Andys hangovers



  • victorponf
    victorponf Posts: 1,187
    Say that A.C is a wheel sucking is like say that Pantani was a sprinter :oops:
    If you like Flandes, Roubaix or Eroica, you would like GP Canal de Castilla,
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    victorponf wrote:
    Say that A.C is a wheel sucking is like say that Pantani was a sprinter :oops:

    I was baiting a little :wink:, Obviously that wasn't clear.

    But I will point out that I didn't say AC was a wheel sucker in general, I said he sucked Schleck's wheel up the Touralet, is that unfair?
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Easy to clean up: Major TT coming up, you hold the yellow jersey, the pace is so high only you and 2nd place is in contention, you are not feeling good, do you kill yourself to attack him and take a solo win or do you ride behind, beside and attack a couple of times? Simple answer and you know it. Also he gifted that stage to Schleck:

    I’m an attack cyclist, you all know me. That day there were no bonifications and I thought that that was best. I applied the adage ”today for you and tomorrow for me.” This wasn’t easy: if you win everything, they criticize you; if you allow winning, they do, too. I remember that they rained criticism on me in the 2008 Vuelta when I won a stage over Mosquera.

    Last 2.5km

    Also here on the TT, from Alberto:

    My legs hurt so much! It was bad from the beginning. I said: “This has to go on for 35 more kilometers?” At one point I was in so much pain that I thought, “Well, I finish second and it’s over, but I won’t suffer any more.”
    Contador is the Greatest
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Also, it makes you wonder how Andy wins mostly nothing all year round, places very low mostly and is basically showing the performances of an average rider, then come July he is flying, then back to usual.....
    Contador is the Greatest
  • shinyhelmut
    shinyhelmut Posts: 1,364
    Not many average riders win LBL
  • Yeah he is a total no go for me. Someone who is so far removed from the Classic, Purist, Romantic et al Element of this wonderful sport.

    I thought he had an attacking mentality? So how can he be removed from the 'classic' elemtn of the sport if he has an attacking mentality.
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    Easy to clean up: Major TT coming up, you hold the yellow jersey, the pace is so high only you and 2nd place is in contention, you are not feeling good, do you kill yourself to attack him and take a solo win or do you ride behind, beside and attack a couple of times? Simple answer and you know it. Also he gifted that stage to Schleck:

    I’m an attack cyclist, you all know me. That day there were no bonifications and I thought that that was best. I applied the adage ”today for you and tomorrow for me.” This wasn’t easy: if you win everything, they criticize you; if you allow winning, they do, too. I remember that they rained criticism on me in the 2008 Vuelta when I won a stage over Mosquera.

    Last 2.5km

    Also here on the TT, from Alberto:

    My legs hurt so much! It was bad from the beginning. I said: “This has to go on for 35 more kilometers?” At one point I was in so much pain that I thought, “Well, I finish second and it’s over, but I won’t suffer any more.”

    But you shoot yourself down. You make it clear he rode a smart race, a thoughtful race, a conservative tactic appreciating the situation. A rider with panache, a true stylist would attack regardless. He wouldn't let a little thing like race situation or tactics hinder his grand style and attacking instinct. A true champion would smash the opposition to pieces, not look to simply consolidate, no?
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Yeah he is a total no go for me. Someone who is so far removed from the Classic, Purist, Romantic et al Element of this wonderful sport.

    I thought he had an attacking mentality? So how can he be removed from the 'classic' elemtn of the sport if he has an attacking mentality.

    In the Tour. Outside of the Tour he is nothing of interest most of the time.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • camerone
    camerone Posts: 1,232
    FF - what happened to your tally of favourite riders wins you had in your sig line last season?
  • rockmount
    rockmount Posts: 761
    Also, it makes you wonder how Andy wins mostly nothing all year round, places very low mostly and is basically showing the performances of an average rider, then come July he is flying, then back to usual.....
    He won The Tour last year ...
    .. who said that, internet forum people ?
  • csp
    csp Posts: 777
    rockmount wrote:
    Also, it makes you wonder how Andy wins mostly nothing all year round, places very low mostly and is basically showing the performances of an average rider, then come July he is flying, then back to usual.....
    He won The Tour last year ...

    And thus, though probably unintentionally, you agree with FF.