police and bikes

Posts: 416
Firstly, do you even have a licence?! If you don`t have one what would he do then? Also, your licence is for your car or motorbike, how can that be used to punish you for something you did on a bicycle?
As far as I`m aware bike`s should`nt be ridden on the pavement unless there is a cycle lane. Never had any trouble myself in all my years of riding. I think the copper was pi55ed you overtook him, how dare you!________________
Specialized til I die0 -
There is a fixed £30 penalty fine for cycling on pavements, you got away lightly.0
Very poor and illegal cycling but I don't see what it has to do with your driving license.ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH0
it was only 8 foot of pavement do's that still count , suppose so ,0
You still have to follow the rules of the road, with traffic lights , junctions etc, but if they tried to give points on your car license it would be easy to get out of and not worth their time. It is your own safety he is ultimately concerned with, what if the lights changed when you were cutting in front, a car hasn't seen you because no vehicle should be there, and you get turned into jam? Is it worth it for a better time?0
reacher wrote:if he stopped repeating himself would have helped we could all have got on our way , must have said it all 20 times over
He was probably hoping you would acknowledge and take on board what he was telling you, for your own safety.I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles0 -
I believe you can lose your driving licence for any offence, including offences committed on a bicycle. (Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 s.146(1)) but you can't get points on your licence for riding on the pavement, red light jumping etc.0
fair play , he did'nt seem alll that interested in me wanting to set a new best time before winter sets in an the weather was just brilll for riding , who wants to stop in a queue of traffic on a day like today , he was mightly pissed so anyone riding through chepstow better behave from now on ,0
reacher wrote:fair play , he did'nt seem alll that interested in me wanting to set a new best time before winter sets in an the weather was just brilll for riding , who wants to stop in a queue of traffic on a day like today , he was mightly pissed so anyone riding through chepstow better behave from now on ,
Why would he be interested in your personal best or whatever excuse you wanted to give him? Also, you can't just obey the rules of the road when the weather dictates. Im sorry, but people who jump on and off the road/pavement to avoid traffic get all cyclists a bad name. If you want to cycle on the road obey the rules, it's as simple as that.Bianchi ImpulsoBMC Teammachine SLR02 01Trek Domane AL3“When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. “ ~H.G. Wells Edit - "Unless it's a BMX"0 -
Is this a real question ? No, a bike doesn't give you an automatic right to ride like a w@nker and ignore all traffic signals.0
Man, if I was a copper I reckon I would have nicked you if you started trying to give excuses like that. And the fact that you disobeyed his first request to stop.
I think you should count yourself lucky that you got off with just a warning.0 -
cougie wrote:Is this a real question ? No, a bike doesn't give you an automatic right to ride like a w@nker and ignore all traffic signals.Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved0 -
I sense some embellishment of the truth in the OP. No copper would think you have a licence to ride a pedal cycle or a conviction for dangerous cycling would get added to a motor vehicle licence. You got caught riding on the pavement and got a bollocking rather than a FPN; be thankful.I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.0
nope , he was blowing a right old gasket , telling me that i had broke every rule an i would get points , mind you he was so angry i reckon he could'nt figure out what to book me with failing to stop or careless driving on a bike , he was having trouble getting it all out he was that angry so i'm guessing he was getting a tad over zealous
any how , is it against the LAW to ride on the right hand side down a line of cars that are staionary or not ? that was the jist of what he was saying ,
i can see the pavement bit , although just about every cyclist in town do's exactly the same on this set of lights ,0 -
cougie wrote:Is this a real question ? No, a bike doesn't give you an automatic right to ride like a w@nker and ignore all traffic signals.
of course its a real question , i was trying to get a best time , i cant stop for ten minutes while sunday drivers decide they have seen enough of the pretty girls outside the coffeee shop an get going again , this cop car was half way in the middle of the road 10 yards behind the next stionary car an the copper was gazing at the girls walking up an down the road , i think he's the one thats driving carelessly actually0 -
I don't think that you are doing yourself any favours here trying to justify your desire for a best time. If achieving a best time is only achieved by skipping up pavements and cycling in what might be considered to be a reckless fashion, then i suggest that you find a new course (or a new hobby where Pbs might be achieved without putting your life and others at risk)
Given your response to the warnings, he should have nicked you!0 -
^^^ this is good advice.
Start riding on the track or something - you won't be inconvenienced by traffic, laws of the land or any other such challenges put in the path of your pursuit for glory.
I am truly amazed you didn't get nicked if you had the attitude you have on here with the policeman.
Breaking a PB is great and all - but you've basically cheated yourself thinking you can get a PB by breaking the law. You're riding a course on the road - you have to abide by the rules. That's our lot as cyclists on the road.0 -
shame he couldn't book you for being a pr1ck...0
Riding on the pavement to achieve a PB is stupid.
But to answer a specific question, passing a line of stopped cars on the right is not illegal, but doing so in a reckless manner (eg forcing oncoming cars to swerve or slow down) might well be.0 -
is it only me that finds this thread funny?0
Im really having to check check these threads, there are some crackers on here and with then pending shut down im convinced theyre all wind ups.
To maybe answer your question, i dont believe its illegal to ride down the right side of stationary traffic, motorbikes do it all the time and dont get pulled over. Weaving in and out, trying to make gaps, riding on the pavement and generally being a wasp of a biker to traffic might be frowned upon though.0 -
sounds like a troll to me.
oh and a bit of a twat0 -
well he probably had good reason to be angry as i did'nt stop the first time he tried to wave me down , he then excuted a manuvere similar to the geezer out of the sweeney an just about avoided haveing me under his front wheels ,
i did wonder which licence he was on about , i was sweating like a figginn horse an thinking their go's my new best time for this run before winter sets in , an thinking , if he stopped repeating himself would have helped we could all have got on our way , must have said it all 20 times over
The policeman had to try and stop you more than once and you're questioning his reasons!!! What a to55er you are, what if there had been a cyclist/ped lying in the road or a massive hole had opened up due to a collapsed drain? Police don't stop traffic for no good reason. You have probably put back the cause of cyclists for years with all the people involved in the incident, thanks for that, we have enough sh*t to contend with without cyclists like you.Norfolk, who nicked all the hills?
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3013/243 ... 8d.jpg?v=0
http://img362.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 076tl5.jpg
http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/3407 ... e001af.jpg0 -
so if i had'nt rode up the pavement i was alright then , seems like i was only half in the wrong ,
i think he desperately wanted to book me for being a tosser as you put it , but once he realised that i was on a mission to get some training done he warmed to the idea that instead of getting pissed an pewkin all over the town centre i was not such a bad lad after all , in fact i think he left wondering why he was making such a fuss over 30 inches of flagsones
you all telling me that you can all put your hands up and honestly say that you have never ever rode on a pavement for a yard or less ?
in all the time you have been on a bike ,
an if you see the old bill in action standing still an watching the town get trashed on a saturday night an doing nothing because they are in gangs an pissed an on drugs you willl understand why i was thinking go an fight some crime not harress me over a ride over a 3 foot empty pavement ,0 -
There are a number of sections of road on my regular rides where I am given plenty of space by passing vehicles, but then they cut in so close to the pavement that I either use the right hand side and pass them all (and move into my own imaginary "cyclist box" in front of them), OR I get up onto the pavement and rejoin the line where there is room to.
Can I get a roasting for drivers being considerate one minute and then inconsiderate the next?
Also, on my ride yesterday, a motorist hooted, gesticualted, and flashed his lights as I came through a set of temporary traffic lights / road works (over 100yards) that reduced the 2-way road down to one lane. What was his beef? I came through "my" lights when they were green, but the oncoming set obviously didn't allow time for cyclists using the road. He, and his map-reading passenger got a big, cheesy smile for their impatience.0 -
reacher wrote:you all telling me that you can all put your hands up and honestly say that you have never ever rode on a pavement for a yard or less ?
Not since I was about 9 years old - no, not even a yard or less (except crossing a pavement to get access to my driveway)
Filtering/riding down right hand side is not illegal, but depends how you do it. Regualry ride motorbike past police cars in traffic (and through the centre of two rows of traffic) and as long as you're not riding like a complete tw@t, they're not too bothered.Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos0 -
dawebbo wrote:shame he couldn't book you for being a pr1ck...
yea well , if they put as much energy into chasing down criminals as they do into catching a cyclist who skips over a pavement , an sitting with speed cameras on remote roads or prosecuting the drivers who regularly get so close to me that i can smell their breath then maybe i would agree with you ,
so it turns out that apart from the pavement he's the prick who seemed to think he could give me 6 points on my cycle licence or what ever licence he could think of would be appropriate , an going around him because he was sitting like a tool 10 yards behind the traffic that had moved on beacuse he was staring out his window at the skirt opposite0 -
completely empty pavement , whats the harm ,
whats dented was his pride sitting still while i had to go around him , thats what it was all about as every one sitting on the steps opposite realised what a tool he was , he decided that he would rev his car an show everone how officers of the law can kick ass when they need to except i did'nt stop first time which was worth it just to see his face as his hand was held up lights flashing and big man pose ,
thats why he spent ten minutes repeating the same thing 20 times after he nearly had me under his front wheels , in actual fact had i been not as nifty as i was thats where the bike would have finished up0