Chesty issue

shinsplint Posts: 565
Bit of background...

I'm 31. Started cycling 2/3 years ago, and until recently focussed my training on sportive riding i.e. plenty of endurance work, long rides in the hills etc.

A recent change of direction - hoping to get into road/circuit racing - means i've altered my training quite drastically. A few months ago I started training with a local race team who (once a week) have me pushing my limits, and frequently get my heart rate very high.

When training on my own i've been either concentrating on strength training (by using a high gear), or giving it hell for leather on some commute rides.

I've noticed over the last month or so my chest has been feeling tight, and i've been having general cold symptoms. My other half was recently very bad with a similar but much worse problem, to the point where she could barely breathe as a result of all the coughing, and needed antibiotics to sort her breathing pipes (for want of a better word).

I'm thinking I may have the same bug/illness but to a lesser extent. Either that, or the excessive efforts on the bike are not doing my chest any favours.

So my question is, are chest problems common as a result of hard training? Am I likely to be doing more harm than good?

My chest is now feeling bad following Saturday's ride, which to be fair only involved 2-3 hard sprints / high heart rates.

My plan is, for a fortnight or so at least, go easy on the rides and stick to a relatively low HR, and go from there.

In the meantime, i'd appreciate any thoughts :)


  • ut_och_cykla
    ut_och_cykla Posts: 1,594
    Could be the bug or strained breathing/chest muscles or perhaps even heart problems (tho you mention cold symptoms so probably not.) but a month of not feeling tip top is not a good sign. It coudl also be some kind of allergy/hayfever.
    Take it easy till you feel well again and if it drags on - see the doc to get some antibiotics (& a heart check?)
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    ShinSplint wrote:
    are chest problems common as a result of hard training?
    No, provided you are not overdoing things (ie ramping up training volume too quickly) and are getting sufficient recovery.

    However, any periods of hard exercise will depress your immune system slightly, potentially leaving you more likely to pick up bugs. If you do get a chest infection, it can be hard to get shot of it unless you back off the training and allow your body to recover.

    I'd say see how it goes with 2 weeks easy riding, and failing that get to the docs and ask very nicely for antibiotics. Whilst most GPs are reluctant to prescribe them, if you point out that you've had an infection for more than 3 weeks, a course of antibiotics may be the best bet.
  • shinsplint
    shinsplint Posts: 565
    Cheers for the replies.

    2 weeks easy riding methinks.

    Hopefully that will do the trick.

    Although I have ridden hard for a while, its only recently that i've been pushing myself more on short bursts/sprints, and I have questioned whether this could be putting too much pressure on the heart.

    However, I think - as mentioned above - its probably likely to be stress to the breathing/chest muscles.

    Thanks again.