Why do you ride?

johnnygooner Posts: 43
edited April 2011 in MTB general
Interesting conversation with a group of mates at the weekend, some riders, some not. Was quite surprised at the broad spectrum of the reasons people give for riding. and even the different reasons non riding mates gave for maybe taking it up or not.

Was just wondering why do people on here ride? Fitness? Competing? Enjoying the outdoors?

What works for you?


  • Relaxation time away from the kids and helping to keep fit
  • andyrm
    andyrm Posts: 550
    A mix of reasons - being outdoors, enjoying getting fit, spending time with and friendly competition all day with my mates.

    I read an interview not long ago with Mark Webber where he talked about MTBing being big in Australia for exactly the same reasons 'because that's what Aussie blokes like to do' - ultimately I think they're the most natural reasons.

    But I have also heard things like 'getting away from the wife'....!
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    Adrenaline rush and to look cool in the gang,
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    Because I enjoy it. Always feels good to be outside, always feels good to be on a bike. Even better if you can mess around with your mates at the same time.
  • Andy B
    Andy B Posts: 8,115

    Helps clear the mind of the day to day crap too
  • tenfoot
    tenfoot Posts: 226
    For all of the above reasons and to misquote Steve McQueen -

    "Riding is life. Anything before or after is just waiting" - :wink:
  • A mix of reasons.

    I started properly mtbing in 92-93 when i was a kid after i very briefly met Jason McRoy when he was a Team MBUK rider before his big break. Saw him fly over a rock garden and a berm and just though Wow, got his autograph after with some other riders and asked him how he did that and he showed me how he got his knee down. Nice bloke. I was hooked.

    I ride now after a 10year absence just for fun, for the peace and quiet from the city, the adrenaline buzz of downhill, to get away from the mrs, the community vibe and the tinkering with the bike when i get home.

    Snot green Canyon Nerve AM 8.0x
  • hammy7272
    hammy7272 Posts: 236
    Fitness, relaxation, being outdoors, at one with nature man! 8)

    I also think the natural mixture of chemicals that are released during exercise and "dangerous" situations is addictive. :)
  • Beardface
    Beardface Posts: 5,495
    I do it for teh lulz.

    I also do it so I can justify eating mass amounts of bacon and brie sandwiches.. :lol:

    But really? I do it becuase I love it, I love getting away from the urban humdrum, the monotony of work etc, and getting out into the country, away from the sound of cars etc.. I love getting to the top of a monster hill, with a feeling of satisfaction that I made myself do this, no engine other than myself. I also love chucking myself down the other side, throwing the bike around and hanging on for life, and having a perfect run on my favourite trail.

    I love the fact that I push myself every time I'm out on the bike, making myself a better rider each time I swing a leg over the top tube. I love that rush when you catch some unexpected air, and when you miss that tree by millimetres.

    I could go on and on, but mostly, I do it for the social aspect, I do it for charity and as before, most importantly, I do it for teh lulz. ;)
  • andyrm
    andyrm Posts: 550
    hammy7272 wrote:

    I also think the natural mixture of chemicals that are released during exercise and "dangerous" situations is addictive. :)

  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Mmmmm, endorphins! :D

    I've always been a sporty person, I get bored and a bit grumpy if I don't do exercise!

    I don't take it too seriously though, I just do it because I enjoy it. Pretty much what Stav said.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • t0pc4t
    t0pc4t Posts: 947
    I started riding on the road as I missed my motorbike and needed a way to keep fit.

    Then after doing that for a while I got a cheap trek 3700 and pottered on it a bit.

    But last year's C2W scheme got me a Giant Anthem and I started hitting proper trails and doing a bit of light racing like the Bristol Bikefest and now I'm hooked.

    It's the mixture of adrenalin rush and the sense of extreme peace I get when I am riding.

    I get very antsy when I have not ridden for a bit now and by a bit I mean 2 -3 days
    Whether you're a king or a little street sweeper, sooner or later you'll dance with the reaper.

    Cube Curve 2009
    Giant Anthem X4

  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    I ride for the thrill. The fact that I have to pedal so much is but a minor irritation.
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • I ride for various reasons...

    I love exercise, I've played sport mainly rugby since 7 (now 41), my body is knackered, but find I can cope with mountain biking.

    I love the buzz and adrenaline given by some rides

    I love the challenge givien by some rides, always pushing self to get better

    I love the company of my mates that I got into it

    I love having a few (cough) beers afterwards with said friends, as you dont feel so guilty as you feel you have earnt them.

    I love getting outside and enjoying the countryside

    errrrrr and its fun!
  • tugger
    tugger Posts: 122
    In the last two years I have reignited my passion for bikes that Ive had since I was a kid

    I love cycling

    I cycle everywhere to work, to see friends

    I cycle for fun

    I cycle for fitness

    I cycle to get away from stuff

    I cycle to find new stuff

    I love tinkering with stuff

    Its a bit like crack unfortunately a lot of non cyclists don't get it, again, similar to crack!! Its expensive too!
    All about the aggregation of marginal gains (or marginal losses, depending on who you are!!)
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    bails87 wrote:
    Mmmmm, endorphins! :D

    I've always been a sporty person, I get bored and a bit grumpy if I don't do exercise!

    I don't take it too seriously though, I just do it because I enjoy it. Pretty much what Stav said.

    + Broccoli

    I go mad if I've not managed to do some sort of sport or exercise for even a day, when I broke my ankle I insisted on playing tennis on crutches, which is fecking difficult, a bit of a nuisance and slightly against the H&S policy of the club but it kept me sane.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I do it because it's who I am.
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594

    Some people veiw it as a hobby and some like yee says it's who they are they can't imagine not riding and so on.. I'm one of those too :)
  • timpop
    timpop Posts: 394
    Because it's fun and the more you do it the more fun it is.
    Many happy trails!
  • tsenior
    tsenior Posts: 664
    and remember....

    it doesent have to be fun to be fun.
  • Beardface
    Beardface Posts: 5,495
    tsenior wrote:
    and remember....

    it doesent have to be fun to be fun.

    Like shagging a fat bird?
  • paul20v
    paul20v Posts: 267
    I started cycling when i was 10 as we lived miles from any where and would have todo a 10mile round trip to see mates
    then i started working at 15 and had to commute i got my first mountain bike at 14 a muddy fox courier and started coast path riding and riding the woods and it just carried on from there
    29 years later and i few bikes and now i just ride for the hell of it
    and maybe a little keep fit thrown in
    but mainly for the blast :D
  • RevellRider
    RevellRider Posts: 1,794
    Why do I ride? I give you exhibit A:

  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Rapeseed? ;-)

    But similar, to get out in the fresh air, admire the views, get fit and have some fun.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Riding is the seed of rape?
  • RevellRider
    RevellRider Posts: 1,794
    The dead hooker is just out of shot :wink:
  • aidso
    aidso Posts: 493
    Why do I ride? I give you exhibit A:

    Hay-fever sufferers paradise :).

    The reason I ride is in the OPs question itself. I love the reaction you get when you try to explain to people and they look at you like your daft. Riding in dry, dusty, warm conditions is great but you can't beat getting absolutely caked in mud and exhausted from a cracking day on the bike. I remember stopping at a style, covered head-to-toe, by 2 women and a man and the man just smirked at me shaking his head while the 2 women gasped at the horror at the state of me. It's that expression that makes me ride my bike......oh and I like hearing the wheels whirl around too :).
  • miss notax
    miss notax Posts: 2,572
    I ride for various reasons...

    I love exercise, I've played sport mainly rugby since 7 (now 41), my body is knackered, but find I can cope with mountain biking.

    I love the buzz and adrenaline given by some rides

    I love the challenge givien by some rides, always pushing self to get better

    I love the company of my mates that I got into it

    I love having a few (cough) beers afterwards with said friends, as you dont feel so guilty as you feel you have earnt them.

    I love getting outside and enjoying the countryside

    errrrrr and its fun!

    Pretty much what he said (but without the rugby, and i'm 5 years younger :wink::lol: )

    Even when it's a RUBBISH ride (ie i've had a bad off, it's cold, loads of mechanics, just not 'feeling it' etc), I still enjoy it and would rather have been MTBing than anything else (with a few notable exceptions :wink: ) :D
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

    Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

    Sponsor the CC2CC at http://www.justgiving.com/cc2cc
  • WisePranker
    WisePranker Posts: 823
    Because I can!

    It also kinda helps that it's
    keeps me fit,
    helps clear my mind,
    helps me get away from work and all the crap that goes with it
    gives me a way of combining all the above with the great outdoors

    It's also cheaper and possibly more enjoyable than motorbikes and trackdays which is my other hobby!
  • The three Fs. Fitness, fun and peace and quiet!