Who's doing the cheshire cat this weekend?



  • skinsey
    skinsey Posts: 105
    I've ridden in a few Kilotogo events, and by and large, they've been pretty good, so i'm trying to be balanced.

    However, when an event gets to be the size of Sunday's, it's their responsibility to know whether there's a Mow Cop Residents' Association, and whether the road can be closed temporarily. (And going whilst people shouldn't litter, maybe they organise a rubbish sweep up on the route too).

    As in many things, I think there's a balance or rights and responsibiltiies - organisers have got the right to organise the events, to make money out of them, to design and sell their product as they see fit. However, their responsibilities include - and I completely acknowledge these aren't legal responsibilities - making sure the environment isn't damaged, that local residents particularly affected (eg on Mow Cop) are told in advance, and that people get what they're paying for (eg reasonable queuing times).

    Again to be fair to Kilotogo, there were advance notice signs posted during the week locally about the sportive for the benefit of residents. I just think that when an event upscales to the extent this one did this year, the organisers need to upsclae their thinking and preparation to the same extent.
  • Slow1972
    Slow1972 Posts: 362
    But its a sportive on open roads, why should the Mow Cop local residents see the need to agree to a road closure? It's not their fault if the riders are veering all over the full width of the road to ride up it....
  • JD_76
    JD_76 Posts: 236
    Slow1972 wrote:
    But its a sportive on open roads, why should the Mow Cop local residents see the need to agree to a road closure? It's not their fault if the riders are veering all over the full width of the road to ride up it....

    Dont see how riders veering all over the road makes any difference, riders were going up three a breast and using the whole road anyway because there is so little room.

    Your not going to get 3000+ riders going through in single file.
  • skinsey
    skinsey Posts: 105
    They don't have to, of course. I just think dialogue and courtesy on both sides is the best way of handling these kinds of situations.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    Scotter wrote:
    JGSI wrote:
    Scotter wrote:
    I would`ve thought it would make sense to stagger the groups, too. Those doing the 100 are likely to be the keener, faster riders. Let them go first, then the 67 milers, then the 45s. Let everyone know in advance of their start time and hey presto! Not as much queuing to start.

    The other thing is that you won`t have the slower riders complaining about the quicker lads (and lasses!) flying past them - which I`ve seen complaints about on other sites.

    To be fair, kilo-to-go have put comments on twitter saying that they are listening to the feedback that they are getting, so hopefully, next year will be better.

    Ridiculous. FAIR??. Kilo have been running this event and others for long enough to KNOW how to get it right... they make pompous enough noises on their website...
    oh yeah like getting in with Mow Cop Residents Assoc to maybe close the godamn road for an hour (its done for the Killer Mile run). so as to stop cars descending or doing u turns in front of participants.... but maybe that takes time .. effort and diplomacy kilo hasnt got or just too happy to take the money with never ending supply of new to the game riders.

    Hey pal, take a chill pill. It`s a figure of speech, ok?

    You seem to have a lot of anger over this.
    Have you contacted Kilo with your suggestions? Are Kilo aware of a "MowCop Residents Association"?
    Do they know that the road can be closed temporarily?
    Just a few thoughts.

    Anger? dont be daft.. wasnt getting at yaself bud... so I've no need to take any type of pill.
    Just glad I wasnt tempted by making a detour back home by going Mow way on Sunday on me gentle spin out. its just the tales of a few woes that tempted me to perhaps suggest that Kilo pulls its finger out if it is organising mass starts from Crewe.
    Aint my job to get in touch with anyone either.. just a humble local club rider.
    I shall look forward to running up the killer ;-) saving stress on the bottom bracket for a change.
  • fluff.
    fluff. Posts: 771
    skinsey wrote:
    Again to be fair to Kilotogo, there were advance notice signs posted during the week locally about the sportive for the benefit of residents. I just think that when an event upscales to the extent this one did this year, the organisers need to upsclae their thinking and preparation to the same extent.

    3000 this year 2700 last, so really they shouldn't have been surprised by excessive queuing due to a single start time. Is it such a herculean task to post some recommended start times? Or be prepared for most of the people that start the ride, to finish it?