Metatursal Fracture and return to Advise

charliemil Posts: 15
:cry: 2 weeks ago I was hit head on by another cyclist, he had swerved to avoid a vehicle that had stopped and he lost control, crossed the road and took me down big time. In the collision my left foot suffered a hairline fracture to the out side base of the 5th metatursal. I am out of action and am reading all sorts of forums etc indicating that I may be out of action for up to 8 weeks. However that would be he case for a footballer and some suggest cycling and swimming as part of the rehabilitation. Any cycling bone docs who can advise?

Helmet saved my head in the crash which hit the road after landing on my back. I was carrying my wallet in a rear pocket of my cycling jacket and landing on it did not do me any favors. In future I will only carry notes or bananas in my pockets. Bike is damaged to the cost of £400, am off work and will be severely out of pocket due lost earnings. The other cyclist had no insurance. Not good. Had he been a member of the CTC or British Cycling like I am it would have been helped in putting things right. :x