Rant about graduates



  • north-sure wrote:
    University for me wasn't really about the degree... It was about life experience.
    3 years of pretty much constant partying and barely any studying, 6-10 hours of lectures a week... aahahaha.
    Then why the fugg even bother gong to Uni, when you can do that anyway.

    For me it wouldn't have been the same, if I had spent the past 3 years doing the same but not at uni, I would still be an unconfident, nervous and very naive person!

    I had the time of my life at uni and wouldn't change a thing about it. I would recommend everyone to go if they can, though I appreciate that it isn't for everybody and not everyone enjoys it. But if you don't try it...

    Go big or go home.
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    when did this bad boy start back up........

    the term douche bag refers to its literal meaning;
    230px-Vaginal_bulb_syringe.jpg - but from now on i shall refer to him as a Vaginal Bulb Syringe if it makes me sound of a higher IQ an is more pleasing to your ear.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    north-sure wrote:
    For me it wouldn't have been the same, if I had spent the past 3 years doing the same but not at uni, I would still be an unconfident, nervous and very naive person!
    You can never know that. Hell, I spent almost my entire 20s absolutely trashed, had a great time, and was living life. Uni had nothing to do with it.
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    north-sure wrote:
    For me it wouldn't have been the same, if I had spent the past 3 years doing the same but not at uni, I would still be an unconfident, nervous and very naive person!
    You can never know that. Hell, I spent almost my entire 20s absolutely trashed, had a great time, and was living life. Uni had nothing to do with it.

    +1 i didn't go to uni because basicsally i had no idea what i wanted to do with my life, i spent my time working and luckily enough sometimes i'd travel with work.

    but this meant i had money and didn't smell like i would've done in uni :lol: and just went out on student night in town to help the student girls with their life experience :lol:
  • My honest feeling is most degree's shouldn't exist.

    A degree is an academic learning standard, Things like engineering the old polly/college approach being more practicle/on the job style work is the best way to produce a quality engineer.

    Same for Accountancy there is 0 need for a degree, in fact in terms of accountancy it slows you down getting a degree and chews money :s

    It's all down to soft headed idiots though deciding most of the UK needs deegree's which we do not. We need appropriate education :s