Marmotte - when to training camp?

timmyflash Posts: 526
When would be the most beneficial time to go on a week training camp abroad before the Marmotte at beginning of July?

Concerned that i would lose fitness if i went to early, or not recover in time for the event if i went too late.

Steel Blue Fixed - Orange Backpack Cover

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  • have you ridden in the high mountains before? i ask this because i remember the wake up call that came with my first time, and how much of a positive impact it had on my committment to training and weight management. so if it´s your first time, go early and reap that benefit.

    on the other hand if it´s pure training effect that you want ánd you can only make one camp then 3-4 weeks before might be a good time, give you chance to soak up the training load and recover properly. 3 weeks sounds like a lot for "recovery" but i have seen people still out of sorts 2 weeks after a hard sportive such as the etape or marmotte - and that´s just one day!