forum offline for a week?



  • I wish facebook would migrate.. to another planet.. forever!!

    I'm sure you could get the switch to happen in under a minute it you did it right, no matter how much data there is.
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    cooldad wrote:
    kaiser83 wrote:
    anyone heard when this is going to be?
    Er first post of this thread?

    errrr incorrect

    the, if you read jeff's post he says
    We want to have this done by mid-October and due to the massive amount of data that we have to migrate, the forums could be offline for up to a week.

    that doesnt say which week it will be or when it is happening does it? all it says is that they want it done by the middle of october. If they shut it down tomorrow for 7 days the job would be "Done by mid-october" :wink:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    The question didn't ask exactly when, only when.

    "done by mid-October" is a when

    Always good enough in my job anyway, give a very vague answer to "when", ideally not committing to anything and as late as possible.
  • josnor
    josnor Posts: 207
    Apologies for dredging up this post but I only just noticed it and thought I should probably clarify things a bit.
    benpinnick wrote:
    Assuming a generous 2k per message, plus an equally generous 2gb for other stuff that would make the migration around 100gb. Assuming a fairly slow sustained read write of say, 40mB then you'd need 40 mins down, 40 mins up. Allow an hour for index rebuilds. Job done.
    All those assumptions rely on another assumption that the data doesn't change, which it unfortunately does - numerous schema and character encoding changes mean that the conversion process takes over 24hrs on my local box, and it can't be done incrementally. We're also not going to be doing it on the live server, for obvious reasons, which means you have to factor in data transfer between a number of boxes, and then the time it takes to reimport the database (not insignificant when you have millions of posts) twice.

    Hopefully it'll only take a few days in the end, but we have to allow for unforeseen problems...
    kaiser83 wrote:
    that doesnt say which week it will be or when it is happening does it? all it says is that they want it done by the middle of october. If they shut it down tomorrow for 7 days the job would be "Done by mid-october"
    We'll give you a bit of warning before we start the migration - it's had to be pushed back a bit because of one of those unforeseen problems.
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    Cheers for the response,

    But i think what you meant to say to benpinnick is;
    Quit your whinging, it will take as long as it takes,