Lady in GB Kit



  • tmg
    tmg Posts: 651
    Peter, I think your last post says more about you than it does about me

    Go find a book call a dictionary, go to the section marked S and look up the meaning of the word Sarcasm

    I hand you back your "special trophy" as you seem more fitting of the award than I
  • rubertoe
    rubertoe Posts: 3,994
    I'm gonna have to cycle home without a top on.. My harlequin/Yellow/green/polka/white with rainbows will surely be ridiculed by everyone.

    as long as they dont do it to my face i'll be ok!

    I wouldnt ridicule a stranger in the street for wearing his trousers round his ankles and i wouldnt ridicule a person on a bike whatever bike they were riding or gear they were wearing (i wouldnt personally wear a champs jersey - but wouldnt ridicule someone for doing so)
    "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

    PX Kaffenback 2 = Work Horse
    B-Twin Alur 700 = Sundays and Hills
  • CyclingBantam
    CyclingBantam Posts: 1,299
    As usual whenever the topic of 'prize Jerseys' comes up we have people going totally over the top about asserting people can wear whatever they want.

    First off, everyone knows people can wear what they want, lets just get over that.

    Secondly, (and if I am wrong here I do take back everything I go on to say) it seems to me, the OP has passed someone wearing a top (that is known to mean within cycing "Leading Rider i.e. Best Rider). When passing someone with this on, there is always a tiny bit of you that is pleased, nothing wrong there. Then the OP have very, very gently ribbed the guy by saying "Hi Cadel" or something of that ilk, seeing as the guy was dressed the same as Cadel Evans was 2 weeks ago. The guy he passed then smiled back, as you would as someone has just gently teased you.

    Why can't people get over the factr that if you wear a jersey that is known to mean you are the best at a certain type of cycling you may get some very gently teasing?

    If you wore a Jersey that had the text "I am the leader of the Tour de France" would you still not expect a friendly comment as you were passed.

    All this reaction of they guy has had his ride ruined and confidence shattered, come on, what sort of planet do you live on?

    If the OP did just point and laugh though I think he is a tit.
  • tmg
    tmg Posts: 651
    I wouldn't ridicule a stranger with his trousers around his ankles either, I'd simply call the police

    If people are going to try and be smart and draw comparisons to other things then at least take the time to make them plausable!
  • nevman
    nevman Posts: 1,611
    Let me see if I have this right?Humour is only humour provided that it is delivered ironically but dressed up as sarcasm,or the other way round?Is Ladybower the Bermuda triangle of cycling,shirt-wise. :cry:
    Whats the solution? Just pedal faster you baby.

    Summer B,man Team Carbon LE#222
    Winter Alan Top Cross
    All rounder Spec. Allez.
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    ....The guy he passed then smiled back and thought to himself what a w@nker, as you would as someone has just gently teased you.....

    More problems but still living....
  • there is some over reaction on here, but tmg, what would you do if I came passed you going up Winnats, or Froggat or somewhere in a polka dot jersey?*

    Personally, I think it's bad form to make a remark to someone you don't know. Surely passing them and dropping them is enough to let them know that you think they shouldn't be wearing the top?

    *I don't own a polka dot jersey and don't know whether I'd be quick enough to pass you, just making up a hypothetical situation.
  • tmg
    tmg Posts: 651
    The guy laughed as he knew we were only ribbing him, he didn't turn around and chase us and challenge us on our thinking, he didn't get off his bike and throw it into a hedge saying he'll never ride again, he didn't rip the shirt off saying why oh why did I wear this thing, I hate you mummy!!!!!

    I certainly wouldn't point and laugh at someone down on there luck, this guy was on a nice bike (so clearly a keen cyclist) and was wearing the most iconic jersey in the sport, which themselves are not cheap to buy, if he was on a rust bucket and was over his BMI then I wouldn't of said anything to him.
  • tmg
    tmg Posts: 651
    If you went past me wearing a polka dot jersy Derby going up a climb I'd congratulate you on your most fitting of jersey choice, laugh and bid you a good day

    I myself was passed recently on a climb (Abney if you know it) by an older gentleman on what appeared to be an oldish bike, as he passed me he looked at me and said "someone has been sepending their pocket money"

    I could of picked the bones out of his comment, was he referring to my age and him crushing me, was he referring to the fact that I wasn't fit to ride the bike, was he referring to the amount of money I had apparently wasted on gear as it was clearly having little benefit? Nope, I smiled at him and said the money would of been better spent on sweets.
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    tmg wrote:
    If you went past me wearing a polka dot jersy Derby going up a climb I'd congratulate you on your most fitting of jersey choice, laugh and bid you a good day

    I myself was passed recently on a climb (Abney if you know it) by an older gentleman on what appeared to be an oldish bike, as he passed me he looked at me and said "someone has been sepending their pocket money"

    I could have picked the bones out of his comment, was he referring to my age and him crushing me, was he referring to the fact that I wasn't fit to ride the bike, was he referring to the amount of money I had apparently wasted on gear as it was clearly having little benefit? Nope, I smiled at him and said the money would have been better spent on sweets.

    So you're rude and slow?
  • Tmg...
    I think I'm on your wavelength.
    You've made an off the cuff remark and it's been jumped on and then you feel vilified for expressing an opinion on an Internet forum.
    Before anyone jumps on me, I'd wear the yellow jersey and wouldn't take the rip out of someone for doing so.
    A mate of mine, 50 n a pound or three heavier than he'd like, was out recently in his team Sky jersey, a fast group commented Morning Bradley, probably taking the Michael, my mate was 'made up' made him smile and he cheerily went on his way.
    Oh and one other point...
    People in glasshouses should always masturbate in the basement!!

    Keep smiling!!
  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
    rubertoe wrote:
    I'm gonna have to cycle home without a top on.. My harlequin/Yellow/green/polka/white with rainbows will surely be ridiculed by everyone.

    Yes, the rainbows are a bit much. Better stick with something more tasteful:

  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    Some people here could do with manning up a with any sport wearing certain items of kit could bring you a bit of stick. In my other sport, ice hockey, wearing a certain number (99), would get you a bit of mild chirping. Most of the time, it's meant in the right spirit, and is fine IMO.

    It's not like the OP pointed at someone, laughed at them, then pushed them over before lecturing them on how they are not worthy of wearing that jersey.

    He merely made some sarky remark, the guy probably took it in the spirit it was intended, and if he didn't, and let it get to him, well, he probably hasn't got the mental strength which it takes to cycle anyway :lol:
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • As I finished a 75 mile bike events thing last week the announcer guy made some remark over the tannoy about me just finishing the giro d'Italia and coming over to ride their event.
    I really like my black and pink giro top and made me laugh when he said it, I wouldnt wear it if I cared about remarks, being 17stone I'm going to look daft in any Lycra so why not go the whole hog
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    Look, can we just get back to the young lady in GB kit's arse?
  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392
    Secteur wrote:
    Look, can we just get back to the young lady in GB kit's ars*?

    Even better if the lady in question could post a couple of pictures of the ars* in question.

    Are you out there my lovely?????
  • pauldavid wrote:
    Secteur wrote:
    Look, can we just get back to the young lady in GB kit's ars*?

    Even better if the lady in question could post a couple of pictures of the ars* in question.

    Are you out there my lovely?????

    Doh!! I'd better come clean, it was me in drag. :lol:
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    How do you know it wasn't Robert Millar?
  • I am female...and love bright colours (NOT PINK) my favourite jerseys are a green KOM Giro jersey and the Italian champion's jersey from Quickstep days...and Ballans commemorative jersey which has no world champion colours on it thank god.
    I live in fear of the real Italian champion riding past me and yelling something derogatory..

    And to confirm with you that I am a bit of a tosser I have just ordered a Mapei jersey! Yay!
  • tmg
    tmg Posts: 651
    There is nothing wrong with a woman being a bit of a tosser, you get my vote to wear what you want Blue :D

    I think it would be helpful if you posted some pics so we can really critique what you look like in said kit though and provide you with feedback :wink:
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    tmg wrote:
    There is nothing wrong with a woman being a bit of a tosser, you get my vote to wear what you want Blue :D

    I think it would be helpful if you posted some pics so we can really critique what you look like in said kit though and provide you with feedback :wink:

    Classy. Really classy. Sheeeeeesh ............
  • garryc
    garryc Posts: 203

    It's people like tmg that make me want to invest in a complete set of TdF jerseys and wear them all the time.

    Wear what you want, who cares, I think it says more about the people that make comments than anything else (bunch of elitist to**ers). I was in Paris for the final stage of the TdF and there were offical mercandise stands selling all the jerseys and T-shirts, caps, mussettes etc, so they want you to buy and wear them.

    The only place a yellow jersey has any meaning is in the Peloton of the TdF, nowhere else. So feel free to wear it when you want.

    As for 'participating in the sport', what a laugh, a sunday morning ride bears as much relation to a Grand Tour as popping to the shops in the car does to a F1 race.
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    garryc wrote:

    As for 'participating in the sport', what a laugh, a sunday morning ride bears as much relation to a Grand Tour as popping to the shops in the car does to a F1 race.

    I got some very odd looks when I wore my McLaren replica race suit for the drive to the shops the other day...
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    garryc wrote:
    It's people like tmg that make me want to invest in a complete set of TdF jerseys and wear them all the time.

    I think you'd get quite warm, especially in the summer
    I like bikes...

  • STEFANOS4784
    STEFANOS4784 Posts: 4,109

    Oh sorry, i hadn't realised that this had been done to death already.

    Lets spice it up with a helmet debate shall we?
  • garnett
    garnett Posts: 196
    So a guy in a team jersey takes the piss out of another in a jersey, and they both laugh and how many BikeRadar Piety Points do all the self-righteous "I instantly know more about th situatiuon you have described in 4 sentences than you do from being there" posters earn themselves in the resultant postings?

    There really does need to be a league table.

  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392

    Oh sorry, i hadn't realised that this had been done to death already.

    Lets spice it up with a helmet debate shall we?

    I've had my helmet out for a while now, just giving it a good polishing.

    You simply can't beat the sight of a well polished purple helmet
  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392
    Garnett wrote:
    So a guy in a team jersey takes the wee-wee out of another in a jersey, and they both laugh and how many BikeRadar Piety Points do all the self-righteous "I instantly know more about th situatiuon you have described in 4 sentences than you do from being there" posters earn themselves in the resultant postings?

    There really does need to be a league table.


    Speaking of helmets, stop being so grumpy garnett, it only makes you look a nob
  • Homer J
    Homer J Posts: 920

    Oh sorry, i hadn't realised that this had been done to death already.

    Lets spice it up with a helmet debate shall we?

    I know but people are bitting big time :)