When are the Sclecks going to do something?

martylaa Posts: 147
edited July 2011 in Pro race
as above surely if they want to win the race then instead of chatting to each other throughout the day then they need to attack and drive forward on the big climbs.


  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    Listen to the wise one... King Kelly - he explained when yesterday
  • P_Tucker
    P_Tucker Posts: 1,878
    Er, they attacked on Luz-Ardiden FFS.
  • gsk82
    gsk82 Posts: 3,570
    P_Tucker wrote:
    Er, they attacked on Luz-Ardiden FFS.

    frank attacked, andy moved to the front then looked back to make sure frank was ok. i hope they get so caught up in taking turns that evans sneaks through in the time trial to win
    "Unfortunately these days a lot of people don’t understand the real quality of a bike" Ernesto Colnago
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    watch them tomorrow....
  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    edited July 2011

    Blimey Charlie!
    are the Schlecks attached by an Umbilical Cord. As soon as one numpty attacks, they look back and bounce back as if held by elastic. I assume that Andy didn't attack super hard as he would have popped Frank out of the back of the group.
    I'd be P1ssed off if I was Staurt o'Grady when doing 15km of hard riding in the Mountains; all for that.
    As Mummy once said "if you play together then don't play at all"

    As far as AC, I think he sat on his butt after the Giro and is now finding that he can ride a bike again; AC will be picking them off form here on in.
    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein

    "You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water."
    -Jacques Anquetil
  • deal
    deal Posts: 857
    They dont have a single pair of balls between them.
  • P_Tucker
    P_Tucker Posts: 1,878
    deal wrote:
    They dont have a single pair of balls between them.

  • dg74
    dg74 Posts: 656
    It looks like AS hasn't got the legs to open up any sort of lead. Bloody annoying!!!!!
  • They will only do something if the have to...the are reactive, not active...
  • stokepa31
    stokepa31 Posts: 560
    They will only do something if the have to...the are reactive, not active...

    And there in lies the problem. no class, no panache
    Burning Fat Not Rubber

    Scott CR1
    Genesis IO ID
    Moda Canon
  • cogidubnus
    cogidubnus Posts: 860

    is the answer in 1 word
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Toto all the way to Paris I hope - one of the few with cajones! Besides, if Andy and Frank don't put some serious time into Cuddles they'll be stuffed in the TT
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    Watch your backs the Fanboys are on defending the schlecks after todays "Masterclass" in climbing tactics.
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Watch your backs the Fanboys are on defending the schlecks after todays "Masterclass" in climbing tactics.
    I'm a bit of a Schleck fan, and was disappointed today at Andy for not carrying through on one of the attacks, and the very annoying habit of looking back too often. But what about Evans and Basso, where was their effort? Bertie is clearly hurting, whether that's the knee, the Giro, or no steak. Some of the comments about the Schelcks are just stupid and abusive, and say more about the poster than the either Schleck.
  • CyclingBantam
    CyclingBantam Posts: 1,299
    edited July 2011
    P_Tucker wrote:
    Er, they attacked on Luz-Ardiden FFS.
    P_Tucker wrote:
    deal wrote:
    They dont have a single pair of balls between them.


    Nice to see you have a consistent opinion. :roll:
  • CyclingBantam
    CyclingBantam Posts: 1,299
    dougzz wrote:
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Watch your backs the Fanboys are on defending the schlecks after todays "Masterclass" in climbing tactics.
    I'm a bit of a Schleck fan, and was disappointed today at Andy for not carrying through on one of the attacks, and the very annoying habit of looking back too often. But what about Evans and Basso, where was their effort? Bertie is clearly hurting, whether that's the knee, the Giro, or no steak. Some of the comments about the Schelcks are just stupid and abusive, and say more about the poster than the either Schleck.

    I clearly might be wrong but when I look at the Schlecks (mainly Andy) I see him as riding slightly within himself where as the others you mention seem to be riding more on their limit. I accept that simply could be the contrast in riding styles.

    When you see Andy attack then seemingly look straight back and, if his brother isn't there, seem to stop it is highly annoying.
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    dougzz wrote:
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Watch your backs the Fanboys are on defending the schlecks after todays "Masterclass" in climbing tactics.
    I'm a bit of a Schleck fan, and was disappointed today at Andy for not carrying through on one of the attacks, and the very annoying habit of looking back too often. But what about Evans and Basso, where was their effort? Bertie is clearly hurting, whether that's the knee, the Giro, or no steak. Some of the comments about the Schelcks are just stupid and abusive, and say more about the poster than the either Schleck.

    I clearly might be wrong but when I look at the Schlecks (mainly Andy) I see him as riding slightly within himself where as the others you mention seem to be riding more on their limit. I accept that simply could be the contrast in riding styles.

    When you see Andy attack then seemingly look straight back and, if his brother isn't there, seem to stop it is highly annoying.

    That's exactly the way i see it . He jumped onto Sanchez's wheel looked back (yes again) he had a gap and sat on when he could have counter attacked as they were all looking at each other. Contador & Evans must be laughing their t*ts off as if this carries on to the Alps Contador will prob get better and Evans can thrash them both (schlecks) in the TT
  • dougzz wrote:
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Watch your backs the Fanboys are on defending the schlecks after todays "Masterclass" in climbing tactics.
    I'm a bit of a Schleck fan, and was disappointed today at Andy for not carrying through on one of the attacks, and the very annoying habit of looking back too often. But what about Evans and Basso, where was their effort? Bertie is clearly hurting, whether that's the knee, the Giro, or no steak. Some of the comments about the Schelcks are just stupid and abusive, and say more about the poster than the either Schleck.

    In my opinion Evans and Basso put in plenty of effort, no they didn't fly off...but they were working...

    Like Schelcks, hate Schelcks it doesn't matter "Leoturd" "Shreks" that doesn't matter either, it is a forum where some banter is part of it...and subjective opinions count. A silly and slightly infantile "nick name" isn't the point. The point is that the Tour is getting boring. It is getting boring because it is formulaic whatever the organisers try and do and whatever route they have planned. It is getting boring because everyone wants to follow LA's formula that was of HIS time not THIS time.

    I have watched and loved this race since I was five years old...I don't ever want to bring it down, it guts me to say that a stage like today turned into a paint drying session. Nobody can argue with that. It was incredibly predictable and incredibly boring.

    Do people think that the time Bonus for stage wins should be reintroduced, reintroduced and increased. RIght now what is the incentive for treating this as a stage race rather than a lead in to a big mountain and a TT...there isn't one...unless you really focus your season in winning your body weight in Cheese. Go one give it a -minute for a stage win....then see what happens.
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    Your correct it has become a bit bland and boring - I was brought up watching the Hinault Fignon tours. Lately the race seems to be ridden from the drivers seat in the team car. Bonuses at the top of finishes you say ? I dont know but after today's bore .....I mean can anyone remember the last time there was 2 bland mountain top finishes within days of each other. Like i say maybe i am comparing today's racing to Hinault & Fignon years.
  • RowCycle
    RowCycle Posts: 367
    I also wished Andy would've followed through with one of his attacks.
  • Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Your correct it has become a bit bland and boring - I was brought up watching the Hinault Fignon tours. Lately the race seems to be ridden from the drivers seat in the team car. Bonuses at the top of finishes you say ? I dont know but after today's bore .....I mean can anyone remember the last time there was 2 bland mountain top finishes within days of each other. Like i say maybe i am comparing today's racing to Hinault & Fignon years.

    It is a good question, should we be comparing? I am of the same ilk as yourself Gazetta and do wrestle with this question, why harp back to times gone by when they are gone by.

    However we are both dyed in the wool fans and we are not enjoying it as much anymore...i can't remember two bland finishes on mountain top stages ever! Where has all the drama gone...

    I don't know about the time Bonus's...but thinking about it more...it might change something...a minute off for today would surely have given them some more panache...more incentive, more drive...as it would in subsequent stages. Realistically they took them away to try and stop Lance...times have changed, chuck them back into the mix nest year maybe...see what happens...fight for every day...it will surely make the race more exciting...it loses its fans (although I will watch until I am in a box)...and it starts to lose its grip, the decline could be quick...

    Repeating myself I know, but being surrounded by non "Tour Heads" has opened my eyes this year, as I try and drag them into the excitement by telling them that this and this and this could happen, and it just doesn't...as I kind of knew it wouldn't...

    One comment today was "Thanks for that, that was as exciting as watching the grass grow"....

    I apologised for the stage to someone that was getting into it....

    That's wrong...again if there had been a free minute at the top, do you think it would have made a diference...personally I do...
  • kfinlay
    kfinlay Posts: 763
    All this plays into Evans and Bassos hands, more so Evans due to his better TT skills. Go Cuddles and give us a winner with some class!

    Summer Bike: Colnago C60
    Winter Bike: Vitus Alios
    MTB: 1997 GT Karakorum
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    I'm watching the highlights and have to wonder...

    Either the Schleks are only capable of attacking and holding it for a few seconds, or they are the worst contenders ever.

    Every time they get a gap, they just sit up instead of riding away. No killer instinct whatsoever.
  • I heard good things about the Shlecks before this event but so far I've been very unimpressed. Voeckler has been the best rider so far and he's not even a GC contender (or is he?). As long as Contador is close he is always dangerous. And then there's Evans and Basso. For me watching it for the first time it's an exciting tour.
  • wicked
    wicked Posts: 844
    RowCycle wrote:
    I also wished Andy would've followed through with one of his attacks.

    I wished I had gone out and ridden my bike instead of watching that dross. Oh well.
    It’s the most beautiful sport in the world but it’s governed by ***ts who have turned it into a crock of ****.
  • I heard good things about the Shlecks before this event but so far I've been very unimpressed. Voeckler has been the best rider so far and he's not even a GC contender (or is he?). As long as Contador is close he is always dangerous. And then there's Evans and Basso. For me watching it for the first time it's an exciting tour.

    Personally that is music to my ears....good for you Mr.Mustard...welcome....sorry to sound jaded...it still is my favourite three weeks of the year...

    It could be even better though...trust us on that one :D
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    Was'nt it the late great Laurent Fignon who put the boot into Andy Schleck last year about how they were to Palsy with Contador etc.... On the bike you should be a warrior and hate your enemy or words to that effect
  • squired
    squired Posts: 1,153
    In theory you should go out and try to win a race. In the case of this race it seems that everyone is too worried about losing it to try to win it. Why can't someone just ride hard on the front and see if they can ride the others off their wheel on a climb?

    One lesson the Tour constantly fails to learn is stretches of valley before the final climb. Whereas I used to watch every minute of the all-day coverage on Eurosport I've stopped bothering until they reach the final climb now. When was the last time a GC rider actually broke away on the penultimate climb, or earlier?

    Can anyone remember back to the 1991 Tour? There was a stage with about 5 climbs to Val Louron. Indurain went with Chiapucchi extremely early by modern standards. Going up the penultimate (2nd cat) climb riders were already solo and the final top 10 was as per the link below:

    http://www.lequipe.fr/Cyclisme/resultat ... ETAPE.html

    How things have changed....
  • petejuk
    petejuk Posts: 235
    The problem is that everyone is relatively close to each other and therefore playing it safe. Evans doesn't have to attack - he's too good a time triallist to need to put time in on the others. Similarly Basso is reasonably good against the clock and is riding into good form. Again he doesn't need to attack so is unlikely to push himself into the red.
    However, the Schlecks could be throwing this race away. Contador is still not at his absolute best due to various injuries and mishaps and it should be them who should be seizing their chances to pull away from Contador. Both are very disappointing in this respect and should be trying to punish their rivals before the alps. As it stands, any of the GC contenders who can TT needs just one good attack to put the Schlecks on the back foot.
    Its all very boring due to the Schlecks' lack of courage and I for one hope they are punished for it in the Alps.
  • On_What
    On_What Posts: 516
    I was a bit miffed with the Shrek's post race interview, seemed to suggest that they have no intention of going out and trying to win but are too concerned with what's around them. If they wanted to race then surely they would have pulled off the front as a pair and gone for it, or at least kept their pace up during an attack.

    Got to hand it to Voeckler though, he really put in a s tint to keep himself in the yellow.

    I would question the belief that Contador is going to be a good TT'er this year, his form has dropped so surely he won't be the force he was in the TT?