Discuss - Fine for cycling on pavement



  • motopatter
    motopatter Posts: 179
    dog walker wasn't the only tosser

    were you hiding in the bushes sucking off an horse? :lol:

    I said it was a shared footway - wider than your average path by x2.5, near no roads, no speed limits (and I wasn't going fast), and as I said he stood there choosing to hurrang me.
    I thought nothing of the pass until Tosser started at me.
    Oh, and I didn't see him carrying a bag of pooh, so (as we're all jumping to our own conclusions again) can only assume he is the kind of tosser that lets his animal foul where-ever and leaves it to be trodden/ ridden through. He looked like it anyway.

    No sign of the Tosser today, but I was doing a different shift. Next Tuesday may be my next encounter :lol:
    wave your willy here !!!! :)