Twitter and getting some followers.

Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
edited August 2011 in The bottom bracket
How does it work then? Not that I've done much tweeting, but it seems that its been into an abyss. I've seen on a few profiles when people have posted the blue Twitter at the bottom of their profile. How do I do that? I fancy getting into the whole Twitter thing.


  • Tonymufc wrote:
    How does it work then? Not that I've done much tweeting, but it seems that its been into an abyss. I've seen on a few profiles when people have posted the blue Twitter at the bottom of their profile. How do I do that? I fancy getting into the whole Twitter thing.[/quote

  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    the general idea is that if you're a somebody you get followers, if you're a nobody you do the following.

    its like a digital version of Stoke.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    Orr geeesssse boss, I wanna be a somebody.
  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    Anyway, its TonyMufc02 if anyone's is interested.
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    If what you have to say is so important / useful / interesting that it deserves an audience, then just continue to say it and people will find you naturally. However, follower-seeking is narcissism at its ugliest. If I were you I would avoid actively seeking followers - it just makes you look like a desperate attention seeker.

    To insert the Twitter icon into your signature just search for a Twitter icon using Google Images. Copy the URL of the icon image, insert it as an image into your signature using the Img button, then highlight it and insert the URL of your twitter profile using the URL button.
  • AndyOgy
    AndyOgy Posts: 579
    Some people take Twitter so seriously that they get their Twitter URL converted into a 2D barcode, and then use that as their avatar on here.

    Never catch me doing anything as pathetic as that.
  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    Herbsman wrote:
    If what you have to say is so important / useful / interesting that it deserves an audience, then just continue to say it and people will find you naturally. However, follower-seeking is narcissism at its ugliest. If I were you I would avoid actively seeking followers - it just makes you look like a desperate attention seeker.

    To insert the Twitter icon into your signature just search for a Twitter icon using Google Images. Copy the URL of the icon image, insert it as an image into your signature using the Img button, then highlight it and insert the URL of your twitter profile using the URL button.

    Desperate and attention seeking. My my, I've got issues.
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    Well I write a blog about me, myself and nothing but. So you could say the same about me.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862

    You can follow me if you like, I talk about some right proper boring stuff though, but I'll probably follow you back!
    I like bikes...

  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    Tonymufc wrote:
    Anyway, its TonyMufc02 if anyone's is interested.

    I reckon TonyMufc01 has stolen your thunder :)
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,048
    I suspect the MUFC bit in your name is putting sane people off :lol:
  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    a_n_t wrote:
    Tonymufc wrote:
    Anyway, its TonyMufc02 if anyone's is interested.

    I reckon TonyMufc01 has stolen your thunder :)

    Do you think he'll be able to ride this TTT for me then on Saturday. :lol: I'm gonna need all the thunder I can get to hang on to the coat tails of Mr Wild.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    you'll be right. Just dont go flying out the traps! :)
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408

    No offence intended :wink:
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    Why don't you just post in the Mundane Observations Thread?
  • MattC59 wrote:

    Frack off you boring khunt :wink:

    /fixed it for you :lol:

    Twitter started off boring and has just got worse since people are missing the point, but sadly as with many things like Twitter, if you are shamelessly whoring yourself you can't afford to miss a chance to bore someone to death with your latest movements or happenings... :(
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    I've just had a pooh. and there are birds in my garden.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Be that person who is always there when important stuff kicks off and tweet about it.

    You know, like a journalist, but without the salary or light grey raincoat.
  • Martincan
    Martincan Posts: 188
    I recently used Twitter as a away of reseach for my degree and had people start to follow me who were linked to the types of topic I was tweeting about. I think the number of followers was +2. I put this down to being a boring idiot.
    Pain is weakness leaving the body.....I have a lot of weakness!

    My Blog:
  • mattsaw
    mattsaw Posts: 907
    Twitter is pretty useful in certain industries for sharing information and networking. I have two accounts, I work in digital so I have one for work and one for cycling related stuff.

    My work account started years agoand I hae got in the habit of sharing important information when I see it, I actually have a Twitter dedicated monior at work :oops:

    I've been lucky enough to have been named on several lists and was proud/embaressed to be named in the top 20 on the Times Social List.

    My main tips would be to converse with people, keep it topical and interesting and to share useful information. People generally complain about other sharing irrelevant information, so try to avoid that at all costs.

    Anyway, if anyone is interested,

    Work stuff -

    Bike stuff -

    Are there many people from BR on Twitter, I follow a few like JonGinge, Gaz545, Magnatom, BassJunkieUK etc, I might put together a list if people leave their accounts here.
    Bianchi C2C - Ritte Bosberg - Cervelo R3
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    The great thing about twitter is that you can have rap battles with pro cyclists
  • mjclements
    mjclements Posts: 46
    Twitter. Isn't that the small piece of skin between a womans tw@ and her sh1tter
  • shouldbeinbed
    shouldbeinbed Posts: 2,660
    Mattsaw wrote:
    Twitter is pretty useful in certain industries for sharing information and networking. I have two accounts, I work in digital so I have one for work and one for cycling related stuff.

    My work account started years agoand I hae got in the habit of sharing important information when I see it, I actually have a Twitter dedicated monior at work :oops:

    I've been lucky enough to have been named on several lists and was proud/embaressed to be named in the top 20 on the Times Social List.

    My main tips would be to converse with people, keep it topical and interesting and to share useful information. People generally complain about other sharing irrelevant information, so try to avoid that at all costs.

    Anyway, if anyone is interested,

    Work stuff -

    Bike stuff -

    Are there many people from BR on Twitter, I follow a few like JonGinge, Gaz545, Magnatom, BassJunkieUK etc, I might put together a list if people leave their accounts here.

    Agree, you get followers by getting involved in conversations, that's what its about more than declaming your (my,most people's) drab mundane existence to the world. Forget following celebs in the hope of reciprocal interest. Theres quite a cyclist community on there covering all sorts of aspects. Matt if you want to put me on your list I'm @shouldbeinbed. If not, no worries

    The worst sort are the saddos that beg for followers or the childish, if I follow you, you should follow me back.

    Its another version of here, chatting with like minded & not so, people. I don't get how people can be happy enough on here & sneery over twitter.
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    I've had to block about 60 new followers since I started tweeting. 10% of them have been spammers, the other 90% have been people who I have nothing in common with. The followers I actually have are people who know me in real life or people I've met at races. My point is that getting new followers isnt necessarily a good thing
  • rml380z
    rml380z Posts: 244
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    mjclements wrote:
    Twitter. Isn't that the small piece of skin between a womans tw@ and her sh1tter

    No - the medical term for that is the ricco.
  • mattsaw
    mattsaw Posts: 907
    Herbsman wrote:
    I've had to block about 60 new followers since I started tweeting. 10% of them have been spammers, the other 90% have been people who I have nothing in common with. The followers I actually have are people who know me in real life or people I've met at races. My point is that getting new followers isnt necessarily a good thing

    You don't really need to spend time blocking followers, just don't follow them back.
    If you really want to protect who sees your tweets just change to a private account.
    Bianchi C2C - Ritte Bosberg - Cervelo R3
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    Yossie wrote:
    mjclements wrote:
    Twitter. Isn't that the small piece of skin between a womans tw@ and her sh1tter

    No - the medical term for that is the ricco.

    Should be, but I think you will find that its actually "Wonfa", as in, if it wonfa that there would be a feking big hole.
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    Mattsaw wrote:
    Herbsman wrote:
    I've had to block about 60 new followers since I started tweeting. 10% of them have been spammers, the other 90% have been people who I have nothing in common with. The followers I actually have are people who know me in real life or people I've met at races. My point is that getting new followers isnt necessarily a good thing

    You don't really need to spend time blocking followers, just don't follow them back.
    If you really want to protect who sees your tweets just change to a private account.
    Well that's the problem you see. I used to have my tweets protected, but then if I mention someone who's not following me they won't see what I wrote.