


  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Monkeypump wrote:
    Ah, you English are weird.

    I don't get it. You're outside, people smoke. Don't like it? Go inside. What did you all do before it was banned inside?

    Equating smoking to swearing or shouting? We had racism earlier on.


    It's not about being English or weird (although I'm happy to accept being both).

    If you're smoking in a place you shouldn't be, and your smoke annoys me, I'm going to ask you to put it out or go elsewhere. Them's the rules, if you don't like it.... er... I don't care.

    If someone is just being a selfish moron, but is perfectly within their rights to smoke, perhaps I would move away. But I'd expect people so show a bit more respect in an area designated for eating.

    Since when was smoking outside illegal? Even at a dinner table?
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Ah, you English are weird.

    I don't get it. You're outside, people smoke. Don't like it? Go inside. What did you all do before it was banned inside?

    Equating smoking to swearing or shouting? We had racism earlier on.


    I kind of agree with you. I used to smoke and still have the occasional naught fag on a night out but the smell of it wafting around outside doesn't really bother me althuogh I can udnerstand that it may bother some people - the smell is pretty pervasive. It didn't used to particularly bother me when people were able to smoke inside, although I must admit, now that it's banned, I appreciate not returning home with smoky clothes and hair...
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    gtvlusso wrote:
    I am an ex smoker - 16 years and counting. However, I do smoke cigars (good quality cigars!)

    However, I was smoking a cigar outside a bar in California. The couple next to my wife and I were clearly getting a bit upset about the smoke, so, I stopped smoking made my apologies and bought them a bottle of wine.

    As such, I learned my lesson. Always ask your surrounding guests before lighting up and make sure it is not around kids.

    I usually brush my teeth and have a shower afterwards too.....If I am at home.

    It seems a bit extreme and really, I should completely quit, but it is my once a week luxury.

    Cigar's absolutely stink! They aren't as commonly found these days so their smell is distinctly noticeable and less tolerated than cigarettes .

    If sex is unwelcome in a public place, imagine the response to an orgy in the same public place. That's what cigar smoke is like compared to cigarette smoke.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • mcj78
    mcj78 Posts: 634
    SecretSam wrote:

    "Back in the day", racism was accepted in many aspects of life, eg at football matches (monkey noises, bananas, etc.). If someone did that now, would it be OK?

    I rest my case. Smoking is a filthy, dangerous and polluting addiction. The sooner it's made socially unacceptable, the sooner we can move towards eradicating it.

    [/sermon] :twisted:

    So in your mind smokers are as bad as racists? Strange analogy, I've never found racism acceptable, even "back in the day", more prevalent yes, but never "acceptable" - sure most people on here would feel the same. I can remember bananas being thrown at players 20 or so years ago & seem to remember it wasn't just put down to hi-jinks, and quite rightly it provoked outrage amongst all decent minded folk, smokers included *shock horror*

    If people want to stay away from lethal billowing clouds of toxic smoke from people smoking cigarettes, perfectly legally, it's fairly easy - frequent places with more than 2 exterior walls & a roof. Simple. If you want to sit outside, please be considerate to the rights of smokers who are no longer allowed to enjoy their perfectly legal habit indoors. Perhaps you could lobby the government into declaring an outright ban if you feel so strongly about it, which might be more productive than registering your outrage on a cycling forum.

    From the OP - "we stopped to have a bite to eat an the people sitting behind us were smoking" so you sat down next to people who were smoking to have a bite to eat, then complained about the smoke? I smoke, but wouldn't choose to sit down next to someone smoking to eat my lunch if I didn't want smoke coming in my direction. From your description it sounds like you sat down next to people who were smoking, then complained about the smoke, which seems like odd behaviour.

    Moda Issimo
    Genesis Volare 853
    Charge Filter Apex
  • Sewinman
    Sewinman Posts: 2,131
    Re Monkeypump...I may be getting confused with someone else with Monkey in their name. So apologies if so!
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    Lighting up a cigar is just a big "F*ck You" to everyone in the vicinity ;)
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    notsoblue wrote:
    Lighting up a cigar is just a big "F*ck You" to everyone in the vicinity ;)

    Personally I find the whiff of cigar or pipe smoke preferable to fag smoke...
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • mcj78
    mcj78 Posts: 634
    DonDaddyD wrote:

    Cigar's absolutely stink! They aren't as commonly found these days so their smell is distinctly noticeable and less tolerated than cigarettes .

    If sex is unwelcome in a public place, imagine the response to an orgy in the same public place. That's what cigar smoke is like compared to cigarette smoke.

    An orgy would most likely constitute public indecency or lewd behaviour, both of which i'm fairly sure are illegal activities, are there laws against cigars we haven't been told about? Quick, hide the havanas.
    Moda Issimo
    Genesis Volare 853
    Charge Filter Apex
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,776
    Never been a smoker, although most of my friends have been. Smoking in pubs never bothered me, I expected it. Smoking in restaurants did bother me though.
    I think the smoking ban is not always a good thing. Pubs in residential areas now have more noise outside late at night as a result of the smokers being outside. There is a pub near me that has a TV screen facing out of a window into the garden. When the football is on we can hear the smokers shouting and swearing at the screen. That I object to.
    I also object to ex-smokers going on about it. You subjected other people to it and now that you have seen the light you get up on your high horse and act all sanctimonious. Sorry but I have no sympathy, put up with it.
    I did see a bloke with a rather flash looking Pinarello, all the gear on, having a fag after a ride around Richmond Park the other day. Looked quite funny.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Veronese68 wrote:
    Never been a smoker, although most of my friends have been. Smoking in pubs never bothered me, I expected it. Smoking in restaurants did bother me though.
    I think the smoking ban is not always a good thing. Pubs in residential areas now have more noise outside late at night as a result of the smokers being outside. There is a pub near me that has a TV screen facing out of a window into the garden. When the football is on we can hear the smokers shouting and swearing at the screen. That I object to.
    I also object to ex-smokers going on about it. You subjected other people to it and now that you have seen the light you get up on your high horse and act all sanctimonious. Sorry but I have no sympathy, put up with it.
    I did see a bloke with a rather flash looking Pinarello, all the gear on, having a fag after a ride around Richmond Park the other day. Looked quite funny.

    I believe smoking outside of establishments is soon to be banned too.

    Basically either you're walking down the street or at home if you want to smoke legally.
  • Monkeypump
    Monkeypump Posts: 1,528
    Sewinman wrote:
    Monkeypump wrote:
    t4tomo wrote:
    Seems a little extreme.

    Where's the (actual) harm?

    It stinks and its particulary unpleasent to eat with smoke billowing over you. Would you eat a picnic next to the exhaust pipe of a lorry with its engine running? I doubt it.

    If cigarette smoke is pleasent, why do smokers blow it away from themselves and hold their cigarette away from themselves? Tell me that Mr Chasey. :D

    *shrugs* I don't smoke.

    Just seems an overreaction to something that, in instances like this, is totally harmless.

    People hate the smell now because of what they associate with it. Back in the day, you'd rarely get anyone complaining.

    Harmless? Probably.

    Bloody unpleasant? Definitately. I seriously doubt that people hate the smell of smoke because of the (now known) health risks. It smells nasty, and whilst I think smoking out in the open is generally fine, it's really not nice for anyone eating close by.

    Alton Towers, like many places, has dedicated smoking areas placed where the risk of bothering others is lower. If people aren't using these, I don't think it's wrong to point out that they should.

    I'm not an anti-smoking nazi, but like anything else (farting, swearing, shouting, throwing spoons, etc.), people should show a little consideration for those who might be within range.

    Are you sure? I came inside from having a fag at the SCR Xmas do a few years back and you detected the smell and declared "Are you a smoker...I hate you!".

    Wasn't that "I hate you! Oh, and you're a smoker?"
  • clarkey cat
    clarkey cat Posts: 3,641
    I like the occasional fag with a pint or a glass of red.
  • Monkeypump
    Monkeypump Posts: 1,528
    Sewinman wrote:
    Re Monkeypump...I may be getting confused with someone else with Monkey in their name. So apologies if so!

    I think so, but I'll play along!
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    mcj78 wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:

    Cigar's absolutely stink! They aren't as commonly found these days so their smell is distinctly noticeable and less tolerated than cigarettes .

    If sex is unwelcome in a public place, imagine the response to an orgy in the same public place. That's what cigar smoke is like compared to cigarette smoke.

    An orgy would most likely constitute public indecency or lewd behaviour, both of which i'm fairly sure are illegal activities, are there laws against cigars we haven't been told about? Quick, hide the havanas.

    Seriously, the first thing you respond to regarding an orgy comparison is to point out the legal inconsistencies?

    Clearly I meant metaphorically not literally.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,776
    I only want to see a public orgy if the participants are better looking than me.
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    Veronese68 wrote:
    I only want to see a public orgy if the participants are better looking than me.

    Pics to establish the benchmark.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Veronese68 wrote:
    I only want to see a public orgy if the participants are better looking than me.
    Shouldn't be difficult....

    Sorry! :D

    As for smokers, I don't like it, but as long as you're not blowing smoke straight at me I don't mind it too much.

    I don't think what the OP did was unreasonable. Like asking someone to stop coughing on the side of your face, or using the table on a train as a freestyle bongo set. Not illegal, but unpleasant.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    mcj78 wrote:
    From the OP - "we stopped to have a bite to eat an the people sitting behind us were smoking" so you sat down next to people who were smoking to have a bite to eat, then complained about the smoke? I smoke, but wouldn't choose to sit down next to someone smoking to eat my lunch if I didn't want smoke coming in my direction. From your description it sounds like you sat down next to people who were smoking, then complained about the smoke, which seems like odd behaviour.


    to be honest i dont think they were smoking when we sat down as i would have probably noticed, an if they were already smoking i would have asked them to either stop or asked them to move to designated smoking areas.

    the pair of them were smoking an they had a child of around 12 too. the wind was blowing in our direction so what else could i do (there were no other tables) should i have stood up and ate standing somewhere to let them enjoy their cigarette?

    we were sitting where we were suppose to be in a dedicated eating area not smoking area i could see their point if i went to a smoking area an asked them to stop smoking
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,776
    D's I'm pretty sure you don't want pictures of me. Bails is closer to the mark. Benchmark is pretty low. 43 year old lanky bloke.
    Back on topic if they are in a non smoking area the filthy heifer is dead right.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    I used to have a ciggy whilst riding to work. Used to get funny looks.

    Thankfully now I'm not a racist, communist, terrorist, selfish malevolent idiot any more.
  • CyclingBantam
    CyclingBantam Posts: 1,299
    cee wrote:
    I am a smoker...I gave them up last year but started again....i will beat of these days....just need to keep trying.

    I hate littering in throwing butts on the floor is a big no-no...especially now that most litter bins have ashtrays on top.

    I try to be as considerate as I can. If I am at a bus stop, I stand away from the shelter etc.

    I don't stand in the doorways of pubs annoys the fark out of me trying to run the gauntlet through a throng of people trying to get into places....

    basically...I think about who is around me when I light up.

    So with the 'I am as considerate as I can be' thing out of the way...

    It does seem that non-smokers have recently become much more forward in registering their distaste...seems to have come along shortly after the smoking ban...

    This can be seen above with all the 'eradicate the filthy habit' type comments above....surely my habits don't really affect you (with the considerate caveat)....

    So resumably...all you can really hope to eradicate the inconsiderate behaviour....and leave people to have their own habits.

    I do kind of wish the government would just MTFU about it though and ban them completely, or stop getting on their horse about strikes me as having their cake and eating it, while they are still happy to receive the tax revenue, but are basically moving towards only being able to smoke in your own home....

    If there is one thing I know about that limiting it to when you are at impossible.

    And lastly a question....are there any other public health issues which are dealt with successfully, by passing laws about where and when you are allowed to indulge in the health problem?

    With your consideration caveat I have absolutely no issue. I think the OP and my issue with is the sheer volume of smokers who don't follow the consideration caveat. I feel a lot of people use the 'oh we are getting persicuted because we smoke.

    No, you are getting persicuted because you are making me stink.
  • mcj78
    mcj78 Posts: 634
    mudcow007 wrote:

    we were sitting where we were suppose to be in a dedicated eating area not smoking area i could see their point if i went to a smoking area an asked them to stop smoking

    Ahh, in your original post it didn't mention it was a no smoking area, just a designated eating area in which case i'd have probably told them to bugger off too, quite right that man.
    DonDaddyD wrote:

    Seriously, the first thing you respond to regarding an orgy comparison is to point out the legal inconsistencies?

    The first thing I noticed was the apparent lack of any relative comparison in the comparison. The farting one was much more comparable i thought, moral justification v rights etc. etc. however I would much rather see mass orgies outside pubs than crowds of smokers, as long as all the participants were of the fairer sex & pleasant to the eye, in which case you could put it down to art.
    Moda Issimo
    Genesis Volare 853
    Charge Filter Apex
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    DonDaddyD wrote:

    Seriously, the first thing you respond to regarding an orgy comparison is to point out the legal inconsistencies?

    The first thing I noticed was the apparent lack of any relative comparison in the comparison. The farting one was much more comparable i thought, moral justification v rights etc. etc. however I would much rather see mass orgies outside pubs than crowds of smokers, as long as all the participants were of the fairer sex & pleasant to the eye, in which case you could put it down to art.
    Well a cigar is like multiple cigarettes. An orgy is like multiple people doing it... Perhaps I should have used the word analogy as oppose to comparison. Ho hum.

    Would I rather see an orgy outside the pub or a bunch of smokers? Can we throw in some pencil skirts?

    ETA: Like pr0n I don't mind if said orgy employed gender equality and had participants from both parties. That should keep the liberals happy at the very least.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • asprilla
    asprilla Posts: 8,440
    I smoke. I had quite cigarettes for about a year, but started again on holiday with family in SA in March. Got my folks staying this week so I'm not smoking, hoping to keep that up next week when they are gone as well.

    I do however, also smoke cigars and that's something I'm not looking to quit. I like a good cigar now and again, mainly in my own garden or at private functions and I take pleasure in it, same as I do with a nice glass of wine.
    Mud - Genesis Vapour CCX
    Race - Fuji Norcom Straight
    Sun - Cervelo R3
    Winter / Commute - Dolan ADX
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,386
    Never smoked and quite apart from the health aspect, I hate the smell of it, and the mess (why do so many smokers seem to believe that fag butts spontaneously vanish when dropped to the floor?). 2 years ago, I moved into a house that was previously owned by a heavy smoker. Despite stripping all the old wallpaper off, re-plastering, ripping up the old carpet and floor boards and scrubbing the yellow stains off every surface, we can still smell that stale fag ash odour every time we come back from a few days away. :evil: The day it was banned in pubs and restaurants was a happy day. The only downside of the ban is that now I have to wade through a sea of fag butts outside our office building, and squeeze between the smokers loitering on the step.

    Funny that the orgy comparison has come up; Aside from the carcinogenic properties of tobacco smoke, I'd put smoking roughly on a par with w@nking - makes you feel good, but not very pleasant for anyone else, and probably best done in the privacy of your own home.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • Flyingbogey
    Flyingbogey Posts: 352
    If you have to have a puff then why not switch to a pipe? It has a sweet aroma and adds gravitas to whatever wisdom you may be imparting on your audience. A thoughtful pause followed by a casual and jaunty wave of a pipe makes any point you are making gospel and superior. Must be followed by the re light while re-inforcing said point. Just imagine me doing it now... see
    Bianchi Nirone C2C FCN4
  • dm38
    dm38 Posts: 47
    cee wrote:

    I do kind of wish the government would just MTFU about it though and ban them completely, or stop getting on their horse about strikes me as having their cake and eating it, while they are still happy to receive the tax revenue, but are basically moving towards only being able to smoke in your own home....

    If there is one thing I know about that limiting it to when you are at impossible.

    And lastly a question....are there any other public health issues which are dealt with successfully, by passing laws about where and when you are allowed to indulge in the health problem?

    Banning them completely would be the worst policy decision - risk criminalising a fifth of the population plus it just means it will go down the same road of all other banned substances and that clearly hasn't worked and increases the health risk as there is no control or regulation of what goes in i.e. heroin and ecstacy- so ultimately less risk in keeping it legal. Tax is not really a net benefit to the economy either as it's not just the cost to health but lost workforce productivity, more sick days etc etc - plus tax also helps in encouraging people to quit and to be honest tax isn't as big as we are lead to believe the tobacco industry, like oil and alcohol always increase their prices on the day the tax increse is introduced.

    ALso in terms of health benefits
    it is an irony that kids are the most suseptible to secondhand smoke yet they are the most exposed and have the least protection i.e. did anyone see the coverage of banning people from smoking in cars when kids are in them and the reaction against - as a cyclist I see loads of people smoking in cars on the school run everyday! And to be honest I also remember the stoners at university who would go and smoke in their cars with the windows up to get a better high.
  • dcurzon
    dcurzon Posts: 290
    i smoke.

    i had a lot of people tut tutting me when i was smoking getting ready for the start of the marathon.

    fukkem. I finished it. In front of a lot of them.

    smoking outside is not a crime.
    B'Twin Sport 1
    FCN 7 =4, +2(non cycling clothes) +1(beard)
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,386
    I don't think anyone has actually suggested it is a crime, but it's not much of an ask to enquire if anyone minds when lighting up in a place where others are eating - that's just good manners.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • davmaggs
    davmaggs Posts: 1,008
    dcurzon wrote:
    i smoke.

    i had a lot of people tut tutting me when i was smoking getting ready for the start of the marathon.

    fukkem. I finished it. In front of a lot of them.

    smoking outside is not a crime.

    I've often thought it would be nice to go through the processes of tapping out a pipe, filling it up and having a good train-like puff prior to a running event just to annoy people.

    I have decided that if I am ever diagnosed with a terminal illness that I am going to start smoking a pipe. And now I have added (to my list) smoking it in public areas just to be a trouble maker.