Bioshock 2 - a fan



  • crumbschief
    crumbschief Posts: 3,399
    I played Bioshock and liked it,i never got around to trying 2,maybe i should as i found SS2 fantastic.A few games that have always stayed with me are Dungeon Master on the STE
    and this lot on the PC

    Thief,Dead Space,Doom,RTCW,Half Life,Baldurs Gate,X-Wing,Deus Ex,C&C,The Suffering

    good memories,it's a pity these days though that you have to usualy wait years for a good one to come out.
  • Marko1962
    Marko1962 Posts: 320
    Anyone here used to be into any of the Quake games? Q1, QW, Q2, Q3 and Q4?

    I used to be into Quake World, Quake 2 and 4 but I really loved Quake 2 CTF (capture the flag). Practising all week for the Sunday clan game in the Savage league was my highpoint in gaming from approx 1998 to 2002.

    I remember how exhilarating it was when I got my first Voodoo series hardware graphics card when playing Quakeworld, went from big pixels to lovely smoothness.

    Gave it all up as I was addicted to the buzz of on-line gaming at the expense of family life...

    Good happy memories...
  • guinea wrote:
    Sensible Soccer on the Atari.


    I used to play 'Sensi' on an Amiga, what a great game, especially the 20-season manager mode in Sensible World of Soccer. I still remember my pride at winning the World Cup with Croatia, we beat Italy 2-1 in the final. Suker, Boksic (pen). :oops:
  • crumbschief
    crumbschief Posts: 3,399
    Yeah Quake was good too,played a little online,the most i played online was with Delta Force 2 though,the amount of time that passed was unreal sometimes.
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    guinea wrote:
    Sensible Soccer on the Atari.


    I used to play 'Sensi' on an Amiga, what a great game, especially the 20-season manager mode in Sensible World of Soccer. I still remember my pride at winning the World Cup with Croatia, we beat Italy 2-1 in the final. Suker, Boksic (pen). :oops:

    Indeed. I've still got an amiga 1200 and sensi....tried it a couple of years ago....its sooooo slow.

    does anyone remember wacky waiters on the vic 20?

    One wow moment of recent games is the chernobyl/nuclear decimated city in COD, just jaw dropping.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    Still have my Amiga 500, sensible soccer on that is the best game ever. Like Clint having played it fairly recently it is incredibly slow now. Also have mame for my pc, that can while away a few hours. Going back to the Amiga, has anyone ever got win uae up and running properly? I got as far as the kickstart screen but no further as I read that the floppy controller won't read them, even if my pc had a floppy in it.
  • does anyone remember wacky waiters on the vic 20?
    My first home computer <3

    I had visions of Wargames and hacking my way to a preteen millionaire'dom when that arrived one Christmas. :oops: :lol:

    I remember that game yeah, but Rat Race was the best game for the Vic20. :D
  • crumbschief
    crumbschief Posts: 3,399
    Ah,looks like most of you were Commodore then,i was Atari and it was always one or the other back then,i started on a Spectrum and had some wow moments with The Lords Of Midnight,Manic Miner and Ant Attack,anyone have the Dragon 32 or a BBC?,some of my mates had those and i always fancied owing either.
  • I had the Vic20 then went to Speccies, ended up with one of the rare but awesome Spectrum +3's witht he built in disc drive.

    My mate had a BBC, used to love going around his and playing Repton on it, then they released Repton 1 & 2 years later as a boxset for my +3, I was well happy. 8)
  • crumbschief
    crumbschief Posts: 3,399
    Cor yeah the 128 +3 was a good bit of kit then,i never tried Repton but i did get stuck into Elite on my mates BBC,you talking about a Vic20 has just reminded me of a mate who had one and i used to play Archon on it.

    Highly addictive fun. Well the first 2 were, never played the next ones.

    +3's were the nuts, pop a disc in and zap. game loaded, though I did miss the sound of a cat getting flattened by a steam roller from the tape loading of the older models, heh.
  • crumbschief
    crumbschief Posts: 3,399
    Haha,Hymn of Hope with a 5min cooldown funny stuff,i can see you like your god games there.Ah yes the Speccy load screen,that was always a time of chanting and much rubbing of tape deck with a deft clitoral action on the volume contol.
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    Could not agree more strongly than with Bomber man using the fourplayer multi tap on the SNES. Also Mario carts on the SNES, two player at around the same time. Hours into days into weeks. Good times.

    Then Goldeneye, Mario 64 and Pilot wings on N64. Another year lost.

    Later, Half life. 'i'll just get to the end of this stage' No sleep again. Half life 2 same.

    Then Portal. Dear God what a game.

    Earlier. Head over Heels on the speccy. Loved that game. I actually got back into the identical but colourful PC version a few years ago. Very strange experience that, all kinds of de ja vu moments with sights and sounds. Top game. Check out PC version if you remember it. You won't be disappointed.

    I can't believe I haven't mentioned parrapa the rappa or the first GTA either. More student weeks gone. Can't believe I got any thing done. (I didn't)

    Happy memories. Good thread.
  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    Company of Heroes for me. I remember it arrived one afternoon and playing it till after sunrise the following day. I was determined to capture the port of Cherbourg without losing my veterancy level 3 rangers and Shermans. :oops:
    For me it made everything that went before it in the RTS genre obsolete and most things since have been tosh in comparison. Sudden Strike, Blitzkreig, Eidos' Commandos series, Command & Conquer, Men of War. Only the excellent Total War series stands on similar footing for me.

    Half Life and Half Life 2 were special at the time. The hours lost to Paperboy, Streetfighter II and Mortal Kombat thankfuly not logged.

    I do miss Microprose simulations though. European Air War, B17 Flying Fortress (1 and 2), Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix series etc.

    Of late Call of Duty Modern Warfare. The multiplayer (PC) was good and sneaking about Pripyat in the campaign was fabulously done I thought.

    Oh and Battlefield 2 and it's add-ons. At least 800+ hours lost to playing that, most of them enjoyable and on infantry only maps where people didn't just hang around waiting for helicopters/tanks/jets to spawn.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Marko1962 wrote:
    Anyone here used to be into any of the Quake games? Q1, QW, Q2, Q3 and Q4?

    I used to be into Quake World, Quake 2 and 4 but I really loved Quake 2 CTF (capture the flag). Practising all week for the Sunday clan game in the Savage league was my highpoint in gaming from approx 1998 to 2002.

    I remember how exhilarating it was when I got my first Voodoo series hardware graphics card when playing Quakeworld, went from big pixels to lovely smoothness.

    Gave it all up as I was addicted to the buzz of on-line gaming at the expense of family life...

    Good happy memories...

    Quake 3. Rail-gun carnage.
  • Lagavulin wrote:
    Streetfighter II and Mortal Kombat thankfuly not logged.
    Another year or two of my life spent right there.

    All good training for when Killer Instinct came out though which I still rank as the best bet-em-up game ever, Arcade and Console.

    Nothing better than watching some kid go off crying after you pull a 48 hit Ultra in the Arcade with a big crowd watching all gobsmacked as they had only ever seen something like a 14 hit combo before. poke.gif

    When I think of the amount of pound coins I pumped into Rare cabinets playing KI I want to cry, I coulda bought shares and owned the company. grrrrrr.gif
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,188
    The first game to really get me was Spy Hunter on the Commodore 64, I then wasted far too much of my school life in the video shop on Rygar and Wonderkid III on the machine there, 10p would last an hour and everyone getting fed up waiting for you to finish your turn. After that was my favourite ever game for the PC, Speedball II. I'm not sure why it hasn't been evolved into a console game or in this day and age I'm sure it could become an flash game in its old format. Modern games are stunning in their appearance and sheer scale but still don't wow me as much as those older games.
  • Some of my old faves there ^^

    Spy Hunter music is still something that sends shivers down my spine. :D

    Speedball was awesome, used to play that on a friends Amiga.
  • fluff.
    fluff. Posts: 771
    Surprised this thread was instigated by Bioshock 2, I thought it was a bit poor compared to the 1st one, still good but several notches down from 1.
    Marko1962 wrote:
    Anyone here used to be into any of the Quake games? Q1, QW, Q2, Q3 and Q4?

    I used to be into Quake World, Quake 2 and 4 but I really loved Quake 2 CTF (capture the flag). Practising all week for the Sunday clan game in the Savage league was my highpoint in gaming from approx 1998 to 2002.

    I just got into Quakeworld before 2 came out, playing on a modem at 5p a min or whatever it was. Big phone bill, but worth it. The scene that went with it was amazing too, as quake was your only option for an online FPS game at the time. Played in the Savage league a bit, I think we won it one year, and the UKCCL. I still keep in touch with the chaps from CFH as we were called. Great fun anyway, I still have demos and stuff tucked away I think.

    Q3 didn't get me hooked as much, probably because I started playing Everquest at the same time, which was all kinds of amazing being the first MMOG I'd had contact with, played that for 5 years on and off. Slightly scarily I know people who are still playing huge amounts of hours a week 10 years on. I have played WoW a bit too, but there's no thrill there now, it's like I can see it's just a big skinner box for you to throw money at.

    Diablo 2 I played quite alot of in my time as well, not so much the random people type games, more the playthroughs with 3 or 4 mates. It still gets an airing today. Oh, check out Torchlight on steam / XBL if you like Diablo, is very similar in style, but better looking.
  • Marko1962
    Marko1962 Posts: 320
    Fluff!! I remember you, CFH. Cowboys from Hell? I was with RSI, eXe and YwN. My name was Lord Fly (don't laugh) initially but then L.Fly :)

    I loved the quake scene, it was a great community but that's sadly all gone now... much prefer cycling these days...
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    I finished Portal 2 in 7 hours straight this weekend. Its rare that I spend that much time playing a computer game these days but it was just brilliant, compelling gameplay. Has everything the original had but with the addition of an excellent storyline. Oh and the Coop game is loads of fun. Game of the year so far imo...
  • fluff.
    fluff. Posts: 771
    Small world :) Yep remember you and RSI /eXe, always good fun playing against you chaps, no drama queens or massive egos unlike some of the er.. younger clans. The savage forums are still going and active I think, but not much talk of quake these days.
  • Marko1962
    Marko1962 Posts: 320
    Small world indeed Mr Fluff, iirc you were one of the much better quake 2 players in the Savage league.

    My claim to fame was coming in as 2nd best defender behind Bismark one season according to Rico stats, I was on fire that season ;)

    Don't play any pc games these days however I do have an Xbox and recently finished Crysis2 which I thought was excellent...

    I'm sure you'll know that Rico, Mr B. Floyd and many other ex quakers are on the Respawned forums? I love reading the quake2 ctf nostalgia threads that pop up occasionally. However what I don't miss are the missed times with family due to the excessive time we used to put into training, practice matches and the Sunday Savage league. Also the claw hands after hours at a time on the PC, much healthier obsession now bar the recent broken hip/elbow I suffered coming off on black ice in Jan this year....

    It's all here in my blog somewhere