Schwalbe Ultremo's R1

macondo01 Posts: 706
edited July 2011 in Road beginners
I've a pair of Ultremo's R1 and only done 600 miles on them. Cleaning the bike I discovered the front tyre had a few cuts and glass embedded in it. The cuts allowed the tyre to go out of shape so now I am looking for a replacement tyre or tyres.

I know they are race tyres but it made me wonder about getting a longer lasting tyre perhaps like Continental 4000s. But are similar race type tyres, like the Conti's, so prone to cuts?
"Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

National Lampoon


  • andyoh
    andyoh Posts: 115
    A mate of mine has just had his Ultremo R1's replaced by Schwalbe with their new ZX tyres. He contacted them direct stating they had cut up badly, they agreed a replacement once he had sent the R1's back to them and he now has the new ZX tyres on his bike.
  • alwaystoohot
    alwaystoohot Posts: 252
    Phew.... just checked my new tyres still in their boxes.... Ultremo DD´s! 8)

    (DD = double defence)
    'I started with nothing and still have most of it left.'
  • macondo01
    macondo01 Posts: 706
    Brilliant. I still have tyre so that's what I'll do. Many thanks.
    "Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

    National Lampoon
  • let us know how you get on I've got a similar problem
  • macondo01
    macondo01 Posts: 706
    Will do.
    "Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

    National Lampoon
  • sparkins1972
    sparkins1972 Posts: 252
    I will keep an eye on this thread - I have been running Schwalbe Durano Plus on my bike over the winter and spring and I specifically made the choice of going marginally slower with the trade off of not having a single ride ruined by flats. I have never gone for a full out race tyre so I have no idea what I could expect by changing to something like an Ultremo or similar.

    I don't race but do get involved in Sportives etc and while a quicker tyre may seem appealing, I always think back to one day when I got 5 punctures in one long ride which added way over an hour to my ride time and think 'is it really worth the risk' or should I plod on with my trusty Duranos?

    I wonder what the diference is between the Durano Plus that I have and the Ultremo DDs?
  • RDB66
    RDB66 Posts: 492
    I think it all depends on the road surfaces you ride on.

    I've had my R1s on for about 2000mile at the mo, 1 thorn punture and about 12 little cuts, (which i fix with Superglue) in all that time/milage.

    I'm very happy with mine. Great tyre.

    A Brother of the Wheel.

    09 Canyon Ultimate CF for the Road.
    2011 Carbon Spesh Stumpy FSR.
  • Tyke1912
    Tyke1912 Posts: 9
    I hate R1s with a passion...........well, right at this moment I do, I've just had a rear puncture, no problem I thought, the sun is shining I've got a spare tube, I'll be on my way in no time at all. Then it all went pear shaped, I got distracted by a very kind old lady who asked me if I was ok, (I think she thought I'd had a fall), and proceeded to put the punctured tube back in, damn I thought, or words to that effect and started to put the new tube in just as the sky darkened and the heavens opened, I got absolutely soaked to the skin...........on a serious note that's my first puncture on these tyres in a very long time
  • T-Rekster
    T-Rekster Posts: 110
    RDB66 wrote:
    I think it all depends on the road surfaces you ride on.

    I've had my R1s on for about 2000mile at the mo, 1 thorn punture and about 12 little cuts, (which i fix with Superglue) in all that time/milage.

    I'm very happy with mine. Great tyre.


    Same story here, love em to bits, I think there was a recall on the early ones for this problem, but the later ones seem fine, of course I do watch where I ride though

  • Ive got some too .Rubber bettween the running surface and the wall seems to be de-laminating after approx 450 miles. Have spoken to Retailer and they said because they were a race tyre and they are a soft compound they wear out quickly but shorely not after 450 miles?,think i will get in contact with schwalbe.

  • RDB66
    RDB66 Posts: 492
    T-Rekster wrote:
    RDB66 wrote:
    I think it all depends on the road surfaces you ride on.

    I've had my R1s on for about 2000mile at the mo, 1 thorn punture and about 12 little cuts, (which i fix with Superglue) in all that time/milage.

    I'm very happy with mine. Great tyre.


    Same story here, love em to bits, I think there was a recall on the early ones for this problem, but the later ones seem fine, of course I do watch where I ride though


    It must be the good Suffolk roads we ride Rekster !!lol
    A Brother of the Wheel.

    09 Canyon Ultimate CF for the Road.
    2011 Carbon Spesh Stumpy FSR.
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    Ive got some too .Rubber bettween the running surface and the wall seems to be de-laminating after approx 450 miles. Have spoken to Retailer and they said because they were a race tyre and they are a soft compound they wear out quickly but shorely not after 450 miles?,think i will get in contact with schwalbe.


    Had that with some schwalbe tyres and after getting peed off with always changing tyres due to cuts and never wear, I swapped to conti gp4000s and they are far more resistant to cuts. Not going back to schwalbe.
  • Bar Shaker
    Bar Shaker Posts: 2,313
    I'm coming up to a 1000 on my GP4000S and they are unmarked.

    No pun*tures either.
    Boardman Elite SLR 9.2S
    Boardman FS Pro
  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665
    lovely tyres to ride but last 5 minutes.

  • RDB66
    RDB66 Posts: 492
    Scrumple wrote:
    lovely tyres to ride but last 5 minutes.


    Jeez, 5 mins Scrump....where you using um, on a DragStrip !! lol BurnOuts !! :lol:
    A Brother of the Wheel.

    09 Canyon Ultimate CF for the Road.
    2011 Carbon Spesh Stumpy FSR.
  • T-Rekster
    T-Rekster Posts: 110
    RDB66 wrote:
    Scrumple wrote:
    lovely tyres to ride but last 5 minutes.


    Jeez, 5 mins Scrump....where you using um, on a DragStrip !! lol BurnOuts !! :lol:

    Yep almost 800 on mine an no signs of excessive wear & tear at all. I think we need to be clear that there are two versions of the R1, the pre recall one and the aft recall one, the later ones are just all round excellent

    see here ... nt_webform

  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    Gp 4000s all the way baby. They're a fantastic tyre and I'd highly recommend them.
  • Dmak
    Dmak Posts: 445
    Well I just fitted a Fortezza Tricomp to the rear wheel, replacing a ropey looking split Pro3 Race, it only got 800 miles on it! CBA to do the front so it's a Pro3 on the front and a Tricomp on the back for tomorrows 70+ miles.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,668
    Well, my posh bike was supplied with R1s - the history so far:

    3200 miles - one slow puncture.

    1st rear did 1000 miles - some bad stone bumps, so got distorted, and was squared off.
    1st front did 3000 - a few bigger cuts had appeared, so a few slight bulges.
    2nd rear did 2000 miles - skid-stop because of ignorant driver caused loss of rubber.

    I've just ordered two ZX Evolution - it will be interesting to see how they compare - but I have liked the R1s. Certainly grippy.
  • macondo01
    macondo01 Posts: 706
    Said I'd get back....

    Spoke to Schwalbe last week and by the end of our conversation I thought there was a reasonable chance they might replace them. I emailed photos as requested but the answer came back a 'no' today.

    "I can see from the photos that the cuts on your tyres have been caused by normal road debris. It is not uncommon that such a lightweight tyre can be affected in this way."

    The tyres rode very nicely but I expected more life out of them than 500 miles but then may be it was bad luck to ride over some glass. Think I'll try the Conti's 4000s.

    Thanks for feedback.
    "Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

    National Lampoon
  • Bowden2017
    Bowden2017 Posts: 40
    I have had exactly the same response from schwalbe. My Cube agree came with the Ultremos and I have probably done about 1000 miles and have a split in wall. Sent photos and was told they were a race tyre and life expectancy was not be that good. 800-100miles. Not a great life for such an expensive tyre. I am disappointed as performance was very good thus far. Now have Fortezza Tri comp on the rear.
    I don't think I'll rush to get Ultremos again.
    Cube Agree GTC SL
    Trek 1.2
    Old custom MTB
  • macondo01
    macondo01 Posts: 706
    Will GP4000s 25's fit on a Cannondale CAAD9 ok?
    "Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

    National Lampoon
  • anyuser
    anyuser Posts: 51
    I have some Ultremo DDs and they are pretty cut up after 650 miles, which is a shame as I bought them because I was so pleased with the longevity of my Marathon Supremes on my 26" bike. I am hoping the DDs will last until winter and then I am going to try Conti 4seasons for the winter.
  • I have just sent photo's and a description of my ultremo R1's, with cracked sidewalls. From the looks of the recent posts it doesn't look positive.
    Is it race tyre issue as my friend had the same thing on a pair of pro race 3's.
    Or is it a case of don't buy ultremo's
  • sparkins1972
    sparkins1972 Posts: 252
    I kind of alluded to it earlier but what is the difference between the Durano Plus and the Ultremo DD?
  • After emailing Schwalbe about my tyres they asked me to post them in.
    I spoke to the guys there yesterday and they are now posting out a new set of Ultremo ZX replacement tyres.
  • Richa1181
    Richa1181 Posts: 177
    I've not had mine more than 2 months and they're showing all kinds of cuts so far, I wish I'd have done some research before buying as I can't see them lasting out the summer!

    Shame really as I've never had a problem with Schwalbe before. I've got some Stelvio's that lasted me for about 16 months and god knows how many turbo sessions in the winter without looking more than a week old. I've actually kept them to go back on the bike this winter and the way the Ultremo's are going they might be on by Autumn!
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    Just finished an L2P with a friend and we both had Ultremos on. Mine had done about 400 miles on them and his had about 100.
    He had 2 punctures and I had 1 in about 300 miles of riding on sketchy french roads.
    Mine have literally dozens of small cuts and splits in them and are now fit only for the bin!
    I'd use them again though but only purely as a race tyre. Which i suppose is exactly what they're meant for.
    I'll stick my Rubino pros back on for now.
  • shane r
    shane r Posts: 326
    I've now put 1000 miles on my first set of Ultremo R1's. They remain completely sound and virtually cut free. This is over rural terrain only, I haven't used them in the city at all.

    They are also the easiest tyres to change I have ever used, although this may be symptomatic of folding tyres in general.

    On this basis I have put them on my 'best' wheels as well.

    I can't recommend them highly enough. I'm delighted that now the ZXs are out you can now get these for under £20 each.
    Coupla Road Bikes
  • playpen
    playpen Posts: 10
    How appropriate to see this thread today .... :roll:

    1st commute this morning on new Cube Agree GTC Pro lasted 10 miles before puncture to rear Ultremo !

    Total miles for that tyre 30 ! Prior to that my old bike had 1 puncture in the last 12 months and about 2000 miles (Bontrager Race lite).