Can U2 sell another ticket for a gig again after Glasto?



  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,181
    U2 have always been crap and have got worse since multi millionaire Bono decided to start pontificating on how average wage earning tax payers should contribute more to the poor. I was the only person in my class who hated them in the 80s but at least more people are starting to realise I was right all along! :wink:
  • IronHorse100
    IronHorse100 Posts: 302
    morstar wrote:
    Was disappointed BBC didn't put more of QOTSA on, especially given the publicity radio 1 gave the BBC when they let radio 1 listeners pick their setlist.

    Really? One famous drummer does not a good band make!

    QOTSA are everything the Foo Fighters are not. I.e. a group that makes and plays excellent tunes.
    Spot on. In fact, I'm going to start a seperate Songs for the Deaf thread.
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,811
    What the hell? 15 people answered "No" to the question "Can U2 [one of the world's biggest bands] sell another ticket?"

    Really? Yo9u don't think they'll sell even one more?
  • Question I wonder about, if they gagged Bono apart from when he was allowed to sing on stage or in a studio for most of their high times, how much more popular and respected would U2 be?

    I'm not a big U2 fan, I have a small folder of their stuff on my Hard Drive and only ever bought one album of theirs, but currently listening to With or without you/Where the Streets have no name, I can't imagine certain moments of my life being the same without that certain something they have added.

    & I do like the Edge, his "Shimmer" effect and crafted antics with a guitar do are pretty spectacular. I know a lot of people rip him, but when you look at the time and effort he has put into it, credit where it's due, if it does it for you it works well. Though with that said, a huge amount of props too his sound engineer (Dallas Schoo?) who is fracking amazing too, it's very much a team effort.