Tour Rides - Tour of Britain



  • jackfeeder
    jackfeeder Posts: 269
    Cheers for that.

    Your ride report is in this week's cycling weekly.
    All my life I've wanted to be someone; I guess I should have been more specific.
  • bendertherobot
    bendertherobot Posts: 11,684
    Good prices, will get in there asap!
    My blog: (kit reviews and other musings)
    Facebook? No. Just say no.
  • Hi AlistairR

    Don't like to keep asking this question, but why are there transfer details for the August ride whilst still nothing concrete for the Tour of East Anglia, which is just a month away?
  • orbeaorca
    orbeaorca Posts: 246
    Hi AlistairR

    Don't like to keep asking this question, but why are there transfer details for the August ride whilst still nothing concrete for the Tour of East Anglia, which is just a month away?

    I know of alot of people holding back from entering because they are waiting for transfer details, every day they delay signing up means one less day they have to raise sponsorship and isn't that what these rides are all about???

    The Tour route was announced almost 2 months ago and this hasn't really progressed at all.
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    jackfeeder wrote:
    Cheers for that.

    Your ride report is in this week's cycling weekly.

    It is Jackfeeder! A really good write up by Chris and some good photos gives a good taste of the route. I still think the most stunning section is when you leave Brecon and start climbing up into the Beacons :D


    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Good prices, will get in there asap!

    Thanks Bendertherobot - I agree :D

    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Hi AlistairR

    Don't like to keep asking this question, but why are there transfer details for the August ride whilst still nothing concrete for the Tour of East Anglia, which is just a month away?

    Hi Brushiemma10w,

    I hope that all the details will go live today. However, I've got hold of the details and here they are now:

    Transfer Options Norfolk - Suffolk

    Option 1 (for Pro Tour riders) Price £20.00
    Transfer service for riders and bike from Sandringham to Bury St Edmunds on
    Saturday 23rd July
    Transfer Duration 1hr 30 mins (approx)

    Option 2 (for Pro Tour riders) Price £8.00
    Transfer service for riders only from Sandringham to Bury St Edmunds on
    Saturday 23rd July
    Transfer Duration 1hr 30 mins (approx)

    Option 3 (for Challenge Tour riders) Price £20.00
    Transfer service for riders and bikes from Sandringham to Diss on
    Saturday 23rd July
    Transfer Duration 1hr 30 mins (approx)

    Option 4 (for Challenge Tour riders) Price £8.00
    Transfer service for riders only from Sandringham to Diss on
    Saturday 23rd July
    Transfer Duration 1hr 30 mins (approx)

    Option 5 (for Pro Tour riders) Price £20.00
    Transfer service for riders and bikes from Sandringham to Bury St Edmunds on
    Sunday 24th July
    Transfer Duration 1hr 30 mins (approx)

    Option 6 (for Challenge Tour riders) Price £20.00
    Transfer service for riders and bikes from Sandringham to Diss on
    Sunday 24th July
    Transfer Duration 1hr 30 mins (approx)
    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Hi Orbeaorca,

    I am, as you may know, freelance in the cycling industry and currently helping to promote the Tour Rides, which I believe are not only excellent rides/sportives, but also for an excellent cause. I agree with your sentiments and have been a tad frustrated by the delay in getting the details posted, hence why I have been trying to post details here as soon as I can get hold of them. I am told that the transfer details will be posted later today and will be live for booking - I’ll keep you posted.

    I am very grateful for your comments and feedback and I am doing all that I can to provide riders with any details that they need.

    Thanks again
    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • F365Eli
    F365Eli Posts: 13
    Is there any news on the gpx's for the Scottish rides?

    The only reason I ask is that on the website the shorter Challenge ride is advertised as a 70km spin:
    Setting off from Dock Park in Dumfries, the Challenge Ride will take riders on the 70 kilometre finishing loop, heading out along the River Nith estuary towards the Solway Firth

    but on all the new information posted on the "on The Day" section refers to a 100km bike ride:
    Park in the designated car park and walk or cycle to Dock Park in Dumfries. Your 100km ride will start here between 0900 and 1000.
    Arrive back in Dumfries (preferably by 1800) after cycling exactly the same route as the pro’s for 100km
  • F365Eli
    F365Eli Posts: 13
    Having just checked the Tour Ride site there's a route map up now. I've just plotted the route using Map My Ride and it's only showing as a 50km route :shock:
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Thanks Eli for your posting, I've been a bit all over the country the last few days and a bit behind with emails and comments. All the details should be up now including maps, gpx and transfer details.

    Please keep posting any questions that you have here and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

    Happy Cycling
    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • F365Eli
    F365Eli Posts: 13
    Thanks Alistair.

    I've just downloaded the gpx and the route is only 58km. I'm pretty disappointed :(
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Hi Eli, I've just checked the gpx file as well and I make it 58.7 km, so the same as you. I'll check to see why this has been reduced and get back to you. Alistair
    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Subject: Transfer Details, Maps, Routes and gpx

    Hi All,
    Loads of details have now been posted about all of the Tour Rides

    I’m riding the Pro Ride in Wales and all the info for the two rides in Wales can be found here:

    Pro Ride
    Challenge Ride

    As well as the route/map you can check out the transfer details and download a gpx file for whatever gadget you use.

    It's been great to catch up with so many of you during the Tour Series (great race last night) and I'm looking forward to riding the Pro Ride in Wales with as many of you that can make it :)
    Cheerio for now
    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • jackfeeder
    jackfeeder Posts: 269
    Well that's everything sorted - transfer and B&B booked. Just a word of warning all the accomodation is going fast in Welshpool according to the Tourist Info Ladies.
    Time to up the training now then - Tour of Pembrokeshire was v.v.vwet but went well, Merlin Ride from The National Botanical gardens, Carmarthenshire is on July3rd so we'll see how that goes.
    Really looking froward to this now :)
    All my life I've wanted to be someone; I guess I should have been more specific.
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    That's great news Jack. Thanks for the tip about the accommodation. I've also booked in at Caerphilly for Sunday night so that I can enjoy the apres-cycle. The Travel Lodge was offering £15 per room!!

    See you in August! It should be a brilliant day out and a stunning ride!
    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • Phill Thom
    Phill Thom Posts: 50
    All booked and really looking forward to it ... Welshpool down is a lovely route..
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Phill Thom wrote:
    All booked and really looking forward to it ... Welshpool down is a lovely route..

    Nice one Phill - it should be a fantastic day out :D
    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • chris1001
    chris1001 Posts: 58
    Anyone know what's going on with the Stoke-on-Trent Pro ride route at Stone? The route seems to deviate down a cul-de-sac (Copeland drive), its the same on the GPX download. Is this some feed station or just an error?
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    chris1001 wrote:
    Anyone know what's going on with the Stoke-on-Trent Pro ride route at Stone? The route seems to deviate down a cul-de-sac (Copeland drive), its the same on the GPX download. Is this some feed station or just an error?

    Hi Chris, I'm looking into this and will get back to you. Alistair
    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Here we go then, the Grand Depart this Saturday of the TdF! How about signing up for a leg of our ToB? One of the most challenging stages will be stage 4, Welshpool to Caerphilly on 14th September, why not ride it before the Pro’s do, full details here: maps, gpx and full details are on the website.

    It’s a brilliant linear route, a real tour stage and helpfully, transfers can be booked if you need them. See you there!
    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Hi Chris,

    I had a look at the gpx file after you mentioned it and it is a small error which has been removed and will be loaded onto the website in a corrected form very soon.

    Thanks for pointing it out and have a great ride (without going down Copeland Drive) :D


    PS Loving the TdF at the moment.....and looking forward to riding some of our ToB stages, I'm signed up for the one in Wales on 21st August.
    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • thecrofter
    thecrofter Posts: 734
    Alastair, the route map for the short course from Dumfries is different to the loop that the Pro rife map shows, which is correct, or are the routes really different.

    On the Proride at Dalbeattie the course turns back to Dumfries on the A711, but the short course map shows the course heading up the B794 then back to Dumfies on the back roads?????
    You've no won the Big Cup since 1902!
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Thanks for your message The Crofter.

    I'll ask the event company and get back to you as soon as I can.

    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Hi again The Crofter,

    Just had a good look at the routes, as they are not quite my patch (based in Devon). The reason for the loop to the north of the A711, from what I can see, is to gain the correct distance for the Challenge Ride using the same start/finish.

    I'm going to try and make it up for the ride if I can, as I undrerstand it's really beautiful in that area and great biking.

    Thanks for your feedback, if I get any more news to add, I'll post it here.

    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Hi All,

    Link to a really useful training guide for sportive or challenge rides here

    Thought you might like to know the registration closing dates for the various Tour Rides:

    Location Event Date Registration Closes

    East Anglia 24th July 10th July
    Wales 21st August 7th August
    Scotland 4th September 21st August
    London 18th September 7th September
    Stoke-on-Trent 25th September 11th September

    Happy Biking!
    P.S. Just heard that some of the Endura Team will be riding the Tour Ride in East Anglia!
    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • AlistairTR
    AlistairTR Posts: 127
    Last year I was fortunate enough to be offered the chance to ride in one of the commissaire cars with my son, following the Tour of Britain from Tavistock to Glastonbury. It gave me insight into road racing that up until then I could only have guessed at. It was a brilliant day!

    Well I’ve just been sent the following offer, so if you are about to sign up for a Tour Ride make sure that you enter the code at the end… of luck! Alistair

    Win 2 tickets in a race car

    Register before 7th August 2011 and win 2 tickets for a place in a race car on a professional stage of The Tour of Britain. This money can't buy prize includes hospitality at the start and finish lines plus an up close and personal experience of the race!

    All you need to do is sign-up for a Tour Ride of your choice (except East Anglia) and enter the code below during registration.
    Alistair Cope of
    Cycling – Travel, Adventure & Events (
    Specialists in Biking Tours in Morocco
  • orbeaorca
    orbeaorca Posts: 246
    The Tour Ride for East Anglia is only one week away ( the 24th ) I have recieved my ride number and downloaded the ride manual but nowhere does it state where the designated car park for the ride is :?
    I presume it will be close to the start in Nowton Park but some details would be nice , anyone got any ideas?
  • Does anyone know if there are designated rider start times for the Tour Ride East Anglia, or is it a case of turning up between 7 and 9:30 and setting off?
  • secretsqizz
    secretsqizz Posts: 424
    Does anyone know if there are designated rider start times for the Tour Ride East Anglia, or is it a case of turning up between 7 and 9:30 and setting off?
    depends if you are in the old hat Discovery kit or the highly fashionable Sky kit (including socks) , the former you are at the back of the queue.
    If you have Zipp 808s you even get your own team car,.

    turn up and ride, bud, thats all you need to do by all accounts
    My pen won't write on the screen