pre commute warm up?

bmca2010 Posts: 54
edited May 2011 in Commuting chat
what do you guys do in terms of a warm up if anything before ya hit the tarmac in the mornings? especially the guys who are knocking out decent mileage continuously i.e. top 20 of stats board?

my routine is basically wake up, get changed, check computer and half hour after waking up im on the road.

it always feels like my body is still pretty stiff and inflexible after waking up.

saw this video and i like the idea of doin something similar ... c-highroad


  • White Horse
    White Horse Posts: 161
    Have a dump. On the basis that amateur punters stick money on the greyhound that has just done the same!
  • tobermory
    tobermory Posts: 138
    A quick slug of rum to keep the cold out and i mean a small slug not half a bottle that comes later
    Never trust anyone who says trust me
  • jzed
    jzed Posts: 2,926
    Get up, chuck cycling kit on, go out the door. Tend to spend the first few miles spinning a bit more than usual and taking it easier. Not ideal and get the odd niggle every now and then.
  • Hot Orange
    Hot Orange Posts: 157
    I occasionally do a token stretch of the hamstrings, but I'm normally frantically shoving things into my bag while forgetting lots of other stuff.

    On a similar theme, I was wondering during the journey this morning what the ideal commuting breakfast is. I'm currently on a bowl of muesli and a glass of orange juice, which feels quite healthy, but I always seem to have more energy on the way home, after consuming copious amounts of coffee, chocolate, sarnies and cereal bars during the day. Any top breakfast tips?
    Summer: 2012 Trek Madone 3.5
    Winter: 2013 Trek Crockett 5
  • Pep
    Pep Posts: 501
    Get up 6:30am.
    Have a choco biscuit.
    Chat with my wife.
    Swim 7-8am at leisure centre. I'm bad. :cry:
    Home 3000kcal breakfast.
    10mile commute, late start at work 9:30.

    No run tonight.
  • I'm not exactly top 20, but my routine is to wake up, sit around in my dressing gown drinking coffee for a bit, make the kid's lunches, put on cycling kit and go out the door. I have a commute that's quite good for warming up easy, though. A pootle along my road, followed by a steep downhill, at the bottom of which I'm usually warmed up enough to get going.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Straight out of the door into the toughest climb of the day. Not much I can do about that unless I go the opposite way on an extended commute!
    Faster than a tent.......
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    Alarm set for 6.35
    Roll out of bed 10mins later
    Protein shake & banana
    Leave at 7.05
    Takes a mile or two to wake up
    Gym, shower, change
    Porridge at work

    Shift back an hour if no gym.
    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • POHB
    POHB Posts: 40
    Cycling is a good warm-up excercise
  • craker
    craker Posts: 1,739
    leap out of bed 10 minutes late, make drinks for children and wife, feed cat who is under my feet, out of door inside 10 minutes (no food or drink).

    15 mile commute (starting with 3 mile descent) get to work shower + tea & porridge (or cold tin of rice pudding this morning).

    However my legs feel pretty dead today, maybe I need to improve my feeding habits.
  • vorsprung
    vorsprung Posts: 1,953
    6:00 up! Make tea
    6:10 go back to bed to drink tea
    6:30 up again make breakfast and eat it
    6:50 shave, toilet, teeth
    7:15 washing up, water greenhouse etc
    7:30 on bike for 15 miles of best Devon hills to Taunton

    Note: no physical jerks, Yoga, special protein shake drinks, sessions on a turbo prior to riding to work
  • clarkey cat
    clarkey cat Posts: 3,641
    5am - wake up
    5.05 - check blackberry and respond to urgent overnight emails
    5.20 - bikram yoga
    6.00 - organic muesli with soya milk and green tea or egg white omelette and black decaff.
    6.10 - make love to my beautiful wife
    6.12 - 10k run, usually top-less, whilst enjoying Kings of Leon or the Killers on my I-pod.
    7.00 - calisthetics.
    7.30 - astride my Dogma Pinarello
    8.30 - arrive at work and respond to urgent, high level queries that only I am authorised to answer
    9.30 - shower while on conference call.
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    Pep wrote:
    Get up 6:30am.
    Have a choco biscuit.
    Chat with my wife.
    Swim 7-8am at leisure centre. I'm bad. :cry:
    Home 3000kcal breakfast.
    10mile commute, late start at work 9:30.

    No run tonight.

    3000 calories??! What do you have for breakfast, roast lamb?
  • Wrath Rob
    Wrath Rob Posts: 2,918
    Warm up = trying too hard = against ethos of SCR

    Get with the program!
    FCN3: Titanium Qoroz.
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    5am - wake up
    5.05 - check blackberry and respond to urgent overnight emails
    5.20 - bikram yoga
    6.00 - organic muesli with soya milk and green tea or egg white omelette and black decaff.
    6.10 - make love to my beautiful wife
    6.12 - 10k run, usually top-less, whilst enjoying Kings of Leon or the Killers on my I-pod.
    7.00 - calisthetics.
    7.30 - astride my Dogma Pinarello
    8.30 - arrive at work and respond to urgent, high level queries that only I am authorised to answer
    9.30 - shower while on conference call.

    ooh, ooh, ooh, I know - this is a game of "guess the lifestyle commercial" isn't it? Isn't it?

    hhhmmmm, not a car. Jordans muesli?

    Obv. if you were a woman, this would definitely be a sanpro ad....
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Ha. I'm with Clarkey.

    6:25: Alarm; try it on with wife
    6:25: doze a bit
    6:32: try it on with wife.
    6:35: try it on with wife.
    6:38: try it on with cat. Result!!!.
    6:55: dive out of bed, ablutions etc
    7:06: Swig coffee back, pour hot milky porridge down throat
    7:10: upstairs. Try it on with wife again, settle for quick peck & away
    7:11: forget to switch off wireless thus rendering the next 7 miles accompanied by ear-worm of whatever Evans was playing as I left.
    7:15: Away. First mile gentle climb; decide which route to take and blitz it.
    7:19: Wish I'd had a bit of a stretch & a warm up.
    8:20ish:arr, log miles, do Stats, faff a bit, bring bike to office, go for wash & scrub up.
    10:40: Stretch a bit.
  • Clare_M
    Clare_M Posts: 68
    5am - wake up
    5.05 - check blackberry and respond to urgent overnight emails
    5.20 - bikram yoga
    6.00 - organic muesli with soya milk and green tea or egg white omelette and black decaff.
    6.10 - make love to my beautiful wife
    6.12 - 10k run, usually top-less, whilst enjoying Kings of Leon or the Killers on my I-pod.
    7.00 - calisthetics.
    7.30 - astride my Dogma Pinarello
    8.30 - arrive at work and respond to urgent, high level queries that only I am authorised to answer
    9.30 - shower while on conference call.

    2 minutes! Wow! ;)
    I was a fatty, then I took up cycling and can now eat cake guilt free!

    "Triples are for girls" My Husband, 2010. (Evidently not for this girl though!)
  • shm_uk
    shm_uk Posts: 683

  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Clare_M wrote:
    2 minutes! Wow! ;)
    2 minutes is more than enough for most chaps to have a whale of a time, esp if there's a bike to be ridden to work and some places to gain on the Stats board.
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,812
    5:40 alarm
    6:00 ish, finally make it downstairs dressed
    6:15 Finish catching up on the new, feed cats, lay out tea and breakfast for the family, make packed lunch, odd chore
    6:45 Breakfast
    7:05 tea (wife gets up at 6:45 and can't have tea until 7:15 due to medicines she has to take, so made at 7:05 is still hot enough at 7:15!)
    7:10 Pre flight preperation (dump and shoes)
    7:15 get bike out, load panniers, lock up behind me
    7:20 leave - take it easy for first 1/2 mile until muscles have warmed up then drop the hammer.
    8:00 start work after changing

    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    CiB wrote:
    Clare_M wrote:
    2 minutes! Wow! ;)
    2 minutes is more than enough for most chaps to have a whale of a time, esp if there's a bike to be ridden to work and some places to gain on the Stats board.

    Did you have a picture of Lynne Truss to look at? :wink:
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    PBo wrote:
    CiB wrote:
    Clare_M wrote:
    2 minutes! Wow! ;)
    2 minutes is more than enough for most chaps to have a whale of a time, esp if there's a bike to be ridden to work and some places to gain on the Stats board.

    Did you have a picture of Lynne Truss to look at? :wink:
    Yup. The cheeky little minx, peering over her shoulder at me in that pose.

  • Drysuitdiver
    Drysuitdiver Posts: 474
    5.30 alarm
    5.35 kick from wife with " are you getting up today
    5.36 SS
    5.50 dressed and downstairs
    5.59 eat breakfast anticipating SR on BBC
    6.01 clear puke up if its any of the others
    6.05 finish cofee
    6.10 finish packing rucksack
    6.15 dump
    6.20 out the door
    Veni Vidi cyclo I came I saw I cycled
  • turnerjohn
    turnerjohn Posts: 1,069
    7:15 alarm
    7:25 strong coffee
    7:55 out the door
    8:30 in the office ....start to wake up then :D
  • asprilla
    asprilla Posts: 8,440
    My warm up usually involves running round the house trying to find out where an 18 month old has decided to hide my glasses / keys / wallet / phone.

    I also take it easy to the end of the road.
    Mud - Genesis Vapour CCX
    Race - Fuji Norcom Straight
    Sun - Cervelo R3
    Winter / Commute - Dolan ADX
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    I take it easy for the first couple of miles, I find it takes that long for my default/comfortable cadence to climb from 80 to 100. If I come across anyone fast during this time I'll allow them to scalp me without putting up a fight.

    When my normal route (Richmond Park) is closed, I specifically avoid a short steep hill on the alternate route because I'd hit it cold after less than a mile.
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Generally, it's coffee -> kids' milk -> get kids' clothes out -> kids' breakfast -> out the door -> easy spin to the Park (about 0.8 mile) -> hammer time.

    Sometimes, I'll fit a turbo session in before the coffee.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • prj45
    prj45 Posts: 2,208
    6am alarm, browse internet a bit in bed
    6.15am Dump kittens in the river, browse internet a bit on phone
    6.30am out of door (maybe a small snack if stomach is growling)
    7.45am arrive at work,
    7.55am in shower
    8.20am down for breakfast
    8.30am at desk

    So, no, no warming up.

    About the only stretching I do is when I roll up toward home of an evening when I'll often stand right up on me pedals on tip toes.
  • Ands
    Ands Posts: 1,437
    6.45 alarm. Turn it off asap before husband wakes and tries it on with me.
    6.46 wee. don't flush toilet in case husband wakes and tries it on with me.
    6.50 get dressed in spare room, so as not to wake husband :wink: , eat banana,
    6.59 pump tyres in hallway, wake husband with pssssshhhhhhhhhhh of pump
    7am leave abruptly
    7.50 arrive at work, shower
    8.10 breakfast and coffee at desk
  • shouldbeinbed
    shouldbeinbed Posts: 2,660
    Get up, get dressed, get gone.

    Half an hour before I knock off in the evening Coffee & a choc bar. Home = uphill most of the way.