Hand held mobile phone users....What do you do?



  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Simplees, phone in one hand, change gear with the other.I'm not advocating texting while going round roundabouts but driving along a motorway for example with one hand on the wheel and one hand resting on your ear chatting to the passenger in the car is safe and legal, if there happens to be a phone between your hand and ear and the other person is not in the car I don't see the problem.
    Changing a CD and using the stereo is not and should not be illegal but the driver should asses the risk, a competent driver wouldn't faff with the stereo while negotiating a junction or roundabout.
    If you are not a confident or competent driver don't dismiss the opinions of someone who is.
    If it really worries you to the point you feel others should be jailed for disagreeing with you stay off the roads!
    YOu clearly have a lack of understanding of the issue and I think your first line sums it up really :roll:
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Red Rock
    Red Rock Posts: 517
    Simplees, phone in one hand, change gear with the other.
    I'm not advocating texting while going round roundabouts but driving along a motorway for example with one hand on the wheel and one hand resting on your ear chatting to the passenger in the car is safe and legal, if there happens to be a phone between your hand and ear and the other person is not in the car I don't see the problem.
    Changing a CD and using the stereo is not and should not be illegal but the driver should asses the risk, a competent driver wouldn't faff with the stereo while negotiating a junction or roundabout.
    If you are not a confident or competent driver don't dismiss the opinions of someone who is.
    If it really worries you to the point you feel others should be jailed for disagreeing with you stay off the roads!

    If one of my mates in traffic sees you doing that you'll be stopped and charged. In fact, if you don't have both hands on the steering wheel or you're not sat upright whilst driving on a motorway in Lancashire you'll get done.
    DIESELDOG Posts: 2,087
    I smoke so theoretically I am "legally" allowed to root around in my bag, which is behind the passenger seat, try and get my fags, distinguish between what could be my lighter, lipstick, multi tool, tampax or whatever. Get hacked off with failing at that so grab said bag and empty contents onto the passenger seat and try again.

    Then one handed try and get a fag out of the packet, then light it, whilst trying to operate the electric window, invariably hitting the wrong button and engaging the central locking or worse. Blow smoke in my eyes, cough like buggery, then drop the sodding fag in my lap.

    That's okay then.

    Except I don't. Because if I did I would be driving without due care and attention, or whilst not in proper control of my vehicle whatever the law is.

    You get into a car to drive, not too apply your make up, do the crossword, read a map, pick your nose, eat a KFC nor have a conferrence call with the office that you are about 2 bloody minutes away from.

    Love n hugs


    I used to pick my nose whilst driving but got too distracted rolling it into the perfect ball for flicking so gave it up...
    Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

  • Well said DD, there speaks the voice of reason.
    I am not advocating texting everyone in your address book while driving round Trafalgar Square at rush hour, I'm simply saying there are many dangers while driving and many possible distractions, I feel the driver should use their discretion and judgement as to what is safe and not be dictated too 100% of the time.
    I have not advocated drinking and driving (you'll spill it! Ha ha).
    What about banning reprogramming Sat Navs etc?
    Where does it end?
    I have been vilified for trying to express an opinion on an Internet forum!!

    Ho hum.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Well said DD, there speaks the voice of reason.I am not advocating texting everyone in your address book while driving round Trafalgar Square at rush hour, I'm simply saying there are many dangers while driving and many possible distractions, I feel the driver should use their discretion and judgement as to what is safe and not be dictated too 100% of the time.
    I have not advocated drinking and driving (you'll spill it! Ha ha).
    What about banning reprogramming Sat Navs etc?
    Where does it end?
    I have been vilified for trying to express an opinion on an Internet forum!!

    Ho hum.
    But DD has basically said that it's not acceptable to do anything that distracts you from driving, whilst driving, (haven't you DD ?). Which is the opposite to what you said.
    I feel the driver should use their discretion and judgement as to what is safe and not be dictated too 100% of the time.
    But that's just it, it's been proven that using a mobile phone, especially without hands free, isn't safe. If it's not safe, you shouldn't be doing it.

    You mentioned driving along a motorway with a phone to your ear. There was a case some months ago where a lorry driver was doing just that, he hit the car in front killing the driver and didn't even know he'd hit the car. It was the car in front of that which he thought he'd hit.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    I feel the driver should use their discretion and judgement as to what is safe and not be dictated too 100% of the time.

    That's the problem, the whole point of many laws in not just road use but society in general are because people are not to be trusted to exercise discretion and judgement sensibly because either they don't care or are not intelligent enough to do so. That's why your opinion is attracting so much ire, you don't seem to recognise this point.
  • Magic,
    I'll bell my mate David Cameron first thing in the morning and insist he and his chums pass I law so that by next weekend all stereos are removed from all cars, children will be cable tied n gagged and in the boot, all dogs will be culled and anyone that doesn't totally agree with you 100% is shot at dawn.
    Have a day off you tool.
  • Then again I've seen women driving while putting make up on in their rear view mirrors...
    I'm almost inclined to believe that that is a bigger issue then mobile phone use. The number of women I see applying make up on the way to work is rather scary! The only good thing is that they tend to do it in rush hour traffic so are moving a lot less slower (or not moving at all), whereas people use their phones at whatever speed.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    I'll bell my mate David Cameron first thing in the morning and insist he and his chums pass I law so that by next weekend all stereos are removed from all cars, children will be cable tied n gagged and in the boot, all dogs will be culled and anyone that doesn't totally agree with you 100% is shot at dawn.
    Have a day off you tool.
    I can only assume that this is aimed at either myself, or Verylonglegs, as we both posted on both topics. Next time you're going to throw insults, at least address it to the person you're attempting to insult. It makes life an awful lot easier. There's a good chap.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • lemoncurd
    lemoncurd Posts: 1,428
    There's bugger all you can do, no point in gesticulating or swearing as more often than not they're too distracted to notice that you're there.
    DIESELDOG Posts: 2,087
    MattC59 wrote:
    Well said DD, there speaks the voice of reason./quote]
    But DD has basically said that it's not acceptable to do anything that distracts you from driving, whilst driving, (haven't you DD ?). Which is the opposite to what you said.

    Yes Matt, I have.

    Love n hugs


    My apologies for the crap quoting, it's early.
    Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

  • Well said DD, there speaks the voice of reason.
    I am not advocating texting everyone in your address book while driving round Trafalgar Square at rush hour, I'm simply saying there are many dangers while driving and many possible distractions, I feel the driver should use their discretion and judgement as to what is safe and not be dictated too 100% of the time.
    I have not advocated drinking and driving (you'll spill it! Ha ha).
    What about banning reprogramming Sat Navs etc?
    Where does it end?
    I have been vilified for trying to express an opinion on an Internet forum!!

    Ho hum.

    You talk s h i t
  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    MattC59 wrote:
    I'll bell my mate David Cameron first thing in the morning and insist he and his chums pass I law so that by next weekend all stereos are removed from all cars, children will be cable tied n gagged and in the boot, all dogs will be culled and anyone that doesn't totally agree with you 100% is shot at dawn.
    Have a day off you tool.
    I can only assume that this is aimed at either myself, or Verylonglegs, as we both posted on both topics. Next time you're going to throw insults, at least address it to the person you're attempting to insult. It makes life an awful lot easier. There's a good chap.

    I wouldn't waste your time on it, it's to be expected from someone who can't see past the end of their own nose.
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    edited June 2011
    porker33 wrote:
    Having undertaken a few high performance driving courses, i like to think my observation skills are pretty good when it comes to reading the road ahead.

    When cycling I pay attention to the other vehicles around me, what type they are and who is driving them.

    I am most cautious of busy mums in £50k 4x4 on the school run, builders, most vans and young girls in small hatchbacks.

    The number of times I see builders, van drivers or young girls with a phone held to their ear while cycling drives me nuts.

    On occasion when cycling through slow moving traffic, I have remarked "wake up" or "pay attention" to a meandering car driver who is on the phone, once I even tapped on the window as they nearly crushed me into the kerb, obviously to be greeted by abuse.

    So what do you do when you encounter drivers with one hand on the wheel and the other holding a phone?

    (I am not referring to hands free kits here).


    I saw two young girls each driving Vauxhall Astras in traffic with mobile phones glued to their ears. Unfortunately for them they both had their windows right down and as I passed by blew the car horn sharpish. One of them got such a fright as she was so engrossed in her call that she dropped the phone out the car window - Ha-ha! The other just dropped it in the car.

    Previously when on the bike when I cycled I came face to face with a driver in a residential street who was driving with mobile phone glued to their left ear so right arm was stretched across their chest as they drove. As cars were parked on both sides there was only one lane and they tried to force me into the side, but had to stop. As they did so I banged on their car roof which didn't cause them to end their call. Window was open so took the keys and placed them on the back of the car roof. By now shouting and swearing at me but STILL gassing on their phone. Then got my camera out and they stopped their call. got in their car and drove off, no doubt resuming the call where they had left off.

    Mobile phone use whilst driving should attract a £250 fine and 6 points for the first offence. If caught for a second time £500 fine, 3 months driving disqualification, they have to pay for and attend a driver alertness course and crushing of their mobile phone with SIM card still inside.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    Simplees, phone in one hand, change gear with the other.
    I'm not advocating texting while going round roundabouts but driving along a motorway for example with one hand on the wheel and one hand resting on your ear chatting to the passenger in the car is safe and legal, if there happens to be a phone between your hand and ear and the other person is not in the car I don't see the problem.
    Changing a CD and using the stereo is not and should not be illegal but the driver should asses the risk, a competent driver wouldn't faff with the stereo while negotiating a junction or roundabout.
    If you are not a confident or competent driver don't dismiss the opinions of someone who is.
    If it really worries you to the point you feel others should be jailed for disagreeing with you stay off the roads!

    Are you a troll?
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • meanredspider
    meanredspider Posts: 12,337
    I find it amazing how often you see a car as you approach it and, before you can see the driver, you just know he's talking on a hand-held mobile. I'm not even sure I can say exactly what flags it - poor lane positioning, lack of signals, dawdling speed whatever. What's clear though is that there's definitely something about hand-held phone use that distracts a driver more than dogs, kids, stereos. And, in my experience, the hand-held bit is important. Makes me wonder if the act of actually holding the phone (apart from denying use of that hand for other tasks) actually subconsciously demands more of your awareness than hands-free...
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH
  • porker33
    porker33 Posts: 636
    When I started the thread, I thought it was relevant as it something that affects us all who cycle in traffic, with a potentially catastrophic outcome.

    Shame, there are more trolls and clowns on BR than was initially evident.

    Tks for the sensible and reasoned responses.
  • bilirubin
    bilirubin Posts: 225
    Just to throw another example into the mix:

    I was travelling down the A2 into Kent last weekend and over took a coach in my car, when I pulled back in front of the coach the driver was clearly visable holding a hand held microphone up to his mouth with one hand whilst steering with the other.

    I did notice as I passed the coach was full of people so I assume he was giving them some sort of guided tour information en route.

    Is this legal???
  • jrduquemin
    jrduquemin Posts: 791
    MattC59 wrote:
    Thought her name was Louise? ;)

    You know her too?

    Point proven.
    We all do :D

    Sadly I don't :-(

    what's her number? :-D
    2010 Lynskey R230
    2013 Yeti SB66
  • No I'm not a troll.
    I was simply expressing an opinion.
    I believed that was acceptable on a web forum.
    I was surprised by the venomous reaction and people telling me I talk shit so I thought I'd leave you to it.

    By the way...I hope you enjoy your weekend on the bike in the sunshine.
    A good opportunity to relax and unwind a bit!