Fecked hamstrings

Full Merckx
Posts: 143
Appreciate some thoughts here. Di the Etape on my "new" bike which I've had for just over 6 months and used on the turbo over the winter and for probably over 1000 miles on the road. Driving home it felt as if someone had been at my hamstrigs with a hammer. Don't know if this is due to bike set-up, fact I'm using Look Keo pedals as opposwed to Mountain bike pedals or if it's a consequence of frequent rapid accelarations to try and stay with or jump groups and I should just "man-up"
Probably all of the above.
If you go to hard too soon on a new set up you are likely to feel some aches and pains. try stretching regime after every ride and look at the thread on bike fit.
remember when changing anything on the bike to do in small steps to let the body adapt.When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells0