


  • grantus
    grantus Posts: 690
    Have done a lot of singlespeed mtbing over winter.

    Feel strong but haven't tested it in a race yet. First 25 is at end of May and am hoping for a decent showing :D

    Could end up being a disaster :shock:
  • I think people overthink racing before they start. Get to a level you are happy with (for me this was being able to hang with the faster guys at my club) and have a go. If you dont finish you know you need to work harder. (I didnt finish mine)

    NO ONE CARES IF YOU DO BADLY. People only care about how they perform

    Just know that all the time you are putting off racing is time and experience you are missing out on. I know guys who are as fit or fitter than me and they still put off their first race.
  • joeyhalloran
    joeyhalloran Posts: 1,080
    I agree, and IF anyone notices you drifting off the back, trust me, they won't be laughing or thinking "haha, I am much better than that guy" they will be thinking "few, one less guy to race against, this is a tough race".