Pedal for scotland sportive 2011



  • Weatheris cack here just now so bring the waterproofs nice head wind blowing today as well let's hope that changes. Starting to get a little nervous as this is my first sportive but looking forward to it see you all on Sunday :)
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    The wind is forcast to be from the south west on Sunday. I so hope it's correct, I am hopeless cycling into a headwind.
  • nhoj
    nhoj Posts: 129
    It was nice yesterday. I rode up the Irvine valley and over to Muirkirk. Dry with a gentle tailwind. I turned right in Muirkirk where we'll be turning left, and I could feel the headwind. If Sunday's like yesterday, job's a good 'un!

    The forecast isn't too bad for Douglas: "Breezy with some showers on Sunday, though some sunnier spells". Temperatures look to be dropping though, so I might put another layer on.

    As for parking, I'm sure there'll be space on the street (free on Sundays) even if it isn't right next to Glasgow Green. There'll be plenty others cycling through Glasgow then.
  • suzyb wrote:
    The wind is forcast to be from the south west on Sunday. I so hope it's correct, I am hopeless cycling into a headwind.

    Me too, have been watching wind direction with interest! Most sites showing wind from south west - except XC Weather - which shows it from the South.

    Dry with a bit of a tailwind would be fine

    Went out for a v short run this morning (dropped car in for service and cycled home) and it wasn't pleasant - very wet - not good when cycling with specs on.
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    Does anyone know if there is a new exit of the M74 nearer to Glasgow Green.

    Never been along the extension so am not sure if I'd need to come off where it used to finish and drive along London road or if there is a new exit further along.

    Have to admit, I'm quite looking forward to this no matter the weather (well except a headwind). Really bad week at work this week and it'll be a nice rest :wink:
  • suzyb wrote:
    Does anyone know if there is a new exit of the M74 nearer to Glasgow Green.

    Never been along the extension so am not sure if I'd need to come off where it used to finish and drive along London road or if there is a new exit further along.

    Have to admit, I'm quite looking forward to this no matter the weather (well except a headwind). Really bad week at work this week and it'll be a nice rest :wink:

    Yes, come off at Polmadie (two junctions past where the M74 used to end) - take you out around Shawfield stadium - just 5 mins drive from there.
  • Decisions decisions now i have 2 bikes a scott hybrid or a fuji cyclocross on my last ride out i did some damage to my knee and its never fully recovered so now im thinking maybe i would be better doing the sportive on the hybrid with the granny gear :) to help me up the hills (which is when my knee hurts) or do it on the cyclocross

    The difference between the two is the tyres i have slicks on the cross but just standard knobbly tyres on the hybrid and dont really want to chop and change a couple of days before the ride.

    Any suggestions anyone out there doing the 100 on a hybrid with knobbly tyres :)

    or is everyone on a superfast slick road or cross :)
  • linnibob wrote:
    Decisions decisions now i have 2 bikes a scott hybrid or a fuji cyclocross on my last ride out i did some damage to my knee and its never fully recovered so now im thinking maybe i would be better doing the sportive on the hybrid with the granny gear :) to help me up the hills (which is when my knee hurts) or do it on the cyclocross

    The difference between the two is the tyres i have slicks on the cross but just standard knobbly tyres on the hybrid and dont really want to chop and change a couple of days before the ride.

    Any suggestions anyone out there doing the 100 on a hybrid with knobbly tyres :)

    or is everyone on a superfast slick road or cross :)

    It's supposed to be quite windy, winds from south - south west. I think first part of sportive route takes you south - so you might be into headwind, not a lot of fun on upright hybrid? Cyclocross you could get into the drops?

    But hey I'm wimping out and doing the 47mile route, so maybe not the best to give advice!
  • nhoj
    nhoj Posts: 129
    Yeah, heading south from Glasgow, I'm expecting a headwind until the first feedstation at Loudoun Academy.

    It isn't a seriously hilly route. Any steep hill is short enough that you could ride it out of the saddle to make it easier on the knees.

    I'd plump for the cyclocross, probably. But what do I know? I'm on a road bike, skinny slicks, above 110 psi. Less comfortable, but less rolling resistance. :)
  • My other slight concern is that my knee hurts going up the hill i run out steam and then cant unclip in time (yes i am that much of a disaster ! ) and i just keel over lol.

    Think ill go out on the hybrid tonight and then make my descion after that i think just hope the rain stays off :)
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    Garryboy wrote:
    suzyb wrote:
    Does anyone know if there is a new exit of the M74 nearer to Glasgow Green.

    Never been along the extension so am not sure if I'd need to come off where it used to finish and drive along London road or if there is a new exit further along.

    Have to admit, I'm quite looking forward to this no matter the weather (well except a headwind). Really bad week at work this week and it'll be a nice rest :wink:

    Yes, come off at Polmadie (two junctions past where the M74 used to end) - take you out around Shawfield stadium - just 5 mins drive from there.

    One more quick Q. Is it well signposted back to the motorway. Father will be driving my car back home after I get dropped off. Furthest he ever drives is 7 miles to the supermarket along a country road so getting out of Glasgow could be a challenge :wink:
  • Suzyb - yes it should be, a few new roads around that area so should be well signposted - they have even put new cycle lanes in!
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    Can I cycle from the motorway exit then manage 47 miles then another 3 or so to my pickup point...hmmm :wink:
  • suzyb wrote:
    Can I cycle from the motorway exit then manage 47 miles then another 3 or so to my pickup point...hmmm :wink:

    Easy - consider it your warm up and cool down!
  • not going to make it tomorrow, the shingles have gone but the pain is still in my leg, did an hour yesterday to try it out but no good. Everyone have a great day
  • Oh no Robert72 that's a shame hope you feel better soon !!

    I have decided to do it on the cross :) but where the he'll are you supposed to put tour bike number on a bike that has top bar breaks as well lol does it have to be on the handlebars or can it go somewhere else struggling for space :)

    Weather is still looking mince but really looking forward to doing my first 100 ( well 94 :) )
  • nhoj
    nhoj Posts: 129
    That's a shame Robert. Get better soon. And thanks for the goodwill.

    The general outlook is mince, but the forecast for 7am in Glasgow is white cloud - no rain! A dry start would be nice. 13 degrees and a 15 mph southerly. Not bad. I might forgo the extra layer.

    94 miles, hmm. You'll just have to ride around for 6 miles at the end. ;)
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    Saw the weather forecast at lunchtime. Looks like it will be a race to stay ahead of the rain.
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Hoping to start asap after 08:00, we're going to leave even earlier- maybe the kids can sleep in the car going down. Thanks for the parking info.

    Suzy, your Dad should be fine as the last time I drove through Glasgow it was remarkably quiet early morning.

    Going to pack waterproofs as I expect we'll need them. It's the wind that's worrying me now.
  • nhoj
    nhoj Posts: 129
    The rain will be off and on. More often on than off.
  • It will be sunny and warm all day, with a nice tailwind to push us all along. 8)

  • nhoj
    nhoj Posts: 129
    Where's your dour Scottish spirit? We're all doomed, I tell you, doomed!

  • Bike cleaned, lubed and ready to go
    Weather been ok here since about 930 this morning, same tomorrow would be fine.

    Hopefully get away with gilet and arm warmers

    Good luck and have a great ride everyone
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    I'm going for PfS tshirt over cycling top and arm warmers with a waterproof just in case (read for when it rains).

    Haven't had time to give the bike a clean so a wipe and relube of the chain will have to suffice. Number fitted though and all the bits and pieces I'll need collated.

    Bring it on!!
  • nhoj
    nhoj Posts: 129
    Good luck everyone. Enjoy it. Remember it's not a race. (Yes it is.)
  • Weather is a bit windy but otherwise lovely in Glasgow at the moment...the calm before the storm :D

    Hope everyone has a good day and be sure to save some energy for the sprint finish inside Murrayfield, just imagine it being like a huge version of the Roubaix velodrome :D
  • Had a nice little spin of 20+ miles this afternoon to get the legs moving after being off the bike longer than I'd planned this week (weather and a weekend away with my girlfriend). I had planned on around 40 miles but the wind was gusting quite hard and switching between head and side blasts. Should be good practice for tomorrow!

    I was even passed in the opposite direction by what was either one of Sky's Tour of Britain riders on a training ride or someone who has bought all the gear and even goes without a helmet to complete the "pro out training" look. He was riding on the (shared) pavement so was either the aforementioned wannabe (no offence if you're reading this! :wink: ) or not wanting to tempt fate with a driver hitting him ahead of the race.


    A spruce up of the bike and fitting of my number and timing chip this evening, followed by setting out my kit (inc. Altura Night Vision Flite jacket and arm warmers which all fit in my jersey pockets) and drink mixtures for the morning. I ended up attaching my timing chip to the front hub as it's too narrow-fitting for my fork - not the smartest of designs! :roll:

    Hope everyone has a great day, preferably dry and wind-free. Well, I can dream! :lol: I hater riding into the wind and having wet feet, not to mention what it does to white racing shoes, even through my lycra overshoes.

    Finally, I hope the transport from Edinburgh actually leaves on time this year! :roll:

    Get well soon Robert.

    Focus Cayo Expert (road)
    Giant ATX 970 (full susp)
    Trek Alpha 4300 (hardtail)
    Peugeot 525 Comp (road - turbo trainer duties)
  • Garryboy wrote:
    Hopefully get away with gilet and arm warmers

    I like your thinking. I am hoping for the same.

    Hope we all enjoy it.

    I am off to bed now!
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Car loaded up, clothing and bikes all set to go.
    Just hoping all the weather forecasts are wrong!
  • Everything all ready and just checked the website And it's still going ahead :) weather is not bad here in Glasgow just now although can't help but feel I'm being lulled into a false sense of security !!!

    Good luck everyone I'll be the tired girl all of you will pass by probably walking up the hills lol

    Hoping the weather stays ok

    Roll on 7am tomorrow morning :)