Contador Confirms he will be riding the tour



  • P_Tucker
    P_Tucker Posts: 1,878
    What sunglasses are they? Want!
  • BarryBonds
    BarryBonds Posts: 344
    P_Tucker wrote:
    What sunglasses are they? Want!
    I think you can get them for free Paul, all you need to do is win a couple off TDFs and Giros :)
  • P_Tucker
    P_Tucker Posts: 1,878
    BarryBonds wrote:
    P_Tucker wrote:
    What sunglasses are they? Want!
    I think you can get them for free Paul, all you need to do is win a couple off TDFs and Giros :)

    And if I can't do that and I just want to buy them?
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642

    Contador is the Greatest
  • Noclue
    Noclue Posts: 503
    Yeww, would anyone really want to wear that?
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    He might as well ride, the CAS will find for him.
    Yes, the recent case of a German table-tennis player being found positive for clenbuterol ended up with him being acquitted. He claimed he must have eaten contaminated meat while in China.
    In his case, the table-tennis national federation first acquitted him, then WADA appealed to CAS against the verdict. CAS referred it back to the national federation for review, and second time around, they again acquitted the player. WADA didn’t appeal a second time.

    I suppose following the same procedure, CAS could similarly throw the Contador case back to the Spanish authorities. Another delay in a final verdict will really ‘please’ some posters here!

    The announcement last weekend that 5 national team footballers in Mexico had been found positive for clenbuterol and (although suspended) it was already more or less judged that they were innocent, may also help Contador.
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    Maybe, the in form Wiggins can enliven the event.
    His style in Switzerland was reminiscent of Indurain – take a grip in the TT, then hold on as best he could. Hardly enlivening in style.
    dougzz wrote:
    Wiggins … It seems when he feels in a worthwhile position he'll go all out to defend it, but when it's not happening for him he drops into the bunch and cruises along with no intent.
    I think there is some truth in this.
    With no prologue or TT at the beginning this year’s TdF, even after the Team TT, Wiggins could find himself in about 40th position until the mountains, and a bad start there will put him into aimless cruise mode.
  • avoidingmyphd
    avoidingmyphd Posts: 1,154
    knedlicky wrote:
    I think there is some truth in this.
    With no prologue or TT at the beginning this year’s TdF, even after the Team TT, Wiggins could find himself in about 40th position until the mountains, and a bad start there will put him into aimless cruise mode.
    To put him in 40th would require 3 teams to beat Sky in the TTT, all of their riders to be within the TTT time gap of Wiggins after Stage 1, Wiggins to be the last Sky rider over the line on Stage 1 (and a few riders in a slower team in the TTT to be ahead of Wiggins on GC at the start of the day and maintain their lead, but if he's last Sky rider over the line on Stage 1, let's assume that would happen). It gets less demanding if Sky come 4th or lower in the TT but still. I don't think I'm being a deluded fanboy in predicting:
    Brad will stay with some elite GC riders at the end of Stage 1 (it's 2.2km, 4.4%), rather than coming in last for Team Sky.
    Sky will come top 3 in the TTT.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,207
    knedlicky wrote:
    He might as well ride, the CAS will find for him.
    Yes, the recent case of a German table-tennis player being found positive for clenbuterol ended up with him being acquitted. He claimed he must have eaten contaminated meat while in China.
    In his case, the table-tennis national federation first acquitted him, then WADA appealed to CAS against the verdict. CAS referred it back to the national federation for review, and second time around, they again acquitted the player. WADA didn’t appeal a second time.

    I suppose following the same procedure, CAS could similarly throw the Contador case back to the Spanish authorities. Another delay in a final verdict will really ‘please’ some posters here!

    The announcement last weekend that 5 national team footballers in Mexico had been found positive for clenbuterol and (although suspended) it was already more or less judged that they were innocent, may also help Contador.

    The counter-argument there though is that both of those cases were in countries where clen use in livestock is known to be common whereas in the EU it is banned other than in specific cases.
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    P_Tucker wrote:
    BarryBonds wrote:
    P_Tucker wrote:
    What sunglasses are they? Want!
    I think you can get them for free Paul, all you need to do is win a couple off TDFs and Giros :)

    And if I can't do that and I just want to buy them? ... -lens.html
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    dulldave wrote:
    P_Tucker wrote:
    Good news. I'm hoping he's going to be at less than 100% after the Giro, which may, just may, make the Tour interesting.

    I doubt it.
    Andy had another "mechanical" today, during the Swiss prologue.
    Clearly, he is just training for Le Grand Bungle.

    Maybe, the in form Wiggins can enliven the event.

    Hope not. ITV show too much of him when he's doing crap, let alone doing well...

    They don't choose what the camera shows so I take it you mean they talk about him too much.

    Pretty sure interviews with Ned Boulting and Matt Rendle are all to do with ITV... Thank God Phil & Paul are too busy name-dropping random sponsors and products to mention "Wiggo" too often- otherwise I'd just watch a stream of the French coverage!
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    P_Tucker wrote:
    BarryBonds wrote:
    P_Tucker wrote:
    What sunglasses are they? Want!
    I think you can get them for free Paul, all you need to do is win a couple off TDFs and Giros :)

    And if I can't do that and I just want to buy them?

    Pretty sure they're Giro Havik glasses. Havik II rings a bell, so ask Google for help :)
  • P_Tucker
    P_Tucker Posts: 1,878
    Dammit, it appears the pink ones are a one-off for Contador. Thanks anyway chaps.
  • domhopson
    domhopson Posts: 259
    Giro sold pink, yellow and gold ones a few years ago in limited numbers.