Contador and his Pistol thing.....

roadiesean Posts: 577
edited April 2011 in Pro race
Was I the only person who felt physically ill when Contador crossed the line first to win the stage in the Tour of Catalonia and did his ridiculous pistolero bollocks ? I have never felt so furious at a bike race before, does he have no class at all, could he not just appreciate that whether he is guilty of doping or not, people are right to question him, could he not perhaps show a little humility rather than arrogantly tossing off in front of the cameras.

I have always found that little demonstration he does really quite offensive anyway, but after the fact that he HAS been found with Clenbuterol in his system (however it got there) and he HAS been found with plasticisers in his blood (however they got there) and people (rightly or wrongly) assume that he is probably guilty (since he was also named in Operacion Puerto as well) that maybe he could be slightly less arrogant and a little more humble.

Call me old fashioned but "shooting down the opposition" is a little too much like "shooting up to get an advantage over the opposition" for my liking.

Cav got sent home last year after making a gesture which was as arrogant, why in Gods name doesn't someone take control over Contador.

People with real class don't need some wanky show of emphatic victory to demonstrate they have class, take Cadel Evans and his (somewhat clumsy) victory celebrations and the classiest of them all, Cancellara.

The last rider that made a song and dance over all his wins was none other than "The Cobra" old Riccadro Ricco. Say no more.


  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
  • CyclingBantam
    CyclingBantam Posts: 1,299
    Are your underpants too tight this morning?

    He has a celebration when he win's. It isn't particually arrogent, it is a celebration. I really don't see the issue. If that makes you really angry I can't imagine what other things you see in racing make you feel.
  • andrewjoseph
    andrewjoseph Posts: 2,165
    To be honest, he sometimes looks quite embarrassed by it himself, but it's his 'trademark' now and it is expected of him.

    It makes me cringe, and as you say, even more so given the shadows over his performances.
    Burls Ti Tourer for Tarmac, Saracen aluminium full suss for trails
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    I don't feel ill but yes, it's naff.

    He really embraces it, with logoed merchandise.
  • rebs
    rebs Posts: 891
    Do you feel the same sickness with Flecha does his bow and arrorw celebration?
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    Think you're making a big fuss over nothing.

    Contador's position is that he is clean, has always been clean so why shouldn't he do what he wants when he crosses the line?

    I quite like the little gimicky things - Cav's celebrations are always amusing (even when he properly (imho) gets fined). I like the flecha bow and arrow thing.

    Mind you, I like Robbie Keanes crap rolly polly in football too.

    I have given a lot of thought as to what I would do if I ever cross a line first and know what it would be.
  • Zachariah
    Zachariah Posts: 782
    You don't like it? Become a pro rider, beat him in every race he enters, he'll never get to do it again. Easy.

    Or, just stop getting worked up over what people on the telly do.
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    its a bit rubbish, but nothing he should be censured for really. I like Big Mig's rare celebration, just a hand in the air, the other relaxed by his side. Reminds me of Stuart Pearce (although he inexplicably went mental when he scored that penalty against Spain, thus reversing years of cool nonchalance).
  • shinyhelmut
    shinyhelmut Posts: 1,364
    Oh I am looking forward to FF's response on this thread....
  • pat1cp
    pat1cp Posts: 766
    Oh I am looking forward to FF's response on this thread....

    I don't think you'll see one, fancy he'll stay well clear.

    Re. OP. I don't find the pistol thing as infuritating as the OP, just,,, well,,, a bit cakey. It reminds me of something a teenage footballer might do just after scoring a goal.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    I think it's cheesy (but then Contador's a pretty cheesy person), but it's hardly anything to get worked up about.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • rajMAN
    rajMAN Posts: 429
    Its a cringe worthy pillock thing!
  • @roadiesean

    If you look very carefully at the footage of Contador crossing the line you'll clearly see that he doesn't actually have a gun, it's just a gesture.

    Hopefully, my pointing this out to you will remove all feelings of nausea that you claim to feel.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    At least with the Flecha thing you only have to see it about once every 5 years.

  • pat1cp
    pat1cp Posts: 766
    afx237vi wrote:
    At least with the Flecha thing you only have to see it about once every 5 years.


    And he's a got a relevant reason for doing it !!
  • Gingerflash
    Gingerflash Posts: 239
    At least Flecha's is a play on his name. Contador's is just invented isn't it?

    It makes me think of people who invent a cool-sounding nickname for themselves and insist on everyone using it.

    Contador probably knows his image is really dorky so has had to create this self-conscious, vain, "pistolero" nonsense and flogs a load of merchandise to go with it.

    It doesn't make me as cross as it does the OP, but it's just absolute rubbish.
  • rebs
    rebs Posts: 891
    Are you suggestion he should pull a calculator out of his back pocket instead of going bang bang?:P
  • Gingerflash
    Gingerflash Posts: 239
    That would be better. Maybe have a green visor on his helmet too.
  • Gavin Cook
    Gavin Cook Posts: 307
    roadiesean wrote:
    Was I the only person who felt physically ill when Contador crossed the line first to win the stage in the Tour of Catalonia and did his ridiculous pistolero bollocks ? I have never felt so furious at a bike race before, does he have no class at all, could he not just appreciate that whether he is guilty of doping or not, people are right to question him, could he not perhaps show a little humility rather than arrogantly tossing off in front of the cameras.

    I have always found that little demonstration he does really quite offensive anyway, but after the fact that he HAS been found with Clenbuterol in his system (however it got there) and he HAS been found with plasticisers in his blood (however they got there) and people (rightly or wrongly) assume that he is probably guilty (since he was also named in Operacion Puerto as well) that maybe he could be slightly less arrogant and a little more humble.

    Call me old fashioned but "shooting down the opposition" is a little too much like "shooting up to get an advantage over the opposition" for my liking.

    Cav got sent home last year after making a gesture which was as arrogant, why in Gods name doesn't someone take control over Contador.

    People with real class don't need some wanky show of emphatic victory to demonstrate they have class, take Cadel Evans and his (somewhat clumsy) victory celebrations and the classiest of them all, Cancellara.

    The last rider that made a song and dance over all his wins was none other than "The Cobra" old Riccadro Ricco. Say no more.

    Well Said !!!! The guy is a TIT.
  • Gavin Cook
    Gavin Cook Posts: 307
    roadiesean wrote:
    Was I the only person who felt physically ill when Contador crossed the line first to win the stage in the Tour of Catalonia and did his ridiculous pistolero bollocks ? I have never felt so furious at a bike race before, does he have no class at all, could he not just appreciate that whether he is guilty of doping or not, people are right to question him, could he not perhaps show a little humility rather than arrogantly tossing off in front of the cameras.

    I have always found that little demonstration he does really quite offensive anyway, but after the fact that he HAS been found with Clenbuterol in his system (however it got there) and he HAS been found with plasticisers in his blood (however they got there) and people (rightly or wrongly) assume that he is probably guilty (since he was also named in Operacion Puerto as well) that maybe he could be slightly less arrogant and a little more humble.

    Call me old fashioned but "shooting down the opposition" is a little too much like "shooting up to get an advantage over the opposition" for my liking.

    Cav got sent home last year after making a gesture which was as arrogant, why in Gods name doesn't someone take control over Contador.

    People with real class don't need some wanky show of emphatic victory to demonstrate they have class, take Cadel Evans and his (somewhat clumsy) victory celebrations and the classiest of them all, Cancellara.

    The last rider that made a song and dance over all his wins was none other than "The Cobra" old Riccadro Ricco. Say no more.

    Well Said !!!! The guy is a TIT.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    rebs wrote:
    Are you suggestion he should pull a calculator out of his back pocket instead of going bang bang?:P

    Or he could commit a fraud and then get bailed out by the government.

    Oh hang on, he has done that one.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    RichN95 wrote:
    rebs wrote:
    Are you suggestion he should pull a calculator out of his back pocket instead of going bang bang?:P

    Or he could commit a fraud and then get bailed out by the government.

    Oh hang on, he has done that one.

    Yeah it's almost like he's an investment banker
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    dougzz wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    rebs wrote:
    Are you suggestion he should pull a calculator out of his back pocket instead of going bang bang?:P

    Or he could commit a fraud and then get bailed out by the government.

    Oh hang on, he has done that one.

    Yeah it's almost like he's an investment banker

    Or an accountant, which is what Contador means.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    Not when I translate it ;)
  • roadiesean
    roadiesean Posts: 577
    My point is that despite the fact that it has always made me cringe, I was awestruck by the fact that he still did it post the Clenbuteral shambles, looking as smug as he always does and in no way humbled by the fact that he had to get the Prime Minister of Spain involved to get his (already stupidly low suspension) removed all together.

    I have loved this sport through all the bad years and I feel like Contador the same way that I felt about Virenque and Ricco, no humility at all. And as for "hes always said hes innocent" can that surprise anyone ?? I mean other than Millar has anyone ever "fessed" up ? But the difference with Contador is that Clenbuterol is a zero tolerance drug, if you have it in your system you have it in your system, they are responsible for EVERYTHING they put in their bodies, harsh, but true and lets face it, Clenbuterol laced steak isn't exactly thick on the ground and spooky of spookies, despite the fact that everyone ate it, only the Big C (in more ways than one) came up positive.

    He has skirted drug issues his entire career, as the saying goes, no smoke without fire.

    But as for that Pistol thing, what an ar5e
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    why not just ignore contador and congratulate russ downing for a good ride in todays castilla y leon
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    RichN95 wrote:
    I think it's cheesy (but then Contador's a pretty cheesy person), but it's hardly anything to get worked up about.

    It isextremely chessy and AC is a bit of fanny but i wouldn't get too worked up about it really.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Contador is the Greatest
  • That COzy Beehive has got way too much time on his hands - nice post though. Still think Contador comes across as a cheesy t!t.

    I always thought some cyclists, given their predilection for substances, should emulate Robbie Fowler's celebration
  • OffTheBackAdam
    OffTheBackAdam Posts: 1,869
    roadiesean wrote:
    Was I the only person who felt physically ill when Contador crossed the line first to win the stage in the Tour of Catalonia and did his ridiculous pistolero bollocks ?
    Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.