


  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    37monkey wrote:
    MattC59 wrote:
    gllewellyn wrote:
    I know that eating meat is fundamentally wrong,
    Bull sh*t !!
    Based on what ?
    If it was, why are your teeth the way they are ?

    It's not about teeth, it's all to do with the length of our digestive tract. Animals that can eat meat properly have short digestive systems, we have longer ones and have to cook meat to eat it. If not cooked it spends too long digesting and causes problems. Fact

    Edit, I've just checked and my dog has no molars
    I wasn't suggesting that we're purely carnivores, we're omnivores, which is why we have various types of teeth. We incisors for biting and cutting, Canines for tearing and shreading, premolars for chewing, and molars for final chewing and grinding. The range of types and functions has evolved to cope with a varied diet, not just one of meat or veg.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Omar Little
    Omar Little Posts: 2,010
    Militant vegans are a pain in the arse but they are generally not widespread - the veggies i know have their personal eating habits and dont really comment on what others are eating but sit at a table with a few meat eaters and there will always be one wanting to quiz them about their eating habits or how they could never go without steak or bacon or something or make some jokes that have been made every lunchtime/dinner time across the land for decades. I just dont understand why some meat eaters get so defensive on the subject of someone elses eating habits.

    As for the spit roasting but not wanting a taste of gentlemans is 2011 man, it is ok to get out the closet, you dont need to try show off how heterosexual and manly you are, we wont judge. (for what its worth touching the gentlemans relish with your bell end is just as "gay" as licking it)
  • kieranb
    kieranb Posts: 1,674
    We are a strange lot, still bombing, starving, polluting and maiming lots of the worlds human population yet worrying about animal welfare....
    I just wonder with vegans, do they, in their pure highest form of love for the animal kingdom, take a dump then cry for the millions of bacteria they've just forcibly ejected from their asses to die?! I mean, life is life is life? And they were helpful bacteria too you murderers!!
    (So, don't shake a vegans hand or let them cook for you- doubt they'd be using the handwashing facilities in the toilets in order to preserve life on their hands....)
    Didn't do old Linda much good either eh?

    Funny, most of the people I know who are veggie/vegan also care about the bombing, 3rd world inequality etc. Selfish greedy veggies are very rare, almost by definition!

    Also some biology for you:
    Now, living organisms are are put into 6 kingdoms:

    1. plantea (plants): phototrophic, multicellular, form embryos
    2. animalia (animals): heterotrophic, multicellular, form embryos
    3. mycetea (fungi) : heterotrophic, multicellular or unicellular, with chitin cell walls
    4. protoctista (commonly known as protista) (algae, protozoa, slime molds): photototrophic or heterotrophic, multicellular or unicellular, don't form embryos, no chitin cell wall.The protists can vary greatly from all the rest of the kingdoms, in that they can also be mixotrophic. They can also reproduce asexually in one host, then produce sexually in another host. They can be unicellular, colonial, or multicellular.
    5. eubacteria (modern bacteria): prokaryotic.
    6. archaebacteria (ancient bacteria): also prokaryotic.

    viruses are not considered organisms

    Read more: ... z1RyQWIRZY

    so as you can see bacteria are not part of the animal kingdom, vegans do eat living things, what are plants after all?
  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392
    Militant vegans are a pain in the ars* but they are generally not widespread - the veggies i know have their personal eating habits and dont really comment on what others are eating but sit at a table with a few meat eaters and there will always be one wanting to quiz them about their eating habits or how they could never go without steak or bacon or something or make some jokes that have been made every lunchtime/dinner time across the land for decades. I just dont understand why some meat eaters get so defensive on the subject of someone elses eating habits.

    As for the spit roasting but not wanting a taste of gentlemans is 2011 man, it is ok to get out the closet, you dont need to try show off how heterosexual and manly you are, we wont judge. (for what its worth touching the gentlemans relish with your bell end is just as "gay" as licking it)

    It may well be 2011 now, but the spit roasting took place circa 2008 and was most certainly not carried out in a closet.

    As for wanting to show how manly or heterosexual I am, this was not the point I was making.

    The point was that the Gentlemans relish resembled one of those fancy bloody salad dressings that weirdo veggies would apply to their lunch and I much prefer a blob of ketchup or HP.

    However, it has brought to light that you yourself are more than a little intouch with what would constitute "gay" behaviour.

    Enjoy your salad with dressing at lunchtime sweety
  • pauldavid wrote:
    Militant vegans are a pain in the ars* but they are generally not widespread - the veggies i know have their personal eating habits and dont really comment on what others are eating but sit at a table with a few meat eaters and there will always be one wanting to quiz them about their eating habits or how they could never go without steak or bacon or something or make some jokes that have been made every lunchtime/dinner time across the land for decades. I just dont understand why some meat eaters get so defensive on the subject of someone elses eating habits.

    As for the spit roasting but not wanting a taste of gentlemans is 2011 man, it is ok to get out the closet, you dont need to try show off how heterosexual and manly you are, we wont judge. (for what its worth touching the gentlemans relish with your bell end is just as "gay" as licking it)

    It may well be 2011 now, but the spit roasting took place circa 2008 and was most certainly not carried out in a closet.

    As for wanting to show how manly or heterosexual I am, this was not the point I was making.

    The point was that the Gentlemans relish resembled one of those fancy bloody salad dressings that weirdo veggies would apply to their lunch and I much prefer a blob of ketchup or HP.

    However, it has brought to light that you yourself are more than a little intouch with what would constitute "gay" behaviour.

    Enjoy your salad with dressing at lunchtime sweety

    Crikey...does a topic which has some relatively interesting points have to descend to this level?
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    I've been a vegetarian for over 27 years, when I met my wife she was also vegetarian, we decided to bring our kids up as both meat and vegetarian as we felt they should be able to make their own minds up without our influencing their thoughts and would not allow them to become vegetarian until they were at least 16.

    As it happens they both went vegetarian at 17 & 19 respectively.

    I used to cook meat for anyone coming to our home, however having changed all of our pots and pans we decided not to cook meat in any of them.

    Last weekend I had a large number of our cycling club round for a BBQ, one of the members lent me his BBQ so I could cook the meat for them which I did.

    I don't go spouting off about what is right or wrong, that is for others to make their own minds up, similarly if someone invites me for a meal at their home, then I always advise them that we are vegetarian and leave the decision up to them if they want to cook vegetarian or not without any offence being taken.

    For many years the smell of fish & chips and Bacon used to really entice my taste buds, however after buying some Quorn Fish Cakes that had been made to taste like fish they tasted like a dirty pair of underpants (not that I have eaten a pair :shock: :lol: )

    Many meat eaters seem like hypocrites though as they couldn't kill their own food and openly acknowledge that if they had to kill their own food then they would become vegetarian.

    This thread strikes me as a wind up dedicated to induce a reaction, may I respectfully suggest to the OP that he needs to get out on his bike more and leave people to make their own minds up as to what they want to eat and don't want to eat! :roll:
  • natrix
    natrix Posts: 1,111
    Velonutter wrote:
    Many meat eaters seem like hypocrites though as they couldn't kill their own food and openly acknowledge that if they had to kill their own food then they would become vegetarian.

    Too true!! I'm a veggie but whenever there's an animal that's injured and needs to be put out of its misery it always seems to be me that has to do it. The meat eaters always say "Oooh I couldn't do that" Same with skinning rabbits or gutting fish.......
    ~~~~~~Sustrans - Join the Movement~~~~~~
  • esspeebee
    esspeebee Posts: 174
    Velonutter wrote:
    For many years the smell of fish & chips and Bacon used to really entice my taste buds, however after buying some Quorn Fish Cakes that had been made to taste like fish they tasted like a dirty pair of underpants (not that I have eaten a pair :shock: :lol: )
    Further evidence that nothing "made to taste like X" ever actually tastes like X. Good vegetarian food and meat substitutes are entirely disjoint and always will be.
  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392
    This thread strikes me as a wind up dedicated to induce a reaction, may I respectfully suggest to the OP that he needs to get out on his bike more and leave people to make their own minds up as to what they want to eat and don't want to eat! :roll:[/quote]

    On the contrary, this post was a way of getting something out of my system as a consequence of being wound up by the people around me at the time trying to enforce their view of what should and shouldn't be eaten as the correct life choice rather than it being a personal preference. All of these people being vegetarian.

    Forums are commonly used to voice peoples frustrations, for evidence please see every third post that appears on here.

    As for your second point, I spend most spare time on my bike, this doesn't stop me being irritated and needing to vent.
  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392
    natrix wrote:
    Velonutter wrote:
    Many meat eaters seem like hypocrites though as they couldn't kill their own food and openly acknowledge that if they had to kill their own food then they would become vegetarian.

    Too true!! I'm a veggie but whenever there's an animal that's injured and needs to be put out of its misery it always seems to be me that has to do it. The meat eaters always say "Oooh I couldn't do that" Same with skinning rabbits or gutting fish.......

    Why would you need to kill your own food. We have butchers and fishmongers to prepare food to a level that it only needs to be cooked to your own particular tastes.

    Should all butchers and fishmongers close tomorrow, yes I would kill my own food.

    By the same token if B&Q etc closes I shall have to start making my own emulsion to decorate the walls of my cave
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    Velonutter wrote:
    This thread strikes me as a wind up dedicated to induce a reaction, may I respectfully suggest to the OP that he needs to get out on his bike more and leave people to make their own minds up as to what they want to eat and don't want to eat! :roll:
    pauldavid wrote:
    On the contrary, this post was a way of getting something out of my system as a consequence of being wound up by the people around me at the time trying to enforce their view of what should and shouldn't be eaten as the correct life choice rather than it being a personal preference. All of these people being vegetarian.

    Forums are commonly used to voice peoples frustrations, for evidence please see every third post that appears on here.

    As for your second point, I spend most spare time on my bike, this doesn't stop me being irritated and needing to vent.

    If a thing like this needs to make you vent then you need to get out even more than you are doing, there are so many far worse things that make me want to vent like the deaths in Afghanistan, Wars elsewhere, The Al Qaeda and if such a simple thing such as being vegetarian makes you want to vent...well not a lot more I can add :roll: :?
  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    natrix wrote:
    Velonutter wrote:
    Many meat eaters seem like hypocrites though as they couldn't kill their own food and openly acknowledge that if they had to kill their own food then they would become vegetarian.

    Too true!! I'm a veggie but whenever there's an animal that's injured and needs to be put out of its misery it always seems to be me that has to do it. The meat eaters always say "Oooh I couldn't do that" Same with skinning rabbits or gutting fish.......

    People only say that because living in a modern society with supermarkets etc they can't ever imagine being hungry enough to need to. If they went hungry for few days and the only choice was to wring a chickens neck then there would come a point when any sentimental or squeamish feelings disappear pretty fast.
  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392
    Velonutter wrote:
    Velonutter wrote:
    This thread strikes me as a wind up dedicated to induce a reaction, may I respectfully suggest to the OP that he needs to get out on his bike more and leave people to make their own minds up as to what they want to eat and don't want to eat! :roll:
    pauldavid wrote:
    On the contrary, this post was a way of getting something out of my system as a consequence of being wound up by the people around me at the time trying to enforce their view of what should and shouldn't be eaten as the correct life choice rather than it being a personal preference. All of these people being vegetarian.

    Forums are commonly used to voice peoples frustrations, for evidence please see every third post that appears on here.

    As for your second point, I spend most spare time on my bike, this doesn't stop me being irritated and needing to vent.

    If a thing like this needs to make you vent then you need to get out even more than you are doing, there are so many far worse things that make me want to vent like the deaths in Afghanistan, Wars elsewhere, The Al Qaeda and if such a simple thing such as being vegetarian makes you want to vent...well not a lot more I can add :roll: :?

    I don't live in Afghanistan or know Mr Qaeda so these things don't directly affect me as sad as the circumstances surrounding them are.

    However,being lectured to by people who don't like my life choices and feel that they have the right to put me back on the straight and narrow does annoy me.

    Whether that is right or wrong iI don't know and care less.

    Judging by the amount of responses this has had since my original post I am not the only one affected by this subject so if you're unhappy reading about my frustrations maybe YOU ought to get out on your bike a bit more and stop reading the post.
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    pauldavid wrote:
    Judging by the amount of responses this has had since my original post I am not the only one affected by this subject so if you're unhappy reading about my frustrations maybe YOU ought to get out on your bike a bit more and stop reading the post.

    What makes you think that one little insignificant post affects me so much or that I am unhappy about your post.

    You are entitled to your opinion same as I am, the difference is that I don't feel the need to vent as I do get out on my bike enough!

    As for reading the posts, well I just happen to like reading comedies! :lol:
  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392
    Velonutter wrote:
    pauldavid wrote:
    Judging by the amount of responses this has had since my original post I am not the only one affected by this subject so if you're unhappy reading about my frustrations maybe YOU ought to get out on your bike a bit more and stop reading the post.

    What makes you think that one little insignificant post affects me so much or that I am unhappy about your post.

    You are entitled to your opinion same as I am, the difference is that I don't feel the need to vent as I do get out on my bike enough!

    As for reading the posts, well I just happen to like reading comedies! :lol:

    Thank you. Ok from the top

    All vegetarians are raving nobs
  • esspeebee
    esspeebee Posts: 174
    Velonutter wrote:
    You are entitled to your opinion same as I am, the difference is that I don't feel the need to vent as I do get out on my bike enough!
    He said, in a heated discussion on an internet message board.
  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392
    esspeebee wrote:
    Velonutter wrote:
    You are entitled to your opinion same as I am, the difference is that I don't feel the need to vent as I do get out on my bike enough!
    He said, in a heated discussion on an internet message board.

    Shush!!!, Don't spoil hos train of thought, He's just trying to decide which type of mushroom to have in his risotto tonight :lol:
  • esspeebee
    esspeebee Posts: 174
    Porcini. Only possible answer to "which sort of mushroom", except perhaps chanterelles. Having said that, chanterelles won't go nearly so well in risotto, so porcini it is.
  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392
    Isn't Porcini just italian for Pork.

    Hope not cos that'll upset him, he don't like meat you know
  • oscar-j
    oscar-j Posts: 269
    If God didn't want us to eat animals,why did he make them out of meat?
  • oscar-j wrote:
    If God didn't want us to eat animals,why did he make them out of meat?

    Yawn. Think that quote has been referenced at least twice already.
  • oscar-j
    oscar-j Posts: 269
    Great minds think alike
  • esspeebee
    esspeebee Posts: 174
    Fools seldom differ.
  • oscar-j
    oscar-j Posts: 269
    Very good,make that one up yourself did you?
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    oscar-j wrote:
    If God didn't want us to eat animals,why did he make them out of meat?

    Yawn. Think that quote has been referenced at least twice already.

    Forget the meat part of that quote, it's clear that we're supposed to eat animals, as they're just so tasty !! Nothing to do with god, as it's an abstract concept, created by humans to explain his/her surroundings.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • I'm a vegetarian, the most common phrase I hear in regard to it is :

    "But you don't look like a vegetarian"

    Maybe I should get a bell :)
    DIESELDOG Posts: 2,087
    I'm a vegetarian, the most common phrase I hear in regard to it is :

    "But you don't look like a vegetarian"

    Maybe I should get a bell :)

    Nah, you don't need one, those that will be trawling your street shouting "Bring out your dead" have one loud enough. :lol:

    Love n hugs


    never had anything other than pure animal in my mouth
    Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    DIESELDOG wrote:
    I'm a vegetarian, the most common phrase I hear in regard to it is :

    "But you don't look like a vegetarian"

    Maybe I should get a bell :)

    Nah, you don't need one, those that will be trawling your street shouting "Bring out your dead" have one loud enough. :lol:

    Love n hugs


    never had anything other than pure animal in my mouth

    you always manage to raise the tone :wink:
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • woodnut
    woodnut Posts: 562
    I'm a (non militant) veggie and it always amazes me how many meat eaters feel they have to try and draw me into an argument.

    Like this thread really.

    I'm not falling for it.

    I think.
  • CrackFox
    CrackFox Posts: 287
    johnfinch wrote:
    Courgettes and aubergines though - forget about it, there is nothing you could do to make me eat those.

    Aubergines are ok if you slice them very thinly. Courgettes are best if you shave them lengthways with a vegetable peeler - I like them stir fried with shaved carrot, sliced leek and cannellini beans.

    Militants are cretins who do more harm than good to the causes they loudly espouse. I remember seeing two crusty tw*ts in a van shouting abuse and spitting on a butcher as he was unloading pig carcasses from the back of his lorry. I'd been a vegetarian for 20 years at that point. It was the first time that I considered going back to eating meat, just so that I could disassociate myself from scum like that.

    However, the vast majority of vegetarians just quietly get on with it. And given the enormous variety of foods available in our supermarkets, you're not really making a huge personal sacrifice if you choose to give up an ingredient or two. Just be grateful that you live somewhere that food is so cheap and abundant that personal ethics rather than necessity can dictate what you put in your mouth.