Double Sufferfest anyone?

uphillstruggle Posts: 90
Afternoon off work, weather lousy, so decided to try a double Sufferfest combo.

After much consideration settled on Fight Club followed by Angels.

The resulting workout was challenging as I attempted to keep the intensity at the usual levels for each video.

Is this type of training of use? or is it too much interval type training in one go?

If you do similar which combination do you use and why?

Are you able to keep the intensity at/near to usual levels?


  • From what I can remember both Angels and Fight club are threshold or under/over type sessions. If done at the correct intensity (intervals done either side of FTP by 5% or so) I would struggle to see how most riders would be able to do 2 hours of these intervals. In fact, thinking back, I think fight club has a considerable amount of max efforts in there! However, reduce the intensity to the lower end of threshold/higher end of tempo then the sessions would indeed be doable and, in my opinion, a very solid session.
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    Depends really.

    I'm probably talking bollocks but I think doing two hard sessions regularly will probably increase your endurance, i.e. you're training yourself ride at that same intensity, but for longer. However, by doing just one session twice as hard, you'll train yourself to go harder, which will make you faster. And by doing the shorter, harder session, you'll spend less time training, giving you more time to recover and feed yourself.

    Remember the longer you train for, the more exhausted/fatigued you get, so as time progresses your efforts become less effective. I think it's best to keep the hard sessions short and sweet, and focus on quality rather than quantity.

    So.. both methods are useful, they will just have different outcomes.