assumptions that leads to this viewpoint.
    Rolling roadblock
    - the assumption behind this phrase is that motorized traffic has the right to get from A to B unimpeded and that everything else should get out of the way.

    On my morning commute, it isn't other cyclists who delay my journey; it's the miles of bumper-to-bumper cars, vans and lorries. So would it be OK for me to shout "w@nker" at them all as I pass, then slam on the anchors at the front of the queue to teach them all a lesson?
    then get upset when drivers vent their frustration.
    - you mean "when drivers behave in the most disgusting and uncivilized way" or "when drivers use their vehicle as a weapon". What would you think of a pedestrian who shouted obscenities at others whom he'd decided were getting in his way? Would you say "it's OK - he's just venting his frustration. It's your fault for getting under his feet."? And as for slamming on the anchors to try and cause a crash, if you think that is justified because they are "venting their frustration" then forgive me but you're way off the mark.

    +1. It is not acceptable for drivers to intimidate other road users by using their vehicles as weapons just because someone is in their way. We share the roads no one has more right to use it over the other, motorist or cyclist.
    Where would you be if you fell down a hole?.. Stuck down a hole... in the fog... Stuck down a hole, in the fog, at night... WITH AN OWL!
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    rjh299 wrote:
    Why the roadie attitude comment aswell? Are you not a fellow 'roadie'?

    I'm glad to say I'm not. From what I've seen on the roads and what I've read on here I've decided to stick to mountain biking where people are a lot less self righteous.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • Duffer65
    Duffer65 Posts: 341
    oodboo wrote:
    rjh299 wrote:
    Why the roadie attitude comment aswell? Are you not a fellow 'roadie'?

    I'm glad to say I'm not. From what I've seen on the roads and what I've read on here I've decided to stick to mountain biking where people are a lot less self righteous.

    :roll: :roll: :roll:
    Where would you be if you fell down a hole?.. Stuck down a hole... in the fog... Stuck down a hole, in the fog, at night... WITH AN OWL!
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    There's no excuse for abusive behaviour. End of.

    As a driver I try to give a cyclist as much room as possible. Last week a cyclist gave me a mouthful, even though I'd waited and given plenty of room. Sometimes you can't win.

    As a cyclist I try to give as much space as I can for other traffic.

    Due consideration. There's too little of it around on all sides these days

    Giving it Large
  • rjh299
    rjh299 Posts: 721
    oodboo wrote:
    rjh299 wrote:
    Why the roadie attitude comment aswell? Are you not a fellow 'roadie'?

    I'm glad to say I'm not. From what I've seen on the roads and what I've read on here I've decided to stick to mountain biking where people are a lot less self righteous.
    Typical :lol::lol::lol:
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    oodboo wrote:
    rjh299 wrote:
    Why the roadie attitude comment aswell? Are you not a fellow 'roadie'?

    I'm glad to say I'm not. From what I've seen on the roads and what I've read on here I've decided to stick to mountain biking where people are a lot less self righteous.

    Nice to see a bit of solidarity with other cyclists :roll: There's only one persone being self-righteous on here, and that's you. I think you'll find a lot of people own both road and MTBs and don't get up themselves.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..