Attacked by a Big Bird



  • Team4Luke
    Team4Luke Posts: 597
    yes I have. Riding back home I was hit hard on the helmet, thought something had got wrapped around me, bag or something as felt I was being pulled, then it stopped, then about 20 secs later something hit me hard again and out of the corner of my eye I could see a bloody big talon on my shoulder, knew straight away, through my arm over my head several times, eventually connected.
    Stopped, helmet had many slashes into the poylystrene at the back including a large chunk missing and I had a hole in my jersey on my shoulder.
    I also heard bells so I knew it was a home kept bird. Couple of miles up the road my mate lives, went to see him, he said yes I know who, he regulary flies a Hawk on the fields, adjacent to where I was riding.
    Few minutes later, this guy walks past us with a bloody big Hawk on his arm - "oy mate get over here and have a look a this !" He came over, and the bird for sure looked quite ruffled and also had a bleeding beak where I clobbered it.
    Seems, it attacked me because I had a yellow helmet and he had been feeding it small dead chicks, I got £50 off for all the damage.
    I did hear later that another attack took place on a young lad in the same area. Fortunately for me, I had full protection, helmet, skull cap and glasses and several layers as it was a cold day.
    Bird was a Harris Hawk.
    I no longer wear a yellow helmet.
    True story.
    Team4Luke supports Cardiac Risk in the Young
  • JamesB
    JamesB Posts: 1,184
    Bit of a scandal that so much poisoning of raptors still goes on in the UK - many birds of prey should be much more widespread than they are - the landowners really need to be made accountable for the actions of their employees

    yes, and I believe legislation has now been strengthened to ensure that this is case, ie a sort of corporate responsibilty, land ownesr can no longer plead `didn`t know`/

    Lots of the `real` red kites too around here, the genuine Welsh ones that is :) several hundred in fact and a great pleasure to see, soemtimes flying really low and close by :)