Ghadaffi Caught



  • Gussio wrote:
    Why not? Because it is far from dignified. I'd rather listen to someone like Philip Hammond talking (never thought I'd say that) about what comes next.

    Why does Gaddafi's body deserve to be treated with dignity?

    Well otherwise you're just coming down to his level, and the cycle of violence and retribution just keeps going.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Gussio wrote:
    Why not? Because it is far from dignified. I'd rather listen to someone like Philip Hammond talking (never thought I'd say that) about what comes next.

    Why does Gaddafi's body deserve to be treated with dignity?

    Well otherwise you're just coming down to his level, and the cycle of violence and retribution just keeps going.

    Not really. As long as it's just him.

    He's done enough bad things, and hidden for long enough that people want to be sure he is dead. Naturally, people are a little more sceptical of journalists and official military reports. This gives it a bit more credibility.

    It's also a good way to puncture the myth of the man. Dictators inevitably get blown out of all proportion and significance - ultimately they're just people. Vidoes like this provide a little bathos - a little check on reality that, he is just as vulnerable to bullets and bombs as any one of us, and in death, he is indeed, just another body.
  • Oh great, just another body, shoot him in the head and move on. Live by the sword, die by the sword eh?

    Call me an idealist but I'd like to think there is still such things in the civilised world as due process, rule of law and the concept of innocent until proven guilty which you would assume are some of the plus points of introducing "democracy" and "freedom" to these places. Never mind eh, he's a very bad man so we'll just drag his body through the streets and Obama and Cameron can say how proud they were to be involved. The whole thing stinks from start to finish.
  • Paul E
    Paul E Posts: 2,052
    Oh great, just another body, shoot him in the head and move on. Live by the sword, die by the sword eh?

    Call me an idealist but I'd like to think there is still such things in the civilised world as due process, rule of law and the concept of innocent until proven guilty which you would assume are some of the plus points of introducing "democracy" and "freedom" to these places. Never mind eh, he's a very bad man so we'll just drag his body through the streets and Obama and Cameron can say how proud they were to be involved. The whole thing stinks from start to finish.

    As far as I can see we had nothing to do with it, it was the Libiyans that did that to him int he end, why not go on a Libiyan forum and show your disgust.

    You make out like it was people form th UK that shot killed and then dragged him through the streets.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    You make out like it was people form th UK that shot killed and then dragged him through the streets.
    We obviously didn't, but it was people from the UK, and the rest of NATO, that picked and supported/armed/advised one side in a civil war.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • Paul E
    Paul E Posts: 2,052
    The UN resolution which backed the action by NATO was to stop civillians being shelled by Ghadaffi forces, unless you think it's right that we stand back and watch civillians being murdered by their own leader is acceptable.

    Unless the UN was wrong too but it was voted through by the security council which includes not just european countries.

    Just remember how many people were murdered by his regime or by his actions of arming terrorist including the IRA with semtex etc. I think a lot of people in N.I will remember the suffering that caused.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Paul E
    I didn't say we did/didn't do anything that was (un)acceptable or otherwise. I'm just saying we picked a side in a civil war and 'our' side won.

    The NATO stuff was meant to protect civilians. Gadaffi was fleeing in a car which was bombed by French aircraft, that doesn't have much to do with protecting civilians from shelling. It was, rightly or wrongly, about getting rid of Gadaffi.

    No, we shouldn't sit back and watch innocent civilians be killed, but we are/ have been doing exactly that in a load of other places. Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Zimbabwe, North Korea, Uzbekistan.......
    As for arming the IRA, the Libyans weren't the only ones doing that. :wink:

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."