
idiotdogbrain Posts: 181
edited March 2011 in MTB general
Taking a spin through my local woods today I found this:




They had their jump in the bombhole near the carpark flattened - could it possibly be because they dug like this? The cheeky berms further up the hill - fine, they've been done ok, but this is not the way to go about making jumps. Stuff like this is the reason why people drag fallen logs across the path, and generally make things difficult for MTBers - they are damaging the mountain bike community as a whole by doing stuff like this.

Or am I over-reacting?
::'11 Pitch Pro::


  • Arkady001
    Arkady001 Posts: 201
    Logs don't faze me (just another technical skill to master) but this would annoy me if it were public land - AFAIK it's not allowed to modify paths in this manner without the landowners permission?

    Just kick it back into the hole whence it came...
  • Where do you expect them to get the dirt from?

    To me, that doesn't look finished yet anyway, its not been ridden yet.

    Building without permission is frowned upon yes.... but it looks like a fairly good jump tbh :lol:
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    Never mind that they've been dicking about with the root structure of that tree eh lads :roll:
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  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    If that's on a path it's bang out of order, if it's tucked away in the woods then it's still cheeky building but not so terrible.

    Weird bit of building though, looks a nice jump and they've used good soil but why have the borrow put straight behind the jump?

    Give it a few months and the scars won't be so obvious- if you ride round glentress's black route frinstance there's a big borrow pit about every 20 yards on some sections, but you need to know what you're looking at to know it.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • DesWeller wrote:
    Never mind that they've been dicking about with the root structure of that tree eh lads :roll:
    Precisely my point. It wouldn't be so bad if the borrow pit was further up the hill, away from trees and the edges smoothed in to make it look natural, but this? No excuse really...
    Northwind wrote:
    If that's on a path it's bang out of order, if it's tucked away in the woods then it's still cheeky building but not so terrible.
    There's a dirt road and houses about 50yards away at the bottom of the hill and the jump/pits are easily visible from the established path about 30 yards up the hill. Draw your own conclusions!
    ::'11 Pitch Pro::
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Yeah, that's poor then.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • mike ives
    mike ives Posts: 319
    With a bit of luck the selfish little tossers might come a cropper. (hopefully). It might teach them a lesson.
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    Just kick it down, I would.
  • ilovedirt
    ilovedirt Posts: 5,798
    it is a nicely built jump though :roll:
    Production Privee Shan

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  • looks like a well made jump but I hope the idiots fail miserably and fly into the tree
    I assume this is French petrol - be careful in reverse - the car will retreat rapidly at the least provocation.
  • pastey_boy
    pastey_boy Posts: 2,083
    you are all jumping to conclusions and blaming bikers for this but if you know your history then you will recognise the structure is a catholic pyramid. the four sides symbolise misery and contraception and the flat top pays homage to the popes love of toast. the exposed roots are an age old tradition. ever since the late 15th century priests have been exposing roots on a regular basis. young boys who witnessed the bare root would be blessed with deep feelings of happinness. just remember to check your facts before blaming dirt jumpers for all the evil in the world
    rant over
    Viner Salviati
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    Cove Hummer XC Ti
  • Stoowit
    Stoowit Posts: 25
    It's probably the first hard days work they've ever done!

    Is it any different if I get my jack hammer and go and dig up my local cycle path or car park?

    Bit of a shame to see how selfish some people are.
  • This thread is on the same level as ramblers complaining about MTB'ers.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    This thread is on the same level as ramblers complaining about MTB'ers.

    In exactly what way?
    Uncompromising extremist
  • struck
    struck Posts: 320
    could've been done a lot more discretely. isn't that tree obstructing the jump anyway?
  • D-Cyph3r
    D-Cyph3r Posts: 847
    Why build a jump right into a tree? You either got to take it on a crap line/angle or risk smashing into it the other way. :?

    The damage is a bit over the top but it's the placement that is just making me go "Wha?".
  • jeremyrundle
    jeremyrundle Posts: 1,014
    have you reported it :!:
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  • Atz
    Atz Posts: 1,383
    What D-Cyph3r said. The damage is dumb, but even dumber because the jump is unusable.
  • How is it unusable?
    FBM.BMX Posts: 148
    This thread is infuriating.

    1) It's a hip. You don't have to travel in straight lines in the air. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HIT THE TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2) You could atleast put something in the background to give some sort of idea of scale. it could be a 1ft deep hole, it could be a 5ft deep hole.

    3) A awful lot of hard work is gone into that, why dismiss hard work?

    4) VISIBLE from a path being the key word. maybe local residents don't mind? Mind they're well mannered 20somethings who chat to any walkers by to see if it's upsetting anyone? Have you not considered that?

    5) I dont see any damage to any major tree roots.

    I could go on and on and on.

    I really dont get your/anyones problem with this.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Because digging holes on land that doesn't belong to you p1sses people off. Much like someone digging in your garden.

    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

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    FBM.BMX Posts: 148
    ^has it been established whose land it is and whether they're mad about it?

    Thought not.

    Jumping to conclusions.

    Even if it is council/public land, if the residents don't have a problem, what's the problem?
  • D-Cyph3r
    D-Cyph3r Posts: 847
    FBM.BMX wrote:
    ^has it been established whose land it is and whether they're mad about it?

    Thought not.

    Jumping to conclusions.

    Even if it is council/public land, if the residents don't have a problem, what's the problem?

    And your jumping to conclusions that they may not be fussed....

    At the end of the day the OP rides there and HE is fussed, thats enough to complain imo.
  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910
    FBM.BMX wrote:
    Even if it is council/public land, if the residents don't have a problem, what's the problem?
    The problem is without specific permission it is trespass and against the law.
    Can I pop round to yours and start ploughing up your front/rear garden?No?
    Why?What's the problem?

    If you don't own it,someone does.Ask.
  • bobpzero
    bobpzero Posts: 1,431
    poor tree what has it ever done to anyone to have its roots exposed. well hopefully the dj ers will put some soil in and rake it over, make it look nice.
    FBM.BMX Posts: 148
    ibbo68 wrote:
    Can I pop round to yours and start ploughing up your front/rear garden?No?
    Why?What's the problem?.

    Forget about the BS, what about in a moral sense?

    What is MORALLY wrong with digging up someone's front garden?

    What is MORALLY wrong with digging on council/public land?

    Does no-one distinguish a moral difference?

    What is the difference between hundreds of MTBers riding the peaks, eroding natural habitat, a place of natural beauty and some people digging a tiny section of woodland? legal, right?

    What SHOULD receive presidency in everyone's opinion, moral or legal?

    I could not give a damn about the legal side of things, unless it's private land. Then I only give a damn about the private land because I MORALLY object to digging somewhere the person who owns the land, does not want me digging.

    Does no-one have any moral standing on these things? Or just simply agree to law?

    Someone calls you names in the street, spits in your face. What do you do? Punch them in the face. Is it breaking the law? Yes. Is it morally wrong? Depends who you ask, but generally no.
  • popstar
    popstar Posts: 1,392
    FBM.BMX I start to get your point. Public land is public land, no BS about that. It will be sold by government anyway without asking public as it will happen anyway. So enjoy it. Why not?
    What could have been (Video)

    I'll choose not put too much stake into someone's opinion who is admittingly terrible though
  • pastey_boy
    pastey_boy Posts: 2,083
    i built a sand castle on blackpool beach once. i didnt have permission and the fact i dug a 3 ft deep moat around my sandy creation just exacerbated the problem . as far as i know, the council found out and as we speak they have 5 highly trained assassins on my trail. only myself to blame i suppose.
    Viner Salviati
    Shark Aero Pro
    Px Ti Custom
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    One-one Ti 456 Evo
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    Orange Clockwork 2007 ltd ed
    Yeti ASR 5
    Cove Hummer XC Ti
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Good point FBMBMX. My kids need some playground equipment, so I think I'll just dig up my local playground and take it home. It's public property anyway.
    Maybe I'll borrow a digger and build a track on the M25. Public road so morally I should be fine.
    Do people often spit in your face?
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

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  • TuckerUK
    TuckerUK Posts: 369
    OK, so even if it is 'public land' (were such a thing to actually exist), how about if I don't want my unspoilt countryside spoilt. Since when does the spoiling bikers view count more than mine?
    "Coming through..."